Category: Marijuana News

(3,624 posts)

General marijuana news and commentary

September 20, 2012
Irv Rosenfeld: A Pioneer Speaks Out

Irv Rosenfeld: A Pioneer Speaks Out

It was during his freshman year of college in 1971 that Irv Rosenfeld gave in to peer pressure and tried marijuana. It didn’t get him high —...
September 20, 2012
Initiative Watch (2012.09.19)

Initiative Watch (2012.09.19)

07:49pm Three marijuana legalization initiatives, two medical marijuana initiatives, and one sentencing reform initiative are on state ballots this year. We’ll be running a feature story...
September 20, 2012
Medical Marijuana Crackdown In Colorado: 10 More Dispensaries Near Schools Shuttered

Medical Marijuana Crackdown In Colorado: 10 More Dispensaries Near Schools Shuttered

Ten medical marijuana dispensaries have complied with letters sent by U.S. Attorney John Walsh to shut down, the U.S. Attorney’s office confirmed in a press statement Tuesday....
September 20, 2012
Tens of Thousands Join MassCANN/NORML on Boston Common for 23rd Annual Freedom Rally

Tens of Thousands Join MassCANN/NORML on Boston Common for 23rd Annual Freedom Rally

This past weekend, tens of thousands of marijuana reform advocates joined MassCANN/NORML on the Boston Common for the 23rd Annual Boston Freedom Rally. This year’s event was...
September 20, 2012
Cannabis and Driving | Granny Storm Crow’s MMJ Reference

Cannabis and Driving | Granny Storm Crow’s MMJ Reference

Here is a very comprehensive list of research articles, abstracts, news stories and other references on cannabis and driving. These links are listed under ‘Driving’ in Granny Storm...
September 20, 2012
Lady Gaga Smokes Marijuana in Front of Thousands of Fans

Lady Gaga Smokes Marijuana in Front of Thousands of Fans

Lady Gaga showed her rebellious streak in Amsterdam on Monday by lighting up onstage and proceeding to smoke marijuana in front of thousands of her Dutch fans.
September 20, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.09.19)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.09.19)

07:36pm Last issue, we reported that the DEA had taken the week off. Well, they’re back, and so is the push-back. Let’s get to it: National...
September 20, 2012
It’s Time to Legalize Cannabis

It’s Time to Legalize Cannabis

Hey Kids, what time is it? It’s Time to Legalize Cannabis! Reason’s Mike Riggs does a succinct interview with David Bronner, of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps. Mr....
September 20, 2012
Colorado’s Amendment 64 Heads for the Home Stretch

Colorado’s Amendment 64 Heads for the Home Stretch

5:59 PM With only a few weeks left until election day, Colorado’s Amendment 64 “tax and regulate marijuana” initiative is well-positioned to win on November 6, and its...
September 20, 2012
States with Medical Marijuana Laws See a Decline in Suicides

States with Medical Marijuana Laws See a Decline in Suicides

Researchers at Montana State University, the University of Colorado, and San Diego State University assessed rates of suicide in the years before and after the passage of...
September 19, 2012
Push to Close Marijuana Dispensaries in Los Angeles Will Continue, Officials Say

Push to Close Marijuana Dispensaries in Los Angeles Will Continue, Officials Say

The Los Angeles attorney’s office vowed to continue its efforts to shut down marijuana dispensaries in Los Angeles even after activists seeking to strike down a ban...
September 19, 2012
Massachusetts’ Medical Marijuana Initiative, Question 3, Maintains Strong Lead

Massachusetts’ Medical Marijuana Initiative, Question 3, Maintains Strong Lead

Suffolk University, in conjuncture with 7NEWS, just released new polling data for Massachusetts’ medical marijuana initiative, Question 3. The new survey of 600 likely Massachusetts voters had...
September 19, 2012
In a Contest with Alcohol and Tobacco, Marijuana Wins

In a Contest with Alcohol and Tobacco, Marijuana Wins

There are two tracks of examining the debate over marijuana legalization: deciding to legalize (or not) based on the perceived evolution of American values and social mores,...
September 18, 2012
Push the Top Shelf: The Decline of Dry Meds in Washington State

Push the Top Shelf: The Decline of Dry Meds in Washington State

Welcome back to high school, where hirsute men with a distaste for hygiene sling indiscriminate grab bags, buying for five and selling for ten. One year ago,...
September 18, 2012
Marijuana: A Case for Legalization

Marijuana: A Case for Legalization

More than 100 million people in this country have tried marijuana at some point. More than 28 million will do so this year. It will not make...
September 18, 2012
West Virginia on Track to Top 2011 Marijuana Eradication

West Virginia on Track to Top 2011 Marijuana Eradication

The West Virginia State Police is on track to seize and destroy more marijuana plants than last year despite the dry weather that likely scorched some crops. Sgt....
September 18, 2012
US Government Grew Hemp Where Pentagon Now Stands

US Government Grew Hemp Where Pentagon Now Stands

According to a report from the Washington Post, the land where the U.S. Pentagon stands was once occupied by fields of hemp. Lyster H. Dewey was a botanist for...
September 18, 2012
“Illicit drug use is a form of domestic terrorism to some extent,” Says MA Police Chief

“Illicit drug use is a form of domestic terrorism to some extent,” Says MA Police Chief

Complete with visual aids to highlight the hypocrisy, Mike Riggs @ Reason has fun shredding Wilmington Police Chief Michael Begonis’ claim that “illicit drug use is a form...
September 18, 2012
Bolivia, Venezuela Reject U.S. Drug Criticism

Bolivia, Venezuela Reject U.S. Drug Criticism

03:44pm Last Thursday, the White House released its annual determination of major drug trafficking or producing countries, singling out Bolivia, Burma, and Venezuela as countries that have...
September 18, 2012
As Vermont Approves Marijuana Dispensaries, Towns Prepare To Host Them

As Vermont Approves Marijuana Dispensaries, Towns Prepare To Host Them

Public safety officials have given conditional approval to Vermont’s first two medical marijuana dispensaries. With the support of Burlington city officials, dispensaries are expected to open their...