Category: Marijuana News

(3,624 posts)

General marijuana news and commentary

July 23, 2014
Oregon Marijuana Legalization Initiative Qualifies for November Ballot

Oregon Marijuana Legalization Initiative Qualifies for November Ballot

The New Approach Oregon marijuana legalization initiative has qualified for the November ballot, the secretary of state’s office reported today. It won’t get a measure number until next month....
July 22, 2014
Illinois Seizure Bill Becomes Law

Illinois Seizure Bill Becomes Law

On Sunday, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed a bill that will add seizure conditions to Illinois’ medical cannabis program for both adults and minors. The new law also allows parents to...
July 22, 2014
264 Charged With Marijuana Possession Since Philadelphia City Council Voted to Decriminalize

264 Charged With Marijuana Possession Since Philadelphia City Council Voted to Decriminalize

On June 19th, Philadelphia City Council voted to decriminalize the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana, but in the month following the bill’s passing, 264...
July 22, 2014
Rand Corporation to Consult on Marijuana Study in Vermont

Rand Corporation to Consult on Marijuana Study in Vermont

Beginning this week, the Rand Corporation will send representatives to Vermont to work with the state’s Secretary of Administration on a study of the effects of taxing...
July 22, 2014
Poll: Coloradans Say No to Pot in Bars and Clubs

Poll: Coloradans Say No to Pot in Bars and Clubs

A Quinnipiac University poll found two-thirds of Coloradans questioned say marijuana use should be legal at home or in members-only clubs, with a similar amount saying pot...
July 21, 2014
Hundreds of Low-Level Marijuana Offenses Could Be Thrown Out in Brooklyn

Hundreds of Low-Level Marijuana Offenses Could Be Thrown Out in Brooklyn

The Brooklyn District Attorney, Kenneth Thompson, has assembled a team that is reviewing hundreds of low-level marijuana offenses that the department could decline to prosecute, DNAinfo reports. Last...
July 21, 2014
Alaska Will Vote on the Legalization of Recreational Marijuana in November

Alaska Will Vote on the Legalization of Recreational Marijuana in November

Since Colorado began selling legalized recreational marijuana January 1, 2014, and Washington followed on July 8, 2014, the rest of the country has been wondering which state...
July 21, 2014
Cannabis and Cancer: Cell Receptors Identified

Cannabis and Cancer: Cell Receptors Identified

It has been known for some time that cannabis has anti-cancer properties, but it has been unclear specifically what cannabinoid cell receptors are directly related to tumor...
July 21, 2014
Fired Professor Suzanne Sisley Isn’t Giving Up on Marijuana Research

Fired Professor Suzanne Sisley Isn’t Giving Up on Marijuana Research

Hopes for the the first federally approved research into pot as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder were dashed when the University of Arizona fired researcher Suzanne...
July 21, 2014
DC Newspaper Will Pay Your Marijuana Fine

DC Newspaper Will Pay Your Marijuana Fine

A DC newspaper is eager to see how local law enforcement will be dealing with the recent marijuana decrim, so they’ve offered to pay the $25 fine for...
July 21, 2014
Seattle Sells Out of Legal Weed in Three Days

Seattle Sells Out of Legal Weed in Three Days

Seattle only has one legal pot shop. Washington weed went legal on July 8th and by the 10th, Seattle’s Cannabis City retail store was completely sold out.
July 18, 2014
Marijuana Decriminalization Takes Effect In Nation’s Capital

Marijuana Decriminalization Takes Effect In Nation’s Capital

As of midnight Wednesday, D.C.’s marijuana decriminalization law is officially in effect. The new law — approved by the D.C. Council, signed by Mayor Gray, and submitted to Congress for...
July 18, 2014
Student Gets Death for Trafficking 26.5kg of Cannabis

Student Gets Death for Trafficking 26.5kg of Cannabis

A Nigerian college student gets death for trafficking 26.5kg of cannabis in Malaysia four years ago. High Court judge Datin Amelia Tee Hong Geok Abdullah today sentenced...
July 18, 2014
House Votes to Let Banks Take Deposits From Marijuana Businesses

House Votes to Let Banks Take Deposits From Marijuana Businesses

In a historic vote Wednesday, the US House has approved an amendment to the Treasury Department appropriations bill barring the agency from spending any money to punish...
July 18, 2014
Denver Rental Cars Turning Into Pot Dumping Grounds

Denver Rental Cars Turning Into Pot Dumping Grounds

Denver International Airport rental cars appear to be increasingly used as a marijuana dumping ground for travelers. People who want to avoid illegally bringing pot into the...
July 17, 2014
GOP-Led House Gives Marijuana Businesses Another Boost

GOP-Led House Gives Marijuana Businesses Another Boost

When it comes to liberalizing marijuana policy, Congress has once again shown that it is not always the liberals taking the lead. The GOP-dominated House on Wednesday...
July 17, 2014
Montana Cannabis Reform Efforts Gear Up for Victory

Montana Cannabis Reform Efforts Gear Up for Victory

In the 10 years since Montanans approved medical marijuana by a whopping 62%, registered patients have endured backlash, repeals, raids, federal prosecutions, and tragic deaths. But the...
July 17, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.07.16)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.07.16)

A CBD cannabis oil bill becomes law in Missouri, the District of Columbia expands its medical marijuana program, Michigan prepares to improve its program, Berkeley will provide...
July 17, 2014
Scientists to Produce THC in Yeast

Scientists to Produce THC in Yeast

Scientists are working to develop an innovative new method for effectively producing the primary compounds of marijuana without being forced to endure the lengthy cultivation process —...
July 17, 2014
Bill to Regulate California’s Medical Marijuana Businesses Continues in Assembly

Bill to Regulate California’s Medical Marijuana Businesses Continues in Assembly

A bill that would establish regulations and protections for a wide range of medical marijuana businesses in California continues to make progress in the legislature. Sen. Lou Correa’s bill SB...