Category: Marijuana News

(3,624 posts)

General marijuana news and commentary

November 13, 2012
New York Being Pressured to Legalize Marijuana for Medical Uses

New York Being Pressured to Legalize Marijuana for Medical Uses

“We’re going to negotiate this bill with the wind at our backs. There’s tremendous support to legalize medical marijuana in New York,” said state Sen. Diane Savino,...
November 13, 2012
Cannabis Metabolites Net Dave Herman Six Month UFC Suspension

Cannabis Metabolites Net Dave Herman Six Month UFC Suspension

What a shocker. Dave Herman tested positive for cannabis metabolites following his submission defeat to Antonio Rodrigo Minotauro Nogueira at UFC 153. A week after the test results were...
November 13, 2012
Head of Maine Medical Marijuana Program Dismissed

Head of Maine Medical Marijuana Program Dismissed

John Thiele, who headed the Maine medical marijuana program within the Department of Health and Human Services, told attendees at a Medical Marijuana Caregivers of Maine event...
November 13, 2012
Another Reason for Mexico to End Its Drug War

Another Reason for Mexico to End Its Drug War

01:51pm Along with catalyzing devastating violence that has claimed 60,000 lives thus far, there’s another good reason for Mexico to end its ill-fated drug war —...
November 12, 2012
Marijuana in Colorado: Ready for Business, Complete with Regulations

Marijuana in Colorado: Ready for Business, Complete with Regulations

Time covers the Colorado cannabis business ecosystem and why it’s ready for legalized recreational marijuana after the state’s solid experience with medical marijuana.
November 12, 2012
Colorado Dems to Seek Federal Exemption from Marijuana Prohibition

Colorado Dems to Seek Federal Exemption from Marijuana Prohibition

11:43am All three Democratic members of Colorado’s Congressional delegation are planning legislation for next year that would exempt states enacting legalization systems for marijuana from the...
November 12, 2012
Bill Maher To Mason Tvert: Help Cali Legalize Cannabis and I’ll Fund It

Bill Maher To Mason Tvert: Help Cali Legalize Cannabis and I’ll Fund It

Mason Tvert, Executive Director for the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol, was on last Friday’s episode of Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, and talks...
November 12, 2012
Seattle Police Legal Marijuana Guide Features Gandalf and Bilbo

Seattle Police Legal Marijuana Guide Features Gandalf and Bilbo

09:58pm The SPD Blotter yesterday published “Marijwhatnow? A Guide to Legal Marijuana Use in Seattle.” It includes a guide for citizens as well as a heads-up...
November 12, 2012
Jon Stewart to Media: Grow Up On Cannabis Reform, It Matters

Jon Stewart to Media: Grow Up On Cannabis Reform, It Matters

Even with two states legalizing recreational marijuana, another state legalizing medical marijuana and several cities decriminalizing cannabis use this 2012 election year… apparently many in the mainstream media would...
November 12, 2012
Hundreds of Marijuana Cases Were Dismissed in Washington This Week

Hundreds of Marijuana Cases Were Dismissed in Washington This Week

10:13pm Two county prosecutors in Washington State have dismissed 220 pending marijuana possession cases, in response to the passage of I-502, according to the Seattle Times. Although...
November 12, 2012
Congressional Medical Cannabis Champions Win Big in Reelection & Senate Bids

Congressional Medical Cannabis Champions Win Big in Reelection & Senate Bids

One of the least reported stories coming out of this year’s Election Day results was the strong showing that medical cannabis champions had in their reelection bids...
November 12, 2012
Feds Unsure What to Do About State Legalization

Feds Unsure What to Do About State Legalization

12:31pm A Washington Post story by Sari Horwitz reports that federal officials don’t know what they are going to do about marijuana legalization in Colorado and...
November 12, 2012
Pot Votes in CO, WA Raise Specter of Weed Tourism

Pot Votes in CO, WA Raise Specter of Weed Tourism

Marijuana legalization votes this week in Colorado and Washington state don’t just set up an epic state-federal showdown on drug law for residents. The measures also open...
November 12, 2012
What Legal Marijuana Will Look Like in Washington State

What Legal Marijuana Will Look Like in Washington State

04:32pm Jacob Sullum has a detailed discussion in Reason’s “Hit & Run” blog of “What Legal Pot in Washington Will Look Like.” Jacob compares Washington’s I-502...
November 9, 2012
Medical Marijuana Advocates Take Fight to DC

Medical Marijuana Advocates Take Fight to DC

As the Executive Director of Americans for Safe Access, it’s my privilege to meet and facilitate the work of medical cannabis advocates throughout the nation. In the week...
November 9, 2012
Hollywood Pokes Fun at Colorado’s Marijuana Law

Hollywood Pokes Fun at Colorado’s Marijuana Law

Pot jokes quickly became instant one-liners for late-night show hosts and Hollywood actors this week. The jokes began this past Tuesday with Governor John Hickenlooper’s remark about Cheetos...
By: Lateralus
November 9, 2012
I-502 Fact Sheets from WA State and ACLU of WA

I-502 Fact Sheets from WA State and ACLU of WA

04:36pm The Washington State Liquor Control Board and the ACLU of Washington have both issued facts sheets on the implementation of I-502. The state’s Office of Financial Management projects prices...
November 9, 2012
Medical Marijuana Will Likely Resurface in Arkansas

Medical Marijuana Will Likely Resurface in Arkansas

Arkansas failed to become the first southern state to legalize medical marijuana this week, but the narrow loss didn’t discourage the measure’s supporters who said Wednesday they...
November 9, 2012
Flint, Michigan Police Plan Marijuana Arrests Despite Vote

Flint, Michigan Police Plan Marijuana Arrests Despite Vote

Flint police and Michigan State Police troopers that patrol the city plan to arrest people for marijuana possession despite a vote on a city ballot proposal to...
November 9, 2012
Colorado and Washington Legalized Marijuana Tuesday, What Happens Now?

Colorado and Washington Legalized Marijuana Tuesday, What Happens Now?

Tuesday night, the states of Colorado and Washington sent a loud and clear message to the federal government that they no longer wish to enforce the futile...