Category: Marijuana News

(3,624 posts)

General marijuana news and commentary

August 7, 2012
Colorado’s MMJ Enforcement Division Has More Vehicles Than Enforcers

Colorado’s MMJ Enforcement Division Has More Vehicles Than Enforcers

It seems as if  Colorado’s MMJ Enforcement Division took too many bong hits when they made their “Things we Need to Enforce”  list, because now they have more fancy vehicles than...
By: Lateralus
August 7, 2012
Pot Found Growing at Apartment Complex for Senior Citizens

Pot Found Growing at Apartment Complex for Senior Citizens

In the small town of Marvell, Arkansas, investigators found a modestly-sized pot field behind an apartment complex for senior citizens. The grower had been watering the young plants with a garden hose. One person...
By: Lateralus
August 7, 2012
Olympic Athlete’s Expulsion for Marijuana Raises Questions

Olympic Athlete’s Expulsion for Marijuana Raises Questions

05:23pm An American Olympic judo contender, Nick Delpopolo, was expelled from the London 2012 Olympic Games Monday after he tested positive for marijuana, and that has...
August 6, 2012
87 Year Old Denver Man Arrested for Growing and Distributing

87 Year Old Denver Man Arrested for Growing and Distributing

Denver Police arrested an elderly medical marijuana patient with more marijuana than he was allowed. A LOT more. Edward Bogunovich, 87, was arrested for growing more than...
August 6, 2012
US Tax Court: No Medical Marijuana Dispensary Tax Deductions

US Tax Court: No Medical Marijuana Dispensary Tax Deductions

A new US Tax Court decision is slapping San Francisco’s already-forced-to-shutdown Vapor Room dispensary with a massive tax bill by disallowing tax deductions. It sets a scary legal...
August 6, 2012
Governor Chris Christie Still Stonewalling On Medical Pot

Governor Chris Christie Still Stonewalling On Medical Pot

A blogger states “Governor Chris Christie recently proclaimed that the “war on drugs” isn’t working. Yet he continues to wage his own personal and costly battle on...
August 6, 2012
Weedists, We’re Still Being Called Bitches (at the Polls)

Weedists, We’re Still Being Called Bitches (at the Polls)

Prompted by Libertarian 2012 POTUS nominee Gary Johnson‘s statement in Seattle last week that marijuana will be legalized by 2016, writes “by going to pot, Gary Johnson has assured he will...
August 6, 2012

Springfield (MO) Marijuana Decriminalization Initiative Certified

05:14pm An effort to decriminalize pot possession in the southwest Missouri city of Springfield passed a key hurdle Thursday when the city clerk announced that initiative petitions...
August 6, 2012
The Culture High Movie Raises $240,022 Using Kickstarter

The Culture High Movie Raises $240,022 Using Kickstarter

The Culture High documentary has finished their funding with $240.022 pledged (26% above goal). Kickstarter’s crowdfunding model allowed for 3,448 individual donations to make up the...
August 3, 2012
Arrests Possible for Marijuana Possession at Lollapalooza in Chicago

Arrests Possible for Marijuana Possession at Lollapalooza in Chicago

Chicago Police Department officials warn that you may still be arrested for marijuana possession at Lollapalooza this weekend even as Chicago’s new decimalization law goes into effect on Saturday. Why?  The...
August 3, 2012
1,100 Marijuana Plants Found in Idaho Corn Field

1,100 Marijuana Plants Found in Idaho Corn Field

Idaho State Police investigators uprooted about 1,100 marijuana plants growing in a corn field with an estimated street value of $2.2 million. Read more at The Sacramento Bee.
August 3, 2012
Honolulu Police Officer Faces Five Years for Growing Pot

Honolulu Police Officer Faces Five Years for Growing Pot

Michael Steven Chu, a Honolulu police officer has pleaded guilty and faces up to five years in prison for conspiring to cultivate 48 plants and to possess with...
August 3, 2012
Congresswoman Introduces Bill to Protect Landlords of Compliant Medical Marijuana Businesses

Congresswoman Introduces Bill to Protect Landlords of Compliant Medical Marijuana Businesses

Washington, D.C. — Late yesterday, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and seven initial co-sponsors introduced HR 6335, the States’ Medical Marijuana Property Rights Protection Act, in an attempt...
August 3, 2012
Bill Maher Reviews ‘Too High to Fail’ by Doug Fine

Bill Maher Reviews ‘Too High to Fail’ by Doug Fine

Longtime marijuana advocate and weedist Bill Maher reviews Doug Fine‘s latest book Too High to Fail: Cannabis and the New Green Economic Revolution. Read Bill’s great thoughts at...
August 3, 2012
Cannabis Prohibition Now Seventy-Five Years Old

Cannabis Prohibition Now Seventy-Five Years Old

Infamously, America’s federally created Cannabis Prohibition marks its seventy-fifth anniversary this August 2, 2012. The so-called ‘great failed social experiment’ of Alcohol Prohibition of the 1920s barely...
August 3, 2012
Drug Smuggling Diplomat Denied Diplomatic Immunity and Jailed

Drug Smuggling Diplomat Denied Diplomatic Immunity and Jailed

KUNA reports Amelework Wondemagegne, an Ethiopian Embassy official, attempted to claim diplomatic immunity after being caught trying to smuggle cannabis into the UK . The Washington DC based, 36...
August 2, 2012
Exclusive Video: Funeral for Shuttered SF Dispensaries

Exclusive Video: Funeral for Shuttered SF Dispensaries

San Francisco, CA – On August 1, 2012, San Francisco weedists rallied with a funeral procession to mourn the shuttering of two medical marijuana dispensaries that have served the...
August 2, 2012
“Pot is The New Gay” says NY Medical Marijuana Screener

“Pot is The New Gay” says NY Medical Marijuana Screener

Kenny Toglia is on a mission to legalize medical marijuana in New York and save marijuana users from the lack of quality control and health standards that...
August 2, 2012
Snoop Dogg transforms into Snoop Lion

Snoop Dogg transforms into Snoop Lion

Rap artist and known weedist, Snoop Dogg is rebranding himself into Snoop Lion. Snoop Lion is born out of a spiritual and artistic journey in Jamaica, no...
August 2, 2012
Lebanon Hash Eradication Hits New Obstacle

Lebanon Hash Eradication Hits New Obstacle

04:09pm, (Issue #745) Last week, we reported on armed resistance against Lebanese government marijuana plant eradication teams in the Bekaa Valley, one of the world’s leading...