Judge Kimberly Mueller announced an end to five days of federal evidentiary hearings on the constitutionality of cannabis’ Schedule I status, requesting extensive briefings from the parties...
Competing definitions of the word ‘medicine’ clashed in the fourth day of hearings over the federal scheduling of cannabis, a day which witnessed fiery exchanges between NORML...
A coalition of law enforcers has come out in support of marijuana legalization in Oregon, less than a week before voters will decide the issue at the...
A 20 year longitudinal study has recently found that moderate cannabis use in adolescence has no association with detrimental effects on educational and intellectual performance, although heavy...
The third day of hearings on the constitutionality of cannabis’ federal Schedule I status presented further bizarre twists, as both federal prosecutors and NORML’s defense team appeared...
In most countries in the world, if you asked the local authorities for permission to grow 750 cannabis plants in a residential area of the capital city,...
Assistant US Attorney Gregory Broderick stumbled badly in his cross-examination of Dr. Carl Hart in federal evidentiary hearings to determine the constitutional basis of the federal Schedule...
Another example of the silly things that can happen when people misuse technology comes in the form of Alvin Cross Jr. of Albany, who text his probation...
Opponents of marijuana legalization are concerned that if Alaska’s Ballot Measure 2 passes, Alaskans would see an increase in butane hash oil, and with that, an increase...
Today’s hearing on cannabis policy is a very big deal. By finally taking updated testimony from eminent experts – including Dr. Carl Hart, Dr. Phillip Denny, and the...
Cannabis, at its core, is an agricultural enterprise. As the model of the massive pot farm becomes more common with the onset of legalization and a growing...
Recently, Denver police issued a pre-Halloween warning to residents: The candy your kids get this Halloween could be infused with Marijuana and you should just throw it...
A Colorado-based testing company has released a new home testing kit which allows parents to detect the presence of THC in their kids’ Halloween candy stash before letting...
A literature review was released on October 7th in the journal Addiction, which examined the past twenty years of research on recreational cannabis use. According to various...
It looks like my favorite punching bag and one of the most vocal shit-peddlers, Kevin Sabet, took his stinky train of bullshit to Oregon earlier this month...
The U.S. government claims marijuana is a dangerous, addictive drug with no medical benefits. But that claim will be up for debate Monday in California when a...
Uruguay is struggling to roll out the commercial production and sale of marijuana and its ground-breaking experiment could be dropped or watered down if an opposition candidate...