Category: Marijuana News

(3,624 posts)

General marijuana news and commentary

May 4, 2015
Puerto Rico Governor Signs Order to Legalize Medical Pot

Puerto Rico Governor Signs Order to Legalize Medical Pot

Puerto Rico’s governor on Sunday signed an executive order to authorize the use of medical marijuana in the U.S. territory in an unexpected move following a lengthy...
May 1, 2015
Being a Stoner in Beijing Is Expensive, Dangerous, and Complicated

Being a Stoner in Beijing Is Expensive, Dangerous, and Complicated

A few years ago, my neighbor Luke went to a bonfire party on a mountain just outside of Beijing. Three busloads of revelers came from the capital,...
May 1, 2015
Do Marijuana Prisoners Deserve Amnesty?

Do Marijuana Prisoners Deserve Amnesty?

What to do with the prisoners of a failed war? Since 2012, when voters in Colorado and Washington approved the tax and sale of recreational marijuana, the...
April 30, 2015
New York Begins Accepting Medical Marijuana Applications

New York Begins Accepting Medical Marijuana Applications

New York State has begun accepting applications for its medical marijuana licenses this week. Applicants can submit questions through May 5th and the Department of Health Services...
April 30, 2015
New Bill Would End Federal MMJ Patient Prosecutions

New Bill Would End Federal MMJ Patient Prosecutions

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) has introduced a new bill which appears to target the same aims of the so-called “Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment,” which many advocates claimed would end...
April 29, 2015
Pregnant Medical Marijuana Patients Face Steep Legal Risks

Pregnant Medical Marijuana Patients Face Steep Legal Risks

For one of 4Front’s recent podcasts, I talked to medical professionals about the intersection of the healthcare and marijuana industries. After discussing the issues that medical professionals...
April 23, 2015
Fear Mongering Headlines Try to Demonize Cannabis

Fear Mongering Headlines Try to Demonize Cannabis

While headlines are meant to hook the reader, doesn’t journalistic integrity mean anything? The most recent horribly unjust portrayal of cannabis comes from the UK’s Daily Mail,...
April 23, 2015
Will California Legislature Tame the Wild West?

Will California Legislature Tame the Wild West?

After 12 years of operating under little more legal guidance than an affirmative defense and a limited cooperative law with an iconic bill number, the workers of...
April 21, 2015
Americans’ Support for Marijuana Legalization Reaches All-Time High in CBS Poll

Americans’ Support for Marijuana Legalization Reaches All-Time High in CBS Poll

A majority of Americans support the legalization of recreational marijuana, according to a new poll from CBS News — and it’s the highest percentage in support since...
April 20, 2015
Vermont Lawmakers Threaten: Legalize Cannabis or Face Alcohol Prohibition

Vermont Lawmakers Threaten: Legalize Cannabis or Face Alcohol Prohibition

Vermont, you have stolen my heart. A group of Vermont lawmakers have threatened to reinstate alcohol prohibition unless a vote is passed to legalize cannabis.
April 17, 2015
10 Diseases Where Medical Marijuana Could Have Impact

10 Diseases Where Medical Marijuana Could Have Impact

Dr. Sanjay Gupta puts medical marijuana under the microscope again with “WEED 3: The Marijuana Revolution” at 9 p.m. ET Sunday on CNN. If scientists can begin...
April 16, 2015
Judge Upholds Federal Schedule I Classification of Cannabis

Judge Upholds Federal Schedule I Classification of Cannabis

In perhaps one of the most disappointing outcomes we’ve seen in a while, a judge has upheld the Federal Schedule I classification of cannabis after a...
April 16, 2015
Washington Legislature Approves Ban on Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Washington Legislature Approves Ban on Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Yesterday the Washington State Legislature sent Gov. Jay Inslee a bill that abolishes medical marijuana dispensaries and calls upon state-licensed retailers to serve patients as well as...
April 16, 2015
Ex-Drug Officer Says He Stole Cash, Planted Drugs Many Times

Ex-Drug Officer Says He Stole Cash, Planted Drugs Many Times

A disgraced ex-police officer testifying against his drug squad colleagues acknowledged Tuesday that he stole drug money, planted evidence and lied on police paperwork too many times...
April 15, 2015
Medical Marijuana: The Myths and Realities

Medical Marijuana: The Myths and Realities

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, has been used for more than 3,000 years for the treatment and management of pain, digestive issues and psychological disorders. Despite the...
April 15, 2015
DEA Used Drug War as an Excuse to Spy on American Citizens

DEA Used Drug War as an Excuse to Spy on American Citizens

An exposé published last week by USA Today reveals that the practice of spying on American citizens had nothing to do with monitoring terrorist activity post 9/11,...
April 14, 2015
U.S. Government Finally Admits Cannabis Can Kill Cancer Cells

U.S. Government Finally Admits Cannabis Can Kill Cancer Cells

Many are screaming “hypocrisy,” and with good reason. How can the U.S. government continue to classify cannabis as a Schedule I drug while simultaneously admitting, at last,...
April 14, 2015
Marijuana Legalization Across U.S. May Hinge on 2016 California Vote

Marijuana Legalization Across U.S. May Hinge on 2016 California Vote

A fight next year over whether to allow recreational marijuana use in California may serve as a tipping point as legalization proponents press their campaign in other...
April 10, 2015
Dog Joins Suspects, Lies Down for Cops

Dog Joins Suspects, Lies Down for Cops

A fairly ordinary drug bust in Brazil became a viral sensation this week after an obedient – and ultimately very clever – guard dog on the scene...
April 8, 2015
NIDA: New Strains, Bargain Prices

NIDA: New Strains, Bargain Prices

In a move which may have been made in response to federal pressure to expand options for US researchers trying to study the effects of herbal cannabis...