Category: Marijuana News

(3,624 posts)

General marijuana news and commentary

October 21, 2014
2500 Year Old ‘Ice Princess’ May Have Been Medicating With Cannabis

2500 Year Old ‘Ice Princess’ May Have Been Medicating With Cannabis

Recent investigation into the 2500 year old mummified Ukok ‘Ice Princess’ (named after the permafrost plateau in the Altai Mountains where scientists found the remains), indicate that...
October 21, 2014
Humboldt Firefighters Heroically Save Helpless Weed From Burning Building

Humboldt Firefighters Heroically Save Helpless Weed From Burning Building

This time it’s not a child or a kitten being heroically rescued from a fire, but a weed harvest. Firefighters in Humboldt were able to save a...
October 21, 2014
Texans Take Cannabis Law Into Their Own Hands

Texans Take Cannabis Law Into Their Own Hands

As the rest of the world sits back and watches Washington and Colorado rake in all of the profits from the cannabis industry, many states cannot help...
October 20, 2014
Retiree Growing Okra Suspected of Running Drug Ring

Retiree Growing Okra Suspected of Running Drug Ring

A Georgia man woke up one morning to the sound of a helicopter hovering over his house. Moments later, his door was approached by deputies and a...
October 20, 2014
Jamaican Movement to Decriminalize Ganja in the Works

Jamaican Movement to Decriminalize Ganja in the Works

Many people across the world associate Jamaica and Rastafarian culture with the blessed green herb, but cannabis is still illegal in Jamaica. However, that may soon change.
October 20, 2014
Recklessness Compared: Legalization vs. Prohibition

Recklessness Compared: Legalization vs. Prohibition

At a televised debate between Gov. John Hickenlooper and his Republican challenger Bob Beauprez on October 6th, Hickenlooper repeatedly used the word “reckless” to describe the passage...
October 17, 2014
Former Governor Gary Johnson Says Cannabis Can Cure Ebola

Former Governor Gary Johnson Says Cannabis Can Cure Ebola

Former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson has made headlines after an interview in which he made comments suggesting that cannabis may be a cure for Ebola.
October 17, 2014
Poll: Oregon Marijuana Legalization Still Leading

Poll: Oregon Marijuana Legalization Still Leading

A new poll conducted for Oregon Public Broadcasting/Fox 12 indicates that legalization of marijuana for recreational use is headed for approval in Oregon — but only if...
October 17, 2014
Family Law & Cannabis Alliance Announces Groundbreaking Legal Network

Family Law & Cannabis Alliance Announces Groundbreaking Legal Network

Family Law & Cannabis Alliance (FLCA), a national nonprofit organization providing information on Child Protective Services (CPS), family court, and marijuana is proud to officially launch its...
October 16, 2014
New Trove of Carl Sagan Papers Revealed

New Trove of Carl Sagan Papers Revealed

However, thanks to a collection of some 600,000 of Sagan’s documents that the Library of Congress recently made available to the public, we are getting a deeper...
October 16, 2014
After California Decriminalized Marijuana, Teen Arrest, Overdose and Dropout Rates Fell

After California Decriminalized Marijuana, Teen Arrest, Overdose and Dropout Rates Fell

A new report from the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice adds to the growing body of evidence that legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana does not lead to...
October 14, 2014
Big DEA Raid, Medical Cannabis Cultivators Fight Back in Court

Big DEA Raid, Medical Cannabis Cultivators Fight Back in Court

Two years ago, in October of 2012, DEA agents and local officers in Ramona, California kicked in the door of the Little’s home and arrested both Mr....
October 14, 2014
Massachusetts Has Banked Over $3M in Dispensary Fees & Not a Single Marijuana Seed Has Been Planted

Massachusetts Has Banked Over $3M in Dispensary Fees & Not a Single Marijuana Seed Has Been Planted

To date, Massachusetts DPH has banked $3,271,500 in application fees from prospective dispensaries. Consider that 181 applicants paid out $1,500 apiece. When that number was trimmed down...
October 13, 2014
Reefer Madness: 20 Year Study Likens Cannabis to Heroin

Reefer Madness: 20 Year Study Likens Cannabis to Heroin

For every article that comes out trying to lambast cannabis, I can find plenty more that show how cannabis alone has saved a life, helped with a...
October 13, 2014
Cannabis Smoking Canadian Officer, Ron Francis, Found Dead

Cannabis Smoking Canadian Officer, Ron Francis, Found Dead

After stirring up a nationwide controversy over using medical cannabis on duty, Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer Ron Francis was found dead from an apparent suicide in...
October 13, 2014
NYC Hosts Medical Marijuana Expo as State Ramps Up for Legalization

NYC Hosts Medical Marijuana Expo as State Ramps Up for Legalization

New York state lawmakers and advocates of medical marijuana gathered at an expo in New York City on Sunday to discuss the implementation of a new state...
October 10, 2014
NFL Star Adrian Peterson Ordered Arrested for Pot Admission

NFL Star Adrian Peterson Ordered Arrested for Pot Admission

Prosecutors in Montgomery County, Texas, have filed paperwork to have Adrian Peterson’s bail revoked and the Minnesota Vikings running back re-arrested after he told a drug tester...
October 9, 2014
D.C. Council Votes Unanimously to Strengthen Record Sealing Laws to Relieve People With Prior Marijuana Possession Arrest

D.C. Council Votes Unanimously to Strengthen Record Sealing Laws to Relieve People With Prior Marijuana Possession Arrest

The D.C. Council voted unanimously in favor of a bill that would improve the process by which a person can seal criminal records pertaining to conduct that...
October 9, 2014
Exploding ‘Pot Pop’ Removed From Three Marijuana Shops

Exploding ‘Pot Pop’ Removed From Three Marijuana Shops

When Top Shelf Cannabis in Bellingham took delivery of 330 bottles of a brand new marijuana infused soda pop on September 28, they were excited to promote...
October 8, 2014
Marijuana Police Accidentally Raid Man’s Okra Garden

Marijuana Police Accidentally Raid Man’s Okra Garden

Police flying in helicopters looking for marijuana plants last week tracked down a man who they believed was illegally growing cannabis. Yet they soon discovered the plants...