Category: Marijuana News

(3,624 posts)

General marijuana news and commentary

March 18, 2013
No Medical Marijuana for Minnesota This Year

No Medical Marijuana for Minnesota This Year

Bills to allow for the use of medical marijuana in Minnesota have popular support and may still be introduced this year, but will be little more than...
March 18, 2013
New Hampshire Marijuana Legalization Bill Defeated

New Hampshire Marijuana Legalization Bill Defeated

A bill to legalize marijuana in New Hampshire is dead after a House vote Wednesday. The measure was defeated on a vote of 239-122 with no debate....
March 18, 2013
Study: Trace THC Blood Levels Persist In Chronic Cannabis Consumers

Study: Trace THC Blood Levels Persist In Chronic Cannabis Consumers

Chronic cannabis consumers may test positive for trace, residual levels of THC in blood for several weeks after ceasing their marijuana use, according to clinical trial data published in...
March 18, 2013
Vermont Marijuana Legalization Bill Filed

Vermont Marijuana Legalization Bill Filed

Vermont has become the latest state to see a marijuana legalization bill filed this year. House Bill 499, “An Act Relating to Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana,” was introduced...
March 18, 2013
Study: At Home Marijuana Gardens Not Associated With Adverse Health Effects Among Children

Study: At Home Marijuana Gardens Not Associated With Adverse Health Effects Among Children

Children residing in homes where marijuana is cultivated do not suffer from adverse health effects at any greater rate than do comparable children in cannabis-free environments, according...
March 18, 2013
Anti-Weed NY Republican Steve Katz Just got Busted for Weed

Anti-Weed NY Republican Steve Katz Just got Busted for Weed

Meet Assemblyman Steve Katz, New York’s Ted Haggard — or Gary Aldridge — of cannabis. In June, the Republican lawmaker voted no on a bill that would give doctors the right to prescribe weed...
March 18, 2013
UN Development Program Head Slams Drug War

UN Development Program Head Slams Drug War

It is increasingly clear that the “war on drugs” has failed and there needs to be room for new approaches, the head of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)...
March 15, 2013
Georgia Moms For Marijuana Lobby for Medical Marijuana

Georgia Moms For Marijuana Lobby for Medical Marijuana

Yesterday was declared “Cannabis Day” in Georgia as activists lobby outside the state capital. Moms For Marijuana made a giant quilt, with patches containing various cannabis facts...
March 15, 2013
Nevada Lawmaker to Introduce Bill Legalizing Marijuana

Nevada Lawmaker to Introduce Bill Legalizing Marijuana

Nevada Assemblyman Joe Hogan will introduce a bill today legalizing marijuana in Nevada. The bill is being cosponsored by fellow Assemblymen Andrew Martin and Paul Aizley. Hogan is...
March 15, 2013
MN Poll Shows Nearly Two-Thirds Support Medical Marijuana

MN Poll Shows Nearly Two-Thirds Support Medical Marijuana

According to a new poll conducted by Public Policy Polling, nearly two-thirds of Minnesota voters support changing state law to allow people with serious and terminal illnesses to use medical...
March 15, 2013
St. Louis Pot-Reform Cop Sues Police Commission

St. Louis Pot-Reform Cop Sues Police Commission

An officer sued the St. Louis Police Commission, claiming it violated his speech rights by threatening to discipline him for advocating reform of marijuana laws. Gary Wiegert...
March 15, 2013
Senate Approves Bill Allowing Caregivers To Possess Medical Marijuana

Senate Approves Bill Allowing Caregivers To Possess Medical Marijuana

In Maryland, proving that marijuana is for a medical marijuana patient as a legal defense against marijuana possession charges has been approved by the senate. The bill...
March 15, 2013
Roadie Complains of Pot Smoke on Band Bus

Roadie Complains of Pot Smoke on Band Bus

A long-time roadie sued Chris Isaak, claiming the bandleader fired him for protesting the mistreatment of women and the choking clouds of marijuana smoke on the tour...
March 15, 2013
Federal Government Reports Marijuana Effective in Combatting Certain Cancers

Federal Government Reports Marijuana Effective in Combatting Certain Cancers

The National Cancer Institute (NCI), stated that marijuana “inhibited the survival of both estrogen receptor–positive and estrogen receptor–negative breast cancer cell lines.” The same report showed marijuana...
March 14, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.03.13)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.03.13)

There is action in various state houses, Michiganders continue to tussle over their medical marijuana law, and there’s an investigation going on in Maine. Let’s get to...
March 14, 2013
Show Percy Some Mercy

Show Percy Some Mercy

Media outlets reported yesterday that the Minnesota Vikings are trading all-pro wide receiver Percy Harvin to the Seattle Seahawks. Based on Harvin’s history, it is almost as...
March 14, 2013
Mass. Attorney General’s Office Tosses Dispensary Ban

Mass. Attorney General’s Office Tosses Dispensary Ban

The Massachusetts attorney general’s office tossed out Wakefield’s ban on medical marijuana dispensaries. The ban was tossed because it would negate the statewide medical marijuana law that...
March 14, 2013
Continuation of San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis’ Reign of Terror on the Ill and Infirm

Continuation of San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis’ Reign of Terror on the Ill and Infirm

Dennis and Deborah Little are a retired couple dealing with life-threatening illnesses who became medical cannabis patients and sought cover under California’s voter approved Proposition 215, the...
March 13, 2013
NH Looks to Neighbors for Medical Marijuana Guidance

NH Looks to Neighbors for Medical Marijuana Guidance

As New Hampshire moves forward with medical marijuana, residents and legislators are looking at what works and what doesn’t in surrounding states with medical marijuana programs. One...
March 13, 2013
Take Action to End Marijuana Prohibition!

Take Action to End Marijuana Prohibition!

Last month, Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO) introduced legislation, House Resolution 499, which would effectively end the federal prohibition on marijuana and allow states to set their own...