Category: Marijuana News

(3,624 posts)

General marijuana news and commentary

December 8, 2014
Women Leading the Fight for Cannabis Legalization

Women Leading the Fight for Cannabis Legalization

In a new study, researchers found that women between the age of 30 and 50 are key players in the battle for legalization in Colorado and Washington.
December 8, 2014
A New Cure for Marijuana Addiction

A New Cure for Marijuana Addiction

Although there is no significant evidence to prove that marijuana addiction is any more real than Santa Claus or democracy, a group of scientific minds out of...
December 5, 2014
Traffic Report: No Increase in Drugged Driving

Traffic Report: No Increase in Drugged Driving

Claims that more drivers are operating vehicles under the influence of marijuana and other controlled substances are unsupported by federal data, according to the conclusions of a...
December 4, 2014
‘The Marijuana Show’: A ‘Shark Tank’ for Ganjapreneurs

‘The Marijuana Show’: A ‘Shark Tank’ for Ganjapreneurs

Lights, camera, cannabis? A pair of marijuana-minded media and entertainment professionals are embracing that very concept. No, they’re not backing a new Cheech and Chong movie. Instead, they’re...
December 4, 2014
Uruguay Marijuana Secure: Tabare Vazquez Wins Office

Uruguay Marijuana Secure: Tabare Vazquez Wins Office

Tabare Vazquez’s victory in Uruguay’s presidential election is a show of support for the leftist coalition that has governed the country for the past decade and allows...
December 3, 2014
Sabet Weeps as Cannabis Culture Thrives

Sabet Weeps as Cannabis Culture Thrives

Big Cannabis is really a non-factor in regards to legalization. Sabet, for his part, has used this argument as one of the main stilts of his rhetoric....
December 3, 2014
Fired Arizona Cannabis Researcher Receives $2M Colorado Grant

Fired Arizona Cannabis Researcher Receives $2M Colorado Grant

The state of Colorado has announced that Dr. Sisley has been awarded a $2 million grant to conduct her research on veterans and PTSD. Earlier this year,...
December 3, 2014
Marijuana Dining Still on Shaky Legal Ground in Colorado

Marijuana Dining Still on Shaky Legal Ground in Colorado

Acclaimed chef Chris Lanter is talking a crowd of eager foodies through a demo on cooking with marijuana. As he prepares steak au poivre, he describes how...
December 2, 2014
Georgia Lawmakers Push Bills to Legalize Cannabis

Georgia Lawmakers Push Bills to Legalize Cannabis

Sen. Thompson introduced two bills, one which would allow for individuals with certain illnesses to purchase full plant medical cannabis, and one which would allow for...
December 2, 2014
Colorado Health Officials Recommend Grants for 8 Cannabis Studies

Colorado Health Officials Recommend Grants for 8 Cannabis Studies

Health officials in Colorado have recommended funding for eight studies on the safety and health effects of cannabis.
December 2, 2014
Legal Pot in the U.S. May Be Undercutting Mexican Marijuana

Legal Pot in the U.S. May Be Undercutting Mexican Marijuana

Made-in-America marijuana is on a roll. More than half the states have now voted to permit pot for recreational or medical use, most recently Oregon, Alaska and...
December 1, 2014
New Zealand Stuck in Prohibition Timewarp

New Zealand Stuck in Prohibition Timewarp

As it is spring time in New Zealand, police constables have issued a warning and a request to locals: be on the look out for cannabis and...
December 1, 2014
NYPD Begins Enforcing Less Severe Cannabis Policy

NYPD Begins Enforcing Less Severe Cannabis Policy

Last week New York City police shifted their policy of cannabis enforcement to one that is less harsh for those found in possession of cannabis.
December 1, 2014
D.C. Council Moves Ahead With Marijuana Legalization in the Nation’s Capital

D.C. Council Moves Ahead With Marijuana Legalization in the Nation’s Capital

Last Tuesday, the District of Columbia council’s Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs approved legislation that charges D.C.’s Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration (ABRA) with licensing and...
December 1, 2014
Ferguson and the Racist Drug War

Ferguson and the Racist Drug War

Ferguson, Missouri has become a bedrock of racial tension since the shooting death of unarmed teenager, Michael Brown, by police officer Darren Wilson. In light of the...
November 26, 2014
“Faces of Cannabis” Seeks to Redefine America’s Perception

“Faces of Cannabis” Seeks to Redefine America’s Perception

Over a year ago, photographer Nichole Montanez began a project titled “Faces of Cannabis.” Her mission is to share the truth of what medical cannabis has done...
November 26, 2014
Cannabis: The Archenemy of Brain Tumors

Cannabis: The Archenemy of Brain Tumors

Dr. Wai Liu, senior author of this study out of the University of London found through trials in mice that THC and CBD in tandem with radiation...
November 26, 2014
Veterans May Gain Easier Access to Medical Marijuana

Veterans May Gain Easier Access to Medical Marijuana

The Veterans Equal Access Act, a bill introduced in Congress Thursday by Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) and Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) with 10 bipartisan cosponsors, would allow Department of Veterans...
November 26, 2014
Bills That Would Legalize Marijuana Introduced in Georgia

Bills That Would Legalize Marijuana Introduced in Georgia

A Georgia state senator has introduced two pieces of legislation Monday that would legalize both medical and recreational marijuana in the state. SB 6 would allow those at...
November 25, 2014
Amsterdam Cannabis Cup: Standing Strong

Amsterdam Cannabis Cup: Standing Strong

It’s official: What should have been a death knell for this year’s Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam has only made us stronger. Cup attendees, even after all they...