Category: Marijuana News

(3,624 posts)

General marijuana news and commentary

January 14, 2013
Can Municipalities Ban Distribution of Medical Pot; Oral Arguments On Feb 5th In CA Supreme Court

Can Municipalities Ban Distribution of Medical Pot; Oral Arguments On Feb 5th In CA Supreme Court

The California Supreme Court scheduled oral arguments this week in a case that has received widespread attention inside and outside of the medical marijuana community. The appellate...
January 14, 2013
Washington State Seeks Marijuana Consumption Experts

Washington State Seeks Marijuana Consumption Experts

On Jan. 14,  the Washington State Liquor Control Board will issue a request for consultants to gauge marijuana consumption in WA state under Initiative 502. About 70 applications...
January 14, 2013
Chicago Marijuana Tickets: City Nets $98,000 in Fines During New Law’s First 5 Months

Chicago Marijuana Tickets: City Nets $98,000 in Fines During New Law’s First 5 Months

Since the city of Chicago implemented its new marijuana ticketing law early last August, it has reportedly issued nearly 400 citations and netted nearly $98,000 worth of...
January 14, 2013
Medical Marijuana Advocates Hail San Diego Mayor’s Decision to Stop Crackdown on Dispensaries

Medical Marijuana Advocates Hail San Diego Mayor’s Decision to Stop Crackdown on Dispensaries

Advocates applauded the recent actions of San Diego Mayor Bob Filner in trying to put an end to the years-long crackdown on access to medical marijuana in...
January 14, 2013
Washington D.C. Elites Are Worried About Marijuana Smoking Etiquette, Not So Much About the Drug War

Washington D.C. Elites Are Worried About Marijuana Smoking Etiquette, Not So Much About the Drug War

In Washington D.C., marijuana users are not worried about how to explain their arrest records or how to regain custody of their children from the state, they...
January 14, 2013
Tax and Regulate Marijuana, Hawaiians Say

Tax and Regulate Marijuana, Hawaiians Say

Most Hawaiians approve of medical marijuana and want marijuana taxed and regulated, saving the state millions of dollars in enforcement and court costs, according to a recent...
January 14, 2013
Pot Parody Video Blows Up On YouTube

Pot Parody Video Blows Up On YouTube

NORML supporter and ground-breaking video creator Steve Berke has just launched his most intense, humorous and well-produced viral video indictment against marijuana prohibition to date. A graduate...
January 11, 2013
Michigan: Municipalities Ignoring Voters’ Will Regarding Marijuana Liberalization Measures

Michigan: Municipalities Ignoring Voters’ Will Regarding Marijuana Liberalization Measures

Elected officials in Detroit and other Michigan cities have failed to implement local citizens’ initiatives that seek to amend municipal marijuana laws. On Election Day, voters in four cities...
January 11, 2013
Blaine County Idaho GOP Group Approves Pro-marijuana Resolution

Blaine County Idaho GOP Group Approves Pro-marijuana Resolution

The Blaine County Idaho Republican Central Committee has passed a resolution supporting the legalization of marijuana in Idaho.
January 11, 2013
Study: Consumers Prefer Natural Cannabis Over Synthetic ‘Marijuana’ Herbal Products

Study: Consumers Prefer Natural Cannabis Over Synthetic ‘Marijuana’ Herbal Products

Consumers strongly prefer organic cannabis to retail herbal products that contain synthetic cannabinoid agonists, according to survey data published online in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Investigators at Kings...
January 11, 2013
St. Louis, Missouri Alderman Pushing For Reduced Marijuana Penalties

St. Louis, Missouri Alderman Pushing For Reduced Marijuana Penalties

St. Louis 25th Ward alderman Shane Cohn emailed a copy of the proposed bill to his colleagues on the board. He says that city police officers have...
January 11, 2013
Poll Shows More Than Two-thirds of New Hampshire Voters Support Medical Marijuana

Poll Shows More Than Two-thirds of New Hampshire Voters Support Medical Marijuana

More than two-thirds (68%) of New Hampshire voters think the state should enact a law allowing seriously ill patients to use medical marijuana if their doctors recommend...
January 11, 2013
Would Legalizing Marijuana Be Too Hard on Simpletons?

Would Legalizing Marijuana Be Too Hard on Simpletons?

That’s the latest argument offered by a prominent critic of legal marijuana. And it fails even if you accept the need for paternalism.
January 10, 2013
NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Calls for Marijuana Law Reform

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Calls for Marijuana Law Reform

In his State of the State address Wednesday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) called on the legislature to reform the state’s marijuana laws. Marijuana possession has...
January 10, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.01.09)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.01.09)

Montana caregivers continue to get sentenced in federal court, an Arizona lawmaker wants a redo on medical marijuana, an Illinois bill is delayed, and the back and...
January 10, 2013
DEA Raids Three LA Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

DEA Raids Three LA Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

DEA agents raided three Los Angeles medical marijuana dispensaries Wednesday afternoon, according to a preliminary report from Americans for Safe Access California director Don Duncan. More details were not...
January 10, 2013
CNN: Why Marijuana Should Be Legal for Adults

CNN: Why Marijuana Should Be Legal for Adults

The negative legal consequences of marijuana use are far worse than the medical consequences.
January 10, 2013
San Diego Mayor Attends ASA Meeting – Lays Out Strategy for Safe Access

San Diego Mayor Attends ASA Meeting – Lays Out Strategy for Safe Access

Last night for the first time in our chapter and city’s history, a sitting mayor attended the monthly chapter meeting. Former Congressman and newly-elected Mayor Bob Filner...
January 10, 2013
Combating Cannabis Idiocy

Combating Cannabis Idiocy

“There are many excellent reasons to avoid marijuana.” David Frum, writer for CNN and author of this little doozy, said this in his column Monday. Frum believes...
January 10, 2013
Mendocino County OKs Medical Marijuana Ordinance Revision

Mendocino County OKs Medical Marijuana Ordinance Revision

The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday approved a change to the county’s federally-scrutinized medical marijuana ordinance, Chapter 9.31 of the Mendocino County Code, which calls...