Category: Marijuana News

(3,624 posts)

General marijuana news and commentary

October 4, 2012
Sir Richard Branson Labels US Drug Policy ‘Racist’

Sir Richard Branson Labels US Drug Policy ‘Racist’

Sir Richard Branson has labeled US drug policy as racist, stating that its a “war on black people” which results in the jailing of too many African Americans.
October 4, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.10.03)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.10.03)

03:24am Mitt Romney (mis)speaks out on medical marijuana, the LA dispensary ban is repealed, and the feds keep on grinding away at medical marijuana providers with...
October 3, 2012
Talk to Your Parents, Grandparents; Help End Prohibition Now

Talk to Your Parents, Grandparents; Help End Prohibition Now

If every weedist had a simple conversation with their parents, grandparents or any other elderly friend/family could prohibition come crashing down at a record pace? Only 31%...
October 3, 2012
Marijuana Washing Up On South Florida Shores At Record Rate

Marijuana Washing Up On South Florida Shores At Record Rate

Smuggling in Florida is big business again, and this time it’s marijuana, not cocaine. Since April, 885 pounds of marijuana worth roughly $1.5 million has washed up on Florida beaches.
October 3, 2012
Arkansas Medical Marijuana Initiative Heads for Finish Line

Arkansas Medical Marijuana Initiative Heads for Finish Line

05:28pm Medical marijuana has made great inroads in parts of the United States. With the exceptions of Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming, the West is medical marijuana...
October 3, 2012
Marijuana Ordinance Adopted by Kalamazoo City Commission

Marijuana Ordinance Adopted by Kalamazoo City Commission

People caught possessing marijuana in Kalamazoo will receive an appearance ticket instead of being arrested, under an ordinance adopted Monday by the Kalamazoo City Commission.
October 3, 2012
Presidential Debates Should Address Marijuana Prohibition

Presidential Debates Should Address Marijuana Prohibition

The Brownie Mary Club Democratic Club of California is hosting an online petition to be presented to the chairman of the Presidential Debate Commission, to include at...
October 3, 2012
Mitt Romney: Marijuana ‘For Recreational Use’ Is Bad, But I Also Oppose It For All Purposes

Mitt Romney: Marijuana ‘For Recreational Use’ Is Bad, But I Also Oppose It For All Purposes

In an interview with the Denver Post, Mitt Romney was asked to weigh in on the future of the state’s medical marijuana industry. His response: “I oppose marijuana being...
October 2, 2012
Video: Roseanne Barr’s Oaksterdam Speech

Video: Roseanne Barr’s Oaksterdam Speech

Roseanne Barr was invited to Oaksterdam University last week to speak about her push for complete legalization of marijuana. Fifty-nine year-old Barr, who currently runs a nut farm in Hawaii, talked...
By: Lateralus
October 2, 2012
Amendment 64 Could Threaten Colorado Medical Marijuana Paradise

Amendment 64 Could Threaten Colorado Medical Marijuana Paradise

The Ticket examines some Colorado medical marijuana businesses’ concerns that if Amendment 64 is passed in November, it “could goad the federal government into a crackdown on...
October 2, 2012
Rolling Stone: 9 Signs That Pot Legalization is Coming Soon

Rolling Stone: 9 Signs That Pot Legalization is Coming Soon

In a recent article, Rolling Stone magazine’s Julian Brookes suggests that there are 9 signs that pot legalization is coming soon. When you consider the evidence, it’s...
October 2, 2012
Opinion: South Dakota Marijuana Laws Waste Resources

Opinion: South Dakota Marijuana Laws Waste Resources

This war on our neighbors in South Dakota is an epic waste. Republican In Name Only. R.I.N.O. That is what people on the radical religious right call people,...
October 2, 2012
British Columbia Local Governments Call for Marijuana Decriminalization

British Columbia Local Governments Call for Marijuana Decriminalization

03:29pm Municipal leaders across British Columbia last week endorsed a resolution calling for the decriminalization of marijuana. The move came at the meeting of the Union...
October 1, 2012
Federal Cannabis Prohibition Turns 75-Years-Old Today

Federal Cannabis Prohibition Turns 75-Years-Old Today

In a milestone that will no doubt go largely unnoticed by the mainstream media, today marks the 75th anniversary of the enactment of federal marijuana prohibition. On...
October 1, 2012
Gary Johnson Endorses Florida Medical Marijuana Effort

Gary Johnson Endorses Florida Medical Marijuana Effort

Libertarian Party POTUS nominee Gary Johnson endorsed the current effort to put a constitutional amendment to legalize medical marijuana on the Florida ballot in 2014. Will it...
October 1, 2012
Veteran Emerald Triangle Pot Growers See Their Way of Life Ending

Veteran Emerald Triangle Pot Growers See Their Way of Life Ending

Since the mid-1990s, the price of outdoor-grown marijuana has plummeted from more than $5,000 a pound to less than $2,000, and even as low as $800. Economics...
October 1, 2012
Forbes: Credit Card Processors Discriminate Against Medical Marijuana

Forbes: Credit Card Processors Discriminate Against Medical Marijuana

Forbes covers the federal government’s war on medical marijuana: “From the constant threat of raids and civil asset forfeiture, medical marijuana dispensaries also have to contend with payment...
October 1, 2012
Connecticut Medical Marijuana Law Takes Effect Today

Connecticut Medical Marijuana Law Takes Effect Today

Starting today, the new Connecticut medical marijuana law takes effect. The state Department of Consumer Protection will make medical marijuana applications available online.
October 1, 2012
Federal Sentencing of Legally Compliant Medical Marijuana Providers Highlights Harmful Obama Policy

Federal Sentencing of Legally Compliant Medical Marijuana Providers Highlights Harmful Obama Policy

Five medical marijuana patients and caregivers will be sentenced in federal court next week, highlighting the human cost of the federal government’s intolerance for state medical marijuana...
September 28, 2012
Medical Marijuana Researchers to Present Findings at UCSF

Medical Marijuana Researchers to Present Findings at UCSF

Anyone still on the fence that cannabis has no medicinal value — and especially anyone still on the fence in the medical or healthcare fields — should...