Category: Marijuana News

(3,624 posts)

General marijuana news and commentary

July 12, 2012
Chronicle Book Review Essay: Summer Marijuana Reads

Chronicle Book Review Essay: Summer Marijuana Reads

11:38pm, (Issue #742) Heart of Dankness: Underground Botanists, Outlaw Farmers, and the Race for the Cannabis Cup by Mark Haskell Smith (2012, Broadway Paperbacks, 235 pp., $14.00...
July 11, 2012
Pelosi Suggests Movement Post-Election on Medical Marijuana

Pelosi Suggests Movement Post-Election on Medical Marijuana

09:57pm, (Issue #742) House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told a bloggers’ roundtable Wednesday that Democrats might be interested in making changes in federal law around medical...
July 11, 2012
First Vapor Room, Now Feds Target Beloved Harborside Health Center

First Vapor Room, Now Feds Target Beloved Harborside Health Center

KQED reports U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag’s office has threatened to seize the property of Harborside Health Center’s Oakland and San Jose locations. The Vapor Room in the...
July 11, 2012
Video: The Benefits of Smoking Weed!

Video: The Benefits of Smoking Weed!

SourceFed has a great 2:29 power  video (I’m not even sure they take a breath) on the recent scientific study that  THCV and Cannabidiol  in cannabis can help treat obesity-related diseases...
July 11, 2012
Arizona’s “25 Mile” Law Threatens Growing Medical Marijuana At Home

Arizona’s “25 Mile” Law Threatens Growing Medical Marijuana At Home

Once dispensaries come online in Arizona, medical marijuana patients living within 25 miles of a dispensary won’t be allowed to grow at home. 126 dispensary licenses will be awarded...
July 10, 2012
Arkansas Governor Beebe Says He Won’t Support Medical Marijuana Bill

Arkansas Governor Beebe Says He Won’t Support Medical Marijuana Bill

Fox16 reports Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe stated today that he will not support The Arkansas Medical Marijuana Act even if enough valid signatures have been submitted to put it on...
July 10, 2012
Kentucky State Police Adding Helicopters This Year to Pointless Marijuana Eradication Efforts

Kentucky State Police Adding Helicopters This Year to Pointless Marijuana Eradication Efforts

As Kentucky tries to push forward on legalizing medical marijuana, the Kentucky State Police (“KSP”) will be pissing away more dollars on marijuana eradication efforts this season...
July 10, 2012
A Comically Dishonest Defense of the Drug War

A Comically Dishonest Defense of the Drug War

03:55am There’s a fun little debate series over at World News & Report featuring some of the usual suspects squaring off over whether the drug war...
July 10, 2012
Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Initiative Makes Ballot

Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Initiative Makes Ballot

06:03pm Voters in Massachusetts will have the chance to decide in November whether to legalize the medicinal use of marijuana. A spokesman for Secretary of State William...
July 10, 2012
NJ Governor Christie Is an Enigma on War on Drugs

NJ Governor Christie Is an Enigma on War on Drugs

Am I alone in being puzzled by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s stance on the war on drugs? Yesterday while speaking at the Brookings Institution, Christie said...
July 10, 2012
Obama Administration Forces Closure of One of Most Popular San Francisco Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Obama Administration Forces Closure of One of Most Popular San Francisco Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

The Vapor Room, a popular San Francisco medical marijuana dispensary in the Lower Haight is being forced to shut down from continued pressure from the U.S. Attorneys’...
July 9, 2012
Houston Family | Ages 7 and up | San Diego, CA | May 2012

Houston Family | Ages 7 and up | San Diego, CA | May 2012

On Thursday May 24, 2012, the San Diego Sheriff’s Department raided Willie and Christine Houston’s home after being tipped that a robber who hit a medical marijuana...
July 9, 2012
Will Obama Fight Mexico’s Desire to Throw in the Towel On Failed War On Drugs?

Will Obama Fight Mexico’s Desire to Throw in the Towel On Failed War On Drugs?

Even though the US uses both the carrot and the stick in strong arming other nations into supporting the failed war on drugs, nations like Mexico can’t...
July 9, 2012
THCV and Cannabidiol in Cannabis May Fight Obesity

THCV and Cannabidiol in Cannabis May Fight Obesity

GW Pharmaceuticals believes two compounds in cannabis, THCV and Cannabidiol may help fight obesity-related diseases. Read more at UPI.
July 9, 2012
Federal Government Strikes Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Again

Federal Government Strikes Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Again

Last Friday’s SF Weekly article “Cash-Only Pot: Credit Cards No Longer Accepted at Medical Marijuana Dispensaries” was a stark reminder that prohibitionists won’t go down without a...
July 8, 2012
Drug War Snapshot: Ocean City, Maryland

Drug War Snapshot: Ocean City, Maryland

07:04pm, (Issue #742) Ocean City, Maryland, is a popular East Coast beach vacation destination, but it’s also the scene of a major push for marijuana arrests,...
July 8, 2012
Drug War Snapshot: Nueces County, Texas

Drug War Snapshot: Nueces County, Texas

06:00pm, (Issue #742) Nueces County, Texas (pop. 340,000), sits on the Gulf Coast halfway between Houston and the Mexican border, astride drug trafficking corridors headed from...
July 8, 2012
Drug War Snapshot: Volusia County, Florida

Drug War Snapshot: Volusia County, Florida

04:51pm, (Issue #742) Volusia County, Florida, situated midway up the state’s Atlantic Coast, has just under half a million people, and if its July 6 county...
July 7, 2012
Credit Card Transactions Canceled at California Medical Pot Dispensaries

Credit Card Transactions Canceled at California Medical Pot Dispensaries

The Feds have informed credit card merchant service providers that they must no longer process medical marijuana transactions or risk losing their relationship with Visa and Mastercard...
July 6, 2012
Oregon Expecting to Vote On Recreational Legalization of Marijuana in November

Oregon Expecting to Vote On Recreational Legalization of Marijuana in November

The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act will be on the November ballot in Oregon, according to its backers who say they have 165,000 signatures. The state has up to...