Category: Law & Politics

(3,816 posts)

News and commentary on cannabis law and politics

February 4, 2015
More Than 100 Native American Tribes Consider Growing Marijuana

More Than 100 Native American Tribes Consider Growing Marijuana

More than 100 Native American tribes have reached out to FoxBarry Farms, a management firm building the nation’s first marijuana facility on tribal land, to express interest...
February 3, 2015
Australian Study Reports Efficacy of Cannabis for Pain Therapy

Australian Study Reports Efficacy of Cannabis for Pain Therapy

A study recently released by scientists at the University of New South Wales’ National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre illustrated that cannabis users reported significant pain relief...
February 3, 2015
Oregon Bank Accepts Cannabis Business, Then Rescinds Offer

Oregon Bank Accepts Cannabis Business, Then Rescinds Offer

MBank made a brash move and widely publicized their intention to work within the cannabis market, without first seeking FDIC approval.
February 3, 2015
Jurors Can’t Know Pot Growers Are Patients

Jurors Can’t Know Pot Growers Are Patients

Imagine you are a juror in the federal trial of five people charged with growing and distributing marijuana in northeastern Washington. The prosecution cannot present any direct...
February 3, 2015
Colorado Publishes Review of Marijuana Health Research

Colorado Publishes Review of Marijuana Health Research

Colorado released a sweeping report Monday about marijuana and health — everything from pot’s effect on drivers, asthma, cancer rates and birth defects. The 188-page report doesn’t...
February 2, 2015
New View on Addiction: Compassion, Not Isolation

New View on Addiction: Compassion, Not Isolation

The revolutionary idea? Addiction is not caused by substances, rather, it is caused by isolation.
February 2, 2015
Conference Touts Cannabis’ Investment Potential

Conference Touts Cannabis’ Investment Potential

In Kan’s estimation, cannabis is a $40 billion dollar market with a limited amount of players. Calling cannabis an “investors dream,” Kan claims that there is tremendous...
February 2, 2015
Father Jailed for Giving Cannabis to Extremely Ill Daughter

Father Jailed for Giving Cannabis to Extremely Ill Daughter

Adam’s daughter, Rumer, is 2 years old and suffers from stage 4 neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is a severe cancer that begins in the nerve tissue and causes significant...
February 2, 2015
Pot Arrests Plunge in NYC After Policy Change

Pot Arrests Plunge in NYC After Policy Change

New York City’s pledge to stop making many marijuana arrests is playing out on the streets, where arrests and summonses for small-time pot possession have plummeted since...
January 29, 2015
Vermont Lawmakers Consider Legalizing Marijuana

Vermont Lawmakers Consider Legalizing Marijuana

National momentum appears to be shifting toward marijuana legalization, and observers say Vermont or Rhode Island could be the next states to legalize. “It’s pretty easy to give...
January 29, 2015
IRS Prepares to Audit, Raid Dispensaries

IRS Prepares to Audit, Raid Dispensaries

A byzantine legal memo of potentially disastrous implications has been released by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), articulating a new theory of the tax code which could...
January 28, 2015
DPA Report: Employment Rates Rise Due to CO Cannabis Legalization

DPA Report: Employment Rates Rise Due to CO Cannabis Legalization

The industry created over ten thousand new jobs and brought in approximately $19 million a month. Rather than bringing about the end of society as we know...
January 28, 2015
Doctors Call on DEA to Reschedule Marijuana for Medical Research Purposes

Doctors Call on DEA to Reschedule Marijuana for Medical Research Purposes

The American Academy of Pediatrics is requesting that the Drug Enforcement Administration reclassify marijuana as a less harmful substance in order to facilitate research of the substance...
January 27, 2015
FBI Having Trouble Hiring Hackers Because They’re All Stoners

FBI Having Trouble Hiring Hackers Because They’re All Stoners

Federal government officials have complained of the difficulty in hiring good hackers because most of the talent they’re looking for also happen to smoke weed.
January 27, 2015
Battle for Medical Cannabis: 9 Year Old Alexis Bortell vs. Texas

Battle for Medical Cannabis: 9 Year Old Alexis Bortell vs. Texas

Nine year old Alexis Bortell is making waves in Texas as she fights for the legalization of cannabis to help her combat her epilepsy. Alexis has been...
January 26, 2015
Obama Predicts More States Will Legalize Cannabis

Obama Predicts More States Will Legalize Cannabis

While President Obama’s stance on the issue of legalization in the past have been less than sympathetic, he has recently made statements predicting a bright future for...
January 23, 2015
Girl, 9, Takes Medical Marijuana Fight to Texas Capitol

Girl, 9, Takes Medical Marijuana Fight to Texas Capitol

With the help of a “Team Alexis” Facebook page and branded merchandise to fund the effort, Alexis, who is fighting a life and death battle against epilepsy, has taken...
January 22, 2015
State Agency Suspicious of High THC Buds in Washington

State Agency Suspicious of High THC Buds in Washington

From the results of laboratory testing, Washington’s recreational cannabis varies widely in THC content. Most strains average around 16% THC, but about 2.5% of cannabis has tested...
January 21, 2015
At Long Last: The First Cannabis Based Credit Union to Open

At Long Last: The First Cannabis Based Credit Union to Open

Finding banks who will cater to cannabis businesses has been a constant obstacle for new ganjapreneurs opening up shops since states began legalizing in the U.S. But...
January 21, 2015
Colorado Cannabis Firm to Grow on California Tribal Lands

Colorado Cannabis Firm to Grow on California Tribal Lands

Their aim is to form agreements with several California Native American tribes to grow and manufacture cannabis products on native land and then sell those products to...