Category: Law & Politics

(3,816 posts)

News and commentary on cannabis law and politics

June 2, 2015
Border Patrol Turns Immigration Checkpoint Into Drug Trap

Border Patrol Turns Immigration Checkpoint Into Drug Trap

If the border patrol is just becoming the DEA with a new name, we have some serious problems on our hands. One such incident occurred in early...
June 2, 2015
Texas Legalizes Medical Marijuana Oils for Epilepsy

Texas Legalizes Medical Marijuana Oils for Epilepsy

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) signed a bill Monday legalizing the limited use of marijuana extracts for severe forms of epilepsy. The law allows the use of...
June 1, 2015
Ex-Players Sue NFL Over Painkiller Pushers

Ex-Players Sue NFL Over Painkiller Pushers

The players presenting the lawsuit are alleging that all 32 professional NFL teams, from coaches to medical staff, illegally obtained and administered pharmaceutical pain pills to players...
May 29, 2015
U.S. Anti-Legalization Group Urges More Access to Marijuana Research

U.S. Anti-Legalization Group Urges More Access to Marijuana Research

A group opposed to pot legalization unveiled proposals on Thursday for the U.S. government to ease restrictions on scientific research into marijuana’s potential as medicine, after three...
May 27, 2015
Missouri Governor Hopefully Sets Trend By Commuting Sentence of Cannabis Convict

Missouri Governor Hopefully Sets Trend By Commuting Sentence of Cannabis Convict

Missouri Governor, Jay Nixon, commuted the sentence of Jeff Mizanskey, a 61 year old man who was serving a mandatory life sentence for violating a “three-strikes” rule.
May 27, 2015
Veteran’s Affairs Can No Longer Enforce MMJ Ban

Veteran’s Affairs Can No Longer Enforce MMJ Ban

Another watershed moment in the cannabis movement happened somewhat under the radar. The Senate Appropriations Committee has passed a bipartisan amendment by a vote of 18-12 that...
May 26, 2015
Survey Data Shows That WA and CO Did Right With Cannabis Legalization

Survey Data Shows That WA and CO Did Right With Cannabis Legalization

In Washington, the number of people who either like or don’t mind the legalization of weed has reached 77 percent of the population. That’s over 3/4 of...
May 26, 2015
Cannabidiol Pushed as Cure for Cannabis “Addiction”

Cannabidiol Pushed as Cure for Cannabis “Addiction”

I feel like many out there are trying really, really hard to put cannabis on par with serious drug and alcohol addiction. There is a reason that...
May 22, 2015
New DEA Chief Claims He Will Not Focus on Marijuana

New DEA Chief Claims He Will Not Focus on Marijuana

While the domestic War on Drugs has been supported for nearly four decades by Michele Leonhart, it appears as though some of her misguided policies, mostly those...
May 21, 2015
Bernie Sanders Leaves the Door Open on Marijuana Legalization

Bernie Sanders Leaves the Door Open on Marijuana Legalization

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Tuesday that he supports the decriminalization of marijuana possession and the legalization of medical marijuana, and suggested that he’s also open to...
May 20, 2015
Retired Texas Cop Touts Cannabis Decriminalization

Retired Texas Cop Touts Cannabis Decriminalization

A retired cop supporting cannabis? From Texas? If that isn’t compelling evidence that the times, they are a-changing, then I don’t know what will convince you.
May 19, 2015
Colorado Teen With Disability Suspended For Medical Cannabis

Colorado Teen With Disability Suspended For Medical Cannabis

A few days ago in Colorado, a teenage boy named Jaxon who has Dravet’s syndrome, a little known condition that causes frequent and long-lasting seizures and strikes...
May 19, 2015
Texas Legislature Kills Marijuana Bills

Texas Legislature Kills Marijuana Bills

There has been a tremendous amount of enthusiasm for the reform of marijuana laws in the state of Texas over the past several weeks, but all hope...
May 18, 2015
Washington Liquor Board Drives Cannabis Cup Out of State

Washington Liquor Board Drives Cannabis Cup Out of State

Held annually for the last couple years, the Cannabis Cup has been a wild success, with more people attending every year. This year, the state liquor board...
May 13, 2015
The Cannabis Traveler’s Guide

The Cannabis Traveler’s Guide

The Cannabis Traveler’s Guide is designed to help you know America’s drug laws and what to expect as you travel from one state to another or on...
May 13, 2015
Medical Marijuana Legalization Passes Pennsylvania Senate

Medical Marijuana Legalization Passes Pennsylvania Senate

Medical marijuana faced the next hurdle on its way to passage Tuesday as the Pennsylvania Senate considered a bill that would legalize the use of cannabis to treat...
May 12, 2015
Florida’s Black Market Cannabis Oil Ruffles Pharmaceutical Doctor

Florida’s Black Market Cannabis Oil Ruffles Pharmaceutical Doctor

One Florida doctor is decrying the claims as the modernized version of snake oil. Sarah Steinhardt, a doctor of pharmacy, says people should be leery of cannabis...
May 12, 2015
Feds Propose 50% Marijuana Tax—as a Tax Cut

Feds Propose 50% Marijuana Tax—as a Tax Cut

Should marijuana businesses pay tax on gross profits or net profits? It sounds like a silly question. After all, virtually every business in every country pays tax...
May 11, 2015
Dr. Gupta and Gov. Christie: Science vs. Fear Mongering

Dr. Gupta and Gov. Christie: Science vs. Fear Mongering

The canyon between actual truth (science) and fear-mongering (politicking) is beautifully displayed by two recent high-profile individuals. In the corner for science, we have Dr. Sanjay Gupta....
May 6, 2015
Indiana’s Anti-Gay Law Inadvertently Clears Way for The First Church of Cannabis

Indiana’s Anti-Gay Law Inadvertently Clears Way for The First Church of Cannabis

Indiana’s “Religious Freedom” law, which made it legal for businesses to deny service to the LGBTQIA community based on the proprietor’s religious views, inadvertently allowed for the...