“It’s entirely unconstitutional and it’ll just subject the state to costly litigation,” says Tvert, of the Marijuana Policy Project and critic of Project SAM, an organization that opposes...
Voters in Los Angeles will have three medical cannabis measures from which to choose when they go to the polls in May. The City Council approved a motion (11-1)...
Marijuana could be legally available to seriously ill Connecticut patients by the end of the year, under a set of careful and comprehensive new rules governing the...
special to Drug War Chronicle by investigative journalist Clarence Walker, cwalkerinvestigate@gmail.com A case that began with reports of suspicious activity in northeast Wisconsin forest land last spring may...
A poll released today shows a majority of West Virginia voters think the state should enact a law allowing seriously ill patients to use medical marijuana if...
New state medical marijuana bills are starting to roll out as the legislative season gets underway, progress comes in Arizona, and San Diego’s mayor steps up for...
For entrepreneur Troy Dayton, providing basic services like insurance and capital management amounts to revolutionary business. The support his firm ArcView supplies might sound standard, but the...
High Times is bringing its Cannabis Cup competition for recreational marijuana to Denver April 20-21, the first time the event has been held in the United States.
Today’s New York Times includes a feature story about California medical marijuana provider Matthew Davies, who federal prosecutors are pressuring to accept a five-year mandatory minimum as a plea agreement. Federal authorities...
State Sen. David Haley (D-4) has introduced a bill that would allow Kansans with debilitating medical conditions to obtain and use marijuana without fear of arrest. Advocates...
Washington State Patrol expects its Marijuana Eradication Program, which has confiscated hundreds of thousands of plants and arrested dozens of illegal growers, to continue despite the passage...
The Yuma County sheriff must return marijuana seized from a woman at a Border Patrol checkpoint because she has a medical card, an Arizona appeals court ruled....
The imposition of so-called per se drugged driving laws, which create new traffic safety violations for drivers who operate a vehicle with the presence of trace amounts of certain...
A new analysis is challenging a report that suggests regular marijuana smoking during the teen years can lead to a long-term drop in IQ. The analysis behind...
The use of drugs should be decriminalized, with the least harmful substances regulated and sold in shops, a group of British parliamentarians said in a report released...
A poll released today, commissioned by the National Cannabis Industry Association and conducted by Public Policy Polling, found that a majority of Arizona residents would vote “yes”...
It’s easily more than a million dollars to shut down one medical marijuana operation, and is likely to result in a less savory purveyor getting all their...