Category: Marijuana News

(3,624 posts)

General marijuana news and commentary

December 20, 2012
Alternet: “Will Obama Go After Legal Pot In Washington and Colorado?”

Alternet: “Will Obama Go After Legal Pot In Washington and Colorado?”

It has been nearly seven weeks since voters in Colorado and Washington made history, enacting at the ballot box unprecedented measures legalizing the adult possession on cannabis. Yet...
December 19, 2012

The Next Seven States to Legalize Marijuana?

09:15pm Rolling Stone’s Tim Dickinson continues his coverage of marijuana legalization with a not unjustifiably optimistic article, “The Next Seven States to Legalize Pot.” Dickinson’s predictions:...
December 19, 2012
Man Sues Larimer Sheriff over Destroyed Medical Marijuana Plants After Acquittal

Man Sues Larimer Sheriff over Destroyed Medical Marijuana Plants After Acquittal

Denver lawyer Rob Corry said his client expects to receive $5,000 per plant (totaling $210,000), based on what law enforcers have testified a marijuana plant is worth,...
December 19, 2012
Feds Settles With Montana Medical Marijuana Provider Chris Williams

Feds Settles With Montana Medical Marijuana Provider Chris Williams

Montana medical marijuana provider Chris Williams has reached a settlement with prosecutors.
December 19, 2012
Newark Mayor Cory Booker: Medical Marijuana? Heck Yes… But I Want to Go Beyond That

Newark Mayor Cory Booker: Medical Marijuana? Heck Yes… But I Want to Go Beyond That

During an interview with HuffPo Live yesterday, Newark Mayor and potential gubernatorial candidate Cory Booker made some very strong statements in favor of drug law reform. When asked...
December 19, 2012
Colorado Marijuana Task Force Holds First Meeting

Colorado Marijuana Task Force Holds First Meeting

The group in charge of creating rules for an industry that has never existed before — the recreational marijuana stores allowed under Colorado’s newly enacted Amendment 64...
December 19, 2012
Seattle Times: “It’s Time For Employers To Rethink Marijuana, Drug-Testing Policies”

Seattle Times: “It’s Time For Employers To Rethink Marijuana, Drug-Testing Policies”

A majority of Americans are now demanding we reassess our cannabis policies. As I argue in The Seattle Times, this reassessment should also include amending employers’ policies that sanction workers’...
December 18, 2012
Study Shows Marijuana Often Substituted for Alcohol and Other Drugs

Study Shows Marijuana Often Substituted for Alcohol and Other Drugs

I remember one of the clients I had on internship. He’d been drinking a fifth of bourbon a day for years. As you’d guess, his liver was...
December 18, 2012
Oakland Insists It Can Defend Medical Pot Club

Oakland Insists It Can Defend Medical Pot Club

The city of Oakland renewed demands to stay forfeiture proceedings against a local medical marijuana dispensary whose business it defends as a matter of state’s rights. Though...
December 18, 2012
Massachusetts Communities Seek Delay in Medical Marijuana Law

Massachusetts Communities Seek Delay in Medical Marijuana Law

At least two Massachusetts towns have voted already to ban dispensaries — Wakefield and Reading. Other communities are considering similar moves.
December 18, 2012
Push to Decriminalize Marijuana to Launch in Georgia

Push to Decriminalize Marijuana to Launch in Georgia

Should you go to prison if you smoke pot in Georgia? A campaign to decriminalize marijuana in Georgia will be launched Monday at the State Capitol.
December 18, 2012
Medical Pot Wars A-Bubble in California

Medical Pot Wars A-Bubble in California

A Northern California county last week barred medical marijuana cultivation in apartment complexes and mobile home parks – “unless park management sets up a designated garden area”...
December 18, 2012
Poll: Majority of New Yorkers Back Legalized Pot, Ohioans Evenly Split

Poll: Majority of New Yorkers Back Legalized Pot, Ohioans Evenly Split

Two new polls, published this week by Quinnipiac University, show solid support for marijuana legalization in both New York and Ohio. In a New York State poll...
December 18, 2012
Marijuana May Be the Next Big Growth Sector in the U.S. Stock Market

Marijuana May Be the Next Big Growth Sector in the U.S. Stock Market

Public support for further legalization is building. There is also talk that more states could soon legalize. Since this is a new growth industry, we can only speculate...
December 18, 2012
Ohioans Divided on Legalizing Marijuana

Ohioans Divided on Legalizing Marijuana

Ohio had an even split, with 47 percent support legalizing marijuana and 47 percent opposing it, in a Quinnipiac poll released this past week.
December 17, 2012
Price of Medical Marijuana in Canada to Hit New High With Introduction of New Sales System

Price of Medical Marijuana in Canada to Hit New High With Introduction of New Sales System

The cost of medical marijuana in Canada is about to hit a new high as the government seeks to get out of the business. Proposed regulations posted...
December 17, 2012
Delaware Governor Says Feds Need to Give Marijuana Guidance

Delaware Governor Says Feds Need to Give Marijuana Guidance

Delaware Governor Jack Markell says the Obama administration should be more clear about its position on pot, because if the feds won’t pursue medical or recreational users...
December 17, 2012
Legalization and the UN Drug Treaties — A Minor Obstacle at Worst

Legalization and the UN Drug Treaties — A Minor Obstacle at Worst

10:03pm I have criticized the ease with which some media outlets and even some reformers have accepted the argument made by prohibitionist advocates that courts are certain to...
December 17, 2012
Speaker Says He’ll Let Vermont House Debate Marijuana Decriminalization

Speaker Says He’ll Let Vermont House Debate Marijuana Decriminalization

Vermont House Speaker Shap Smith (D) says he has his own misgivings, but he won’t block the Vermont House from debating decriminalization of marijuana, which Gov. Peter Shumlin...
December 17, 2012
Arizona Court of Appeals to Hear Medical Marijuana Case

Arizona Court of Appeals to Hear Medical Marijuana Case

The Arizona Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments on a high-profile medical marijuana case on Dec. 20. The Maricopa County Attorney requested that the appellate court...