Category: Marijuana News

(3,624 posts)

General marijuana news and commentary

August 2, 2012
Breaking Bad’s Aaron Paul Talks Marijuana With Rolling Stone

Breaking Bad’s Aaron Paul Talks Marijuana With Rolling Stone

Aaron Paul, who masterfully plays Jesse Pinkman on Breaking Bad, is on the cover of Rolling Stone hitting stands August 3rd. Unlike his character, Aaron is against hard...
August 2, 2012
Handcuffed Marijuana Offender Shot, Killed in Police Car

Handcuffed Marijuana Offender Shot, Killed in Police Car

05:03pm, (Issue #745) A Southhaven, Mississippi, man arrested for marijuana by police in nearby Jonesboro, Arkansas, was shot and killed as he sat handcuffed in the...
August 2, 2012
How the National Institute for Drug Abuse Helped Create the Dangerous Marijuana Alternative AKA “Spice”

How the National Institute for Drug Abuse Helped Create the Dangerous Marijuana Alternative AKA “Spice”

Shocker, the National Institute for Drug Abuse (NIDA) helped fund the creation of the dangerous marijuana alternative known as “Spice” and “K2,” which the Drug Enforcement Agency now...
August 2, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.08.01)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.08.01)

06:32pm, (Issue #745) What!? No DEA raids? Not this week, but the federal crackdown on dispensaries continues, and cities and localities in medical marijuana states continue...
August 1, 2012
Obama Campaign Raises Money With Hemp Products While Banning Farmers From Growing Hemp

Obama Campaign Raises Money With Hemp Products While Banning Farmers From Growing Hemp

Read at the Huffington Post about the “made in the USA” hemp scarf Obama has for sale in his re-election campaign store. Rather ironic since American farmers...
August 1, 2012
Help Needed: Feds Seek to Silence Silver Tour’s Robert Platshorn

Help Needed: Feds Seek to Silence Silver Tour’s Robert Platshorn

NORML is spearheading a mail campaign to the U.S. Parole Commission who has prohibited Robert Platshorn from both criticizing the now unpopular government prohibition policies and from educating willing...
August 1, 2012
Pharmacy Hoax on U.S. Attorney Revealed

Pharmacy Hoax on U.S. Attorney Revealed

San Diego, CA – The San Diego chapter of Americans for Safe Access (ASA), the nation’s largest medical cannabis advocacy group, working with LGBT activism group Canvass for...
August 1, 2012
Arizona Medical Marijuana Approval for Sleeping Disorders, Skin Conditions Sought

Arizona Medical Marijuana Approval for Sleeping Disorders, Skin Conditions Sought

Tuscon Citizen reports that the Arizona Department of Health Services has received petitions to expand the medical marijuana program to include treatment of sleeping disorders and skin...
August 1, 2012
Arizona Governor Rejects Call to Stop Medical Marijuana

Arizona Governor Rejects Call to Stop Medical Marijuana

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is rejecting a call from 13 Arizona county attorneys that the state health department stop issuing medical marijuana cards and to not license medical marijuana dispensaries...
July 31, 2012
Los Angeles City Councilman Takes Medical Marijuana

Los Angeles City Councilman Takes Medical Marijuana

Los Angeles City Councilman Bill Rosendahl, a longtime proponent of legalizing pot nationwide, has had his own medical marijuana prescription for a decade, relying on the drug to...
July 31, 2012
Sign Up For Camp Wakeupobama, Help ASA Send a 2012 Election Message

Sign Up For Camp Wakeupobama, Help ASA Send a 2012 Election Message

Americans For Safe Access has launched Camp Wakeupobama in an effort to mobilize medical cannabis supporters into a formidable voting bloc to be courted in the 2012 POTUS election....
July 31, 2012
Michael Phelps: ‛I consider myself normal’

Michael Phelps: ‛I consider myself normal’

Michael Phelps talks about his bong hit with CNN’s Piers Morgan. Phelps concludes: “I’ll make a million mistakes in my life but as long as I never...
July 31, 2012
Is It Legal to Sell Pot On Craigslist in California?

Is It Legal to Sell Pot On Craigslist in California?

The legality of selling marijuana on Craigslist under Prop 215 in California is being hotly debated. Read more about these murky legal waters at The Press Democrat.
July 30, 2012
Medical Marijuana Rescheduling Lawsuit Moving

Medical Marijuana Rescheduling Lawsuit Moving

03:26pm A decade after the Coalition for Rescheduling Cannabis (CRC) filed its petition seeking to have marijuana moved from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, the federal courts will...
July 30, 2012
Youth Branch of Ireland’s Biggest Political Party Pushes for Medical Marijuana

Youth Branch of Ireland’s Biggest Political Party Pushes for Medical Marijuana

The Irish Independent reports that Young Fine Gael, the youth wing of Ireland’s biggest political party, is pushing for the legalization of medical marijuana. The Munster Regional...
July 30, 2012
Oklahoma Senator Continues Uphill Medical Marijuana Battle

Oklahoma Senator Continues Uphill Medical Marijuana Battle

Oklahoma Senator Constance Johnson (D) has tirelessly introduced a medicinal marijuana bill every year since she was first elected in 2005, but has yet to receive a hearing in...
July 30, 2012
Oregon Medical Marijuana Revenues More Than Doubled After Fee Increase

Oregon Medical Marijuana Revenues More Than Doubled After Fee Increase

Oregon collected more than $7.5 million in fees from medical marijuana cards between October 2011 and June 2012 after they doubled the annual fee for Oregon Medical Marijuana Program...
July 30, 2012
Legalization or Regulation in Colorado?

Legalization or Regulation in Colorado?

In Colorado this year, there are strong efforts to reform marijuana laws. Two different campaigns, Legalize 2012 and Amendment 64, are quickly gaining the support of weedists...
July 30, 2012
Marijuana Dispensaries in North Hollywood Do NOT Impact Crime

Marijuana Dispensaries in North Hollywood Do NOT Impact Crime

In light of the recent LA City Council ban, Patch investigates the actual impact of medical marijuana dispensaries in North Hollywood. They cite a new UCLA and National Institute...
July 27, 2012
Anti-drug-war cop wants Baltimore police commissioner opening

Anti-drug-war cop wants Baltimore police commissioner opening

Executive director of a national group of LEAP, Stanford “Neill” Franklin, who had a 33-year law enforcement career in Maryland, is now apparently seeking to become the...