People around the country are praising the bold statement former President Bill Clinton made on cannabis while promoting his non-profit work with the Clinton Global Initiative on...
In 1975 Robert Randall was arrested for possession of a narcotic, cannabis, and of a ‘dangerous drug,’ LSD. Randall’s arrest led to the court case of Randall...
It’s been exactly six months since legal retail marijuana sales began in Colorado, and today is the first day that retail marijuana business licenses are open to...
As marijuana becomes incrementally more legal for all uses, states grappling with implementing legislation responding to constituent demand for cannabis in all its forms have passed various...
Jacksonville-based attorney John Morgan has given a multi-million dollar donation to the medical marijuana campaign in Florida, reports, and will now invest even more in helping seriously...
Morocco is among the world’s top three cannabis producers in the world but condemns cannabis production on paper. However, because the country’s economy benefits from it, two political parties have drafted...
Except for tourists and the pot curious, who will each buy a few grams at most, the appeal of state-licensed recreational marijuana won’t go much farther than...
Marijuana prosecutions, in correlation with a softening national perception, are falling across the country. However, this is not true in every corner of America. Hancock county, West...
Colorado’s recreational marijuana industry starts a transformation Tuesday that could add hundreds of new pot businesses to the state and reconfigure the market’s architecture. Previously, only owners...
New research shows marijuana-based treatments could delay the progression of a fatal condition known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The study, published in the...
Former President Bill Clinton spoke Sunday on Meet the Press expressing his belief that states should ‘experiment’ with allowing adults to use marijuana recreationally, Washington Post reports....
Russell Brand, British comedian and former husband of Katy Perry, has joined with some 90 celebrities, health experts, lawyers and politicians (including Sir Richard Branson and Sting)...
Things aren’t as sunny in Philadelphia as they may seem. Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey spoke out to announce his intention to continue arresting people for cannabis,...
This afternoon, the Pennsylvania Senate Law and Justice Committee voted unanimously to approve a medical marijuana bill, co-sponsored by Sen. Mike Folmer and Sen. Daylin Leach. The bill is...
Marijuana proponents in the State of Alabama are working towards the port of legalization, but are currently tied at anchor by the resistance of marijuana prohibitionists. Efforts...
The UK government recently scheduled khat as a class C controlled substance, making it illegal to possess, grow or use. For some background, khat, a plant native...
There’s a ballot petition underway for medical marijuana and organizers of it complain they’re being harassed by police. Petition organizer Chip Paul wanted the Tulsa City Council...
Why should anyone care what il Papa has to say on drug legalization of any kind anyway? The Catholic church never seriously addressed its open-armed position to...
Pharmacists preparing for the advent of Connecticut’s medical marijuana industry gathered Wednesday to talk about the clinical aspects of dispensing a drug that has no federal approval...