Category: Marijuana News

(3,624 posts)

General marijuana news and commentary

June 26, 2012
Will NJ Governor Chris Christie Veto Marijuana Decriminalization?

Will NJ Governor Chris Christie Veto Marijuana Decriminalization?

The New Jersey state Assembly passed a bill on Monday in a 44-30 vote to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana. If passed, the bill would...
June 26, 2012
Jodie Emery Speaks Out for Marijuana Legalization

Jodie Emery Speaks Out for Marijuana Legalization

Jodie Emery, wife of marijuana activist Marc Emery, gave a rousing speech at Toronto’s  ideacity conference on how marijuana prohibition laws are becoming as damaging in Canada as they...
June 26, 2012
A Wrong Reading of the Right Ruling

A Wrong Reading of the Right Ruling

Mike Riggs at Reason writes about an important decision recently handed down by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals but the article also gives an excellent example...
June 25, 2012
2012 High Times Cannabis Cup San Francisco Winners

2012 High Times Cannabis Cup San Francisco Winners

This weekend saw the 2012 High Times Cannabis Cup come to San Francisco. Some of the first place winners were: Cordero Kush Platinum, San Jose Patients Group (Best Indica), Premium...
June 25, 2012
CA Assembly Bill 2312 to Regulate Medical Marijuana Postponed

CA Assembly Bill 2312 to Regulate Medical Marijuana Postponed

Assembly member Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco) postponed a meeting for a Senate committee to vote on Assembly Bill 2312, which would have founded a nine member board tasked with...
June 25, 2012
Texas Democratic Party Platform Officially Endorses Marijuana Decriminalization

Texas Democratic Party Platform Officially Endorses Marijuana Decriminalization

  The Texas Democratic Party recently published their 2012 Texas Democratic Party Platform.  Page 28 of the PDF shows the Texas Democrats formally endorsing marijuana decriminalization: DECRIMINALIZATION OF MARIJUANA...
June 25, 2012
Cannabis Cup 2012 San Francisco in Richmond CA

Cannabis Cup 2012 San Francisco in Richmond CA

We finally made it to a High Times Cannabis Cup this year! The weather was beautiful in that Bay Area kind-of-way, 62 degrees, warm sunshine and a...
June 25, 2012
Decriminalization Advances in Chicago

Decriminalization Advances in Chicago

05:01pm After hours of querulous questioning, the Chicago City Council’s Public Safety Committee voted 13-1 to send Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s marijuana decriminalization to the full council for...
June 23, 2012
Feds Harass Robert Platshorn aka The Black Tuna

Feds Harass Robert Platshorn aka The Black Tuna

“Famed marijuana smuggler turned tireless pot activist Robert Platshorn (a.k.a. The Black Tuna) has been facing a series of threats from federal parole board officials in recent...
June 22, 2012
Statistics & Economics of Our Prison Nation

Statistics & Economics of Our Prison Nation

Great article, Prison Nation: Economic reasons to legalize marijuana, on the failed war on drugs and the cost of being a prison nation.  Two of my favorite numbers...
June 22, 2012
Wait, Banks Don’t Pay Interest on Weed Deposits?

Wait, Banks Don’t Pay Interest on Weed Deposits?

A woman in Florida accidentally deposited nearly 2 ounces with her bank slip. Spoiler alert, she found out the bank doesn’t pay interest on marijuana.  See more...
June 21, 2012
NH Governor Vetoes Medical Marijuana Bill

NH Governor Vetoes Medical Marijuana Bill

04:53pm New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch (D) Thursday made good on his threat to veto a medical marijuana bill, Senate Bill 409, approved by the legislature. Lynch...
June 21, 2012
DEA Agent Prefers to Sound More Like Mr Mackey

DEA Agent Prefers to Sound More Like Mr Mackey

During a House Judiciary Subcommittee hearing yesterday, DEA agent Michele Leonhart preferred to squirm and sound much more like South Park’s Mr. Mackey instead of honestly answering...
June 20, 2012
Tommy Chong Says 100% Obama Will Relax Marijuana Laws Before 2012 Presidential Election

Tommy Chong Says 100% Obama Will Relax Marijuana Laws Before 2012 Presidential Election

Best known for being politically astute (ok, maybe best known for being stoned), Tommy Chong has weighed in on the 2012 Presidential Election.  Chong believes “100%” that...
June 19, 2012
Washington Support for Marijuana Legalization Reaches 50%

Washington Support for Marijuana Legalization Reaches 50%

Public Policy Polling (PPP)’s latest survey shows voters in Washington are in favor of Initiative 502 to legalize marijuana by 13 points, 50% for vs. 37% against.   ...
June 19, 2012
High Times “San Francisco” Medical Cannabis Cup (Richmond, CA – June 23 & 24)

High Times “San Francisco” Medical Cannabis Cup (Richmond, CA – June 23 & 24)

We have been meaning to catch the High Times Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam for years, but since the timing is typically right around Thanksgiving, we have never had the chance...
June 19, 2012
How to Score Political Points by Stopping Marijuana Arrests

How to Score Political Points by Stopping Marijuana Arrests

08:01pm Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel shows how you can please almost every political constituency by not arresting people for marijuana possession.   In giving his blessing...
June 19, 2012
Prohibition Losing Its Grip Brings More Subtle Reefer Madness

Prohibition Losing Its Grip Brings More Subtle Reefer Madness

Times are getting tense for our prohibition overlords with more and more states adopting medical and decriminalization measures as well as a few striving for legalization.  If...
June 13, 2012
AG Holder Asked to Fight CO Amendment 64 and the Majority’s Wishes

AG Holder Asked to Fight CO Amendment 64 and the Majority’s Wishes

A small group has formed, ironically called ‘Smart Colorado,’ to try and stop the groundbreaking Amendment 64 up for vote in Colorado this November.  This Amendement would...
June 11, 2012
Tommy Chong Is Treating His Prostate Cancer With Cannabis Oil

Tommy Chong Is Treating His Prostate Cancer With Cannabis Oil

Tommy Chong has announced that he has prostate cancer (slow stage one), while not all that uncommon in men his age, it is uncommon that he is...