Category: Marijuana News

(3,624 posts)

General marijuana news and commentary

July 6, 2012
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories

02:57pm A crooked narc scandal in Florida just keeps on giving, a sticky-fingered Kansas City cop goes to jail, a former Arizona cop is in trouble...
July 6, 2012
17 Reasons to Legalize Marijuana

17 Reasons to Legalize Marijuana

Check out the cool slideshow at Esquire Magazine called “The Best Reasons to Legalize Marijuana.”  It lists 17 reasons with gems such as “about half of the...
July 6, 2012
War On Drugs is “The Worst Bad Solution”

War On Drugs is “The Worst Bad Solution”

Don Winslow writes a wonderfully stinging piece on the utter failure that is the War on Drugs in America with its destructive and checkered history.  Check out the “The...
July 6, 2012
Arkansas Medical Marijuana Group File Petitions for November Ballot

Arkansas Medical Marijuana Group File Petitions for November Ballot

Arkansans for Compassionate Care submitted 11,000 pages worth of petitions yesterday to put legalizing medical marijuana on the Arkansas November ballot. The group says they have 67,885...
July 6, 2012
Prohibition, Black Markets, and What is Best for Our Children

Prohibition, Black Markets, and What is Best for Our Children

One of the most prevalent scare tactics from prohibitionists is how a sensible taxation and regulation policy for marijuana will turn our children into 24/7 couch-locked stoners since they’ll...
July 5, 2012
Video Interview with Adam Scorgie, Marijuana Documentary Film Maker

Video Interview with Adam Scorgie, Marijuana Documentary Film Maker

Urban Rush interviews Adam Scorgie, who made the amazing 2007 marijuana documentary “The Union: The Business Behind Getting High” which really helped changed the perspective of many prohibitionists....
July 5, 2012
Kentucky Senator Clark unveils Gatewood Galbraith Medical Marijuana Memorial Act

Kentucky Senator Clark unveils Gatewood Galbraith Medical Marijuana Memorial Act

Kentucky Senator Perry Clark held a press conference today to unveil his Gatewood Galbraith Medical Marijuana Memorial Act, which would move marijuana to Schedule II in KY allowing for...
July 5, 2012
Officers Seize 207 Grams of Marijuana at Wisconsin Phish Concert

Officers Seize 207 Grams of Marijuana at Wisconsin Phish Concert

Walworth County Today reports that drug enforcement officers issued185 citations for possession of marijuana and seized 207 grams at the Phish concert at Alpine Valley Music Theatre near...
July 5, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update

Medical Marijuana Update

07:38pm California continues to have conniptions over medical marijuana, a scientific review finds marijuana’s Schedule I status “untenable,” and much, much more: National On Monday, the Open...
July 3, 2012
Government-Sponsored Study Destroys DEA’s Classification of Marijuana

Government-Sponsored Study Destroys DEA’s Classification of Marijuana

A must read at The Raw Story; A government-sponsored study concludes that marijuana provides relief to some chronic pain sufferers and that more clinical trials are desperately needed, utterly...
July 3, 2012
Obama, Fool Me Once, Shame On You; Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me

Obama, Fool Me Once, Shame On You; Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me

GQ’s article “In His Second Term, Obama Will Pivot to the Drug War” made its way around the Internet yesterday and sparked plenty of conversations amongst weedists....
July 3, 2012
Medical marijuana bill proposed for 2013 Nevada Legislature

Medical marijuana bill proposed for 2013 Nevada Legislature

Assemblyman Tick Segerblom requested a bill yesterday to allow eligible patients in Nevada to obtain medical marijuana from dispensaries. Presently there is no legal way in Nevada...
July 3, 2012
Did the AZ and Obamacare Rulings Help or Hurt Marijuana Reform

Did the AZ and Obamacare Rulings Help or Hurt Marijuana Reform

According to The Latest Word, there are two latest words. The first Word said that the healthcare ruling helped the advocates of ending prohibition in CO. The...
July 2, 2012
Five More US Drug War Deaths

Five More US Drug War Deaths

04:53pm At least five people have been killed in the drug war on America’s streets in the past few weeks. They become the 30th through the 34th...
July 2, 2012
Will CNN Allow Gary Johnson to Debate?

Will CNN Allow Gary Johnson to Debate?

America needs to have more voices heard in the upcoming months to the Election. Both Candidates for the major parties have the exact same policy on modern-day...
July 2, 2012
Poll: Two-Thirds Of Canadians Say Decriminalize Marijuana

Poll: Two-Thirds Of Canadians Say Decriminalize Marijuana

Nationwide survey in Canada shows 2/3 support decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana.  Read more at The Windsor Star.
July 2, 2012
Medical Marijuana Is a Classic States’ Rights Issue

Medical Marijuana Is a Classic States’ Rights Issue

Bob Morris writes a great article on how the Fed should stay out of medical marijuana and leave it to the states (just reschedule it out of Schedule...
July 2, 2012
What Would Marijuana As a Schedule II Drug Mean?

What Would Marijuana As a Schedule II Drug Mean?

    Senator Perry B. Clark ( D-Louisville) is scheduled to hold a press conference at 2pm EDT on Thursday, July 5 to introduce  the Gatewood Galbraith Memorial Medical...
July 2, 2012
Nevada Drug Dog Troopers Allege Official Misconduct

Nevada Drug Dog Troopers Allege Official Misconduct

05:58pm A group of Nevada Highway Patrol troopers and a retired police sergeant have filed a lawsuit against the Patrol and the Las Vegas Metro Police...
July 2, 2012
Moms and Dads for Marijuana in Colorado – Yes on 64

Moms and Dads for Marijuana in Colorado – Yes on 64

Some parents have formed a new group to support cannabis reform in the Colorado “Yes on 64” movement: Moms and Dads for marijuana.