Category: Law & Politics

(3,816 posts)

News and commentary on cannabis law and politics

July 3, 2012
Manhattan Court Forces Twitter to Hand Over Occupy Tweets

Manhattan Court Forces Twitter to Hand Over Occupy Tweets

A Manhattan criminal court judge ordered Twitter to hand over data, including non-public constitutionally protected information, on a user that was involved in the Occupy Wall Street protest movement...
July 3, 2012
Did the AZ and Obamacare Rulings Help or Hurt Marijuana Reform

Did the AZ and Obamacare Rulings Help or Hurt Marijuana Reform

According to The Latest Word, there are two latest words. The first Word said that the healthcare ruling helped the advocates of ending prohibition in CO. The...
July 2, 2012
Five More US Drug War Deaths

Five More US Drug War Deaths

04:53pm At least five people have been killed in the drug war on America’s streets in the past few weeks. They become the 30th through the 34th...
July 2, 2012
Will CNN Allow Gary Johnson to Debate?

Will CNN Allow Gary Johnson to Debate?

America needs to have more voices heard in the upcoming months to the Election. Both Candidates for the major parties have the exact same policy on modern-day...
July 2, 2012
Medical Marijuana Is a Classic States’ Rights Issue

Medical Marijuana Is a Classic States’ Rights Issue

Bob Morris writes a great article on how the Fed should stay out of medical marijuana and leave it to the states (just reschedule it out of Schedule...
July 2, 2012
What Would Marijuana As a Schedule II Drug Mean?

What Would Marijuana As a Schedule II Drug Mean?

    Senator Perry B. Clark ( D-Louisville) is scheduled to hold a press conference at 2pm EDT on Thursday, July 5 to introduce  the Gatewood Galbraith Memorial Medical...
July 2, 2012
Discovery Channel Working On Humboldt County Marijuana Trade

Discovery Channel Working On Humboldt County Marijuana Trade

Times-Standard reports the Discovery Channel is actively trying to put together a reality series covering the marijuana investigations and eradication efforts in famed Humboldt County, California.
July 2, 2012
Nevada Drug Dog Troopers Allege Official Misconduct

Nevada Drug Dog Troopers Allege Official Misconduct

05:58pm A group of Nevada Highway Patrol troopers and a retired police sergeant have filed a lawsuit against the Patrol and the Las Vegas Metro Police...
July 2, 2012
Moms and Dads for Marijuana in Colorado – Yes on 64

Moms and Dads for Marijuana in Colorado – Yes on 64

Some parents have formed a new group to support cannabis reform in the Colorado “Yes on 64” movement: Moms and Dads for marijuana.
June 29, 2012
Colombia High Court Okays Drug Decriminalization

Colombia High Court Okays Drug Decriminalization

04:09pm Colombia’s Constitutional Court has approved the government’s proposal to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of drugs for personal use. The opinion (scroll down to item three,...
June 29, 2012
State Senator To Hold Press Conference About Bill To Make Marijuana Schedule II

State Senator To Hold Press Conference About Bill To Make Marijuana Schedule II

Lex18 reports “Senator Perry B. Clark, D-Louisville, will hold a press conference to introduce legislation that would make marijuana a schedule II drug, legal for doctors to...
June 29, 2012
Video Trailer: “The Culture High” On the Failed War On Marijuana

Video Trailer: “The Culture High” On the Failed War On Marijuana

The Culture High is an ambitious project covering the prohibition of marijuana with the mere aim of being “the documentary that will tear into the very fiber...
June 28, 2012
Marijuana Didn’t Cause the Munchies for the Zombie Face-Eater

Marijuana Didn’t Cause the Munchies for the Zombie Face-Eater

The headlines from yesterday seemed to suggest that because toxicology tests detected marijuana in the zombie face-eater, Rudy Eugene, the only logical conclusion is that weed was to...
June 28, 2012
Medical Marijuana Activists Add to Attorney General Eric Holder’s List of Woes

Medical Marijuana Activists Add to Attorney General Eric Holder’s List of Woes

Americans for Safe Access have launched a website to lobby Attorney General Holder to actually honor his words that medical marijuana distributors operating under state law will...
June 28, 2012
New Pro Colorado Amendment 64 Billboard Covering Childrens’ Access to Marijuana

New Pro Colorado Amendment 64 Billboard Covering Childrens’ Access to Marijuana

Moms and Dads for Marijuana Regulation unveiled this billboard in support of Colorado’s Amendment 64. Printed on it is “Please, card my son. Regulate the sale of marijuana...
June 28, 2012
Pitkin County Colorado Passes Medical Marijuana Regulations

Pitkin County Colorado Passes Medical Marijuana Regulations

Pitkin County Colorado commissioners approved in a  2-1 vote yesterday a system to approve medical marijuana businesses, modeled after Boulder County’s approach. Read more at
June 28, 2012
Jon Stewart Slams Gov Christie Over Marijuana Inconsistency

Jon Stewart Slams Gov Christie Over Marijuana Inconsistency

Jon Stewart, during his June 27, 2012 Daily Show, continues to keep marijuana prohibition in the national spotlight. After a dig at the Republican-controlled New York state senate...
June 27, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update

Medical Marijuana Update

06:35pm The feds continue to play hardball in California and local elected officials across the state are grappling with the issues. Meanwhile, Vermont moves ahead on...
June 27, 2012
Chicago City Council Approves Marijuana Decriminalization

Chicago City Council Approves Marijuana Decriminalization

The Chicago City Council approved the new marijuana possession policy today to decriminalize and issue a fine instead.  Read more at pjstar.
June 27, 2012
Fewer DEA Agents For Greater Economic Growth?

Fewer DEA Agents For Greater Economic Growth?

With our private sector now officially falling short of “just fine,” the failed war on marijuana is something both Obama and Congress should revisit.  Squandering precious federal...