Category: Law & Politics

(3,816 posts)

News and commentary on cannabis law and politics

July 18, 2012
Protest President Obama’s July 23rd Fundraiser in Oakland, CA

Protest President Obama’s July 23rd Fundraiser in Oakland, CA

Harborside Health Center is organizing a protest of President Obama’s July 23rd Fundraiser in Oakland, CA. For those weedists in the San Francisco Bay Area, come out...
July 17, 2012
Medical Marijuana’s Most Unlikely Supporter is a 78-Year-Old Billionaire

Medical Marijuana’s Most Unlikely Supporter is a 78-Year-Old Billionaire

Peter Lewis, a billionaire and former chairman of Progressive Insurance, has funded $525,000 or 99.8% of the funding for The Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Act. Read more about this...
July 17, 2012
Marijuana and the Reality of the War On Drugs: It’s a Cash Crop for Appalachia

Marijuana and the Reality of the War On Drugs: It’s a Cash Crop for Appalachia

In 2008 alone, Appalachia grew four billion dollars worth of marijuana. Read at the Washington Post on the lifestyle and economic realities of this green region and...
July 17, 2012
Mitchell Lawrence | Age 18 | Berkshire County, MA | March 2006

Mitchell Lawrence | Age 18 | Berkshire County, MA | March 2006

Guest Editorial: Injustice in Massachusetts — Two Years in Jail for One Joint 4/14/06 by Anthony Papa of The drug war reached the pinnacle of cruelty when Mitchell...
July 17, 2012
The Black Market Strikes Back Against Washington’s I-502

The Black Market Strikes Back Against Washington’s I-502

Nick Hagen writes an article to combat scare tactics being spread by some illegal drug dealers and a small group of medical marijuana advocates, who are telling their Washingtonian customers...
July 17, 2012
Feds Invade Venice Beach For First Time At Pacific Collective Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Feds Invade Venice Beach For First Time At Pacific Collective Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Not to feel left out by all the raids occurring in NorCal, Venice Beach’s Pacific Collective medical marijuana dispensary was served a search warrant by the Feds...
July 17, 2012
Have the Feds Finally Taken Medical Marijuana Assault Too Far?

Have the Feds Finally Taken Medical Marijuana Assault Too Far?

Scott Morgan poses the question have “the feds have finally taken things too far” with their coordinated attacks on legitimate medical marijuana businesses? Read Scott’s convincing answer at...
July 17, 2012
Comparing Marijuana Legalization Measures in Oregon, Colorado, and Washington State

Comparing Marijuana Legalization Measures in Oregon, Colorado, and Washington State

Check out National Cannabis Coalition’s thorough and useful table comparing the three states with marijuana legalization on the November ballot; Oregon’s Oregon Cannabis Tax Act vs Colorado’s Amendment 64...
July 16, 2012
Flint (MI), Springfield (MO) Marijuana Petitions Turned In

Flint (MI), Springfield (MO) Marijuana Petitions Turned In

04:43pm Voters in two Midwest cities may have the opportunity to vote on marijuana law reforms this November. Advocates of a Flint, Michigan initiative that would...
July 16, 2012
Marijuana Initiative Sues Oregon over Signature Counts

Marijuana Initiative Sues Oregon over Signature Counts

03:52pm There could yet be not one, but two legalization initiatives on the Oregon ballot in November. The Oregon Marijuana Policy Initiative (OMPI) filed a lawsuit in Marion...
July 16, 2012
Marijuana billboard for Amendment 64 Touts Pat Robertson Endorsement

Marijuana billboard for Amendment 64 Touts Pat Robertson Endorsement

Denver Westword reports on the new billboard placed in the GOP-heavy Grand Junction Colorado in support of Amendment 64 to legalize marijuana this November. Pat Robertson believes marijuana should...
July 16, 2012
Video: NORML & Slightly Stoopid for Marijuana Legalization: Yes on I-502 and Amendment 64

Video: NORML & Slightly Stoopid for Marijuana Legalization: Yes on I-502 and Amendment 64

NORML and one of my favorite bands Slightly Stoopid have teamed up to raise awareness for the marijuana legalization initiatives going before voters this November in Washington State...
July 16, 2012
NorCal Medical Marijuana Enemy #1: US Attorney Melinda Haag

NorCal Medical Marijuana Enemy #1: US Attorney Melinda Haag

Melinda Haag, United States Attorney 450 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 436-7200  So why is Melinda Haag medical marijuana’s enemy number 1 and...
July 16, 2012
Pot-smoking Moms Tired of Being Judged by Wine Drinkers

Pot-smoking Moms Tired of Being Judged by Wine Drinkers

MSNBC writes a great piece on the hypocrisy of the stigma put on mothers that responsibly use cannabis whereas consuming alcohol is just fine. Only 46% of women...
July 16, 2012
There’s Been a Tectonic Shift on Marijuana Across the US, Except in Washington — Why Can’t We Pop the Beltway Bubble?

There’s Been a Tectonic Shift on Marijuana Across the US, Except in Washington — Why Can’t We Pop the Beltway Bubble?

Paul Armentano, deputy director of NORML, writes a great piece on the rapidly growing support amongst the people and local politicians to end marijuana prohibition. Read Paul’s deep insights...
July 16, 2012
Video: MARIJUANA KILLS AGAIN! 22 Year Old Dies In Jail After Being Arrested For Small Amount Marijuana

Video: MARIJUANA KILLS AGAIN! 22 Year Old Dies In Jail After Being Arrested For Small Amount Marijuana

Seattle’s Kiro 7 News reports on Michael R. Saffioti, a 22 year old man who collapsed and died in prison after being arrested for a small amount of...
July 16, 2012
The Arkansas Medical Marijuana Act Officially Requires More Signatures

The Arkansas Medical Marijuana Act Officially Requires More Signatures

The 67,885 signatures that the Arkansans for Compassionate Care submitted on July 5th to put legalizing medical marijuana on the Arkansas November ballot have been reviewed by the Secretary of...
July 14, 2012
Oregon OCTA Marijuana Legalization Initiative Makes Ballot

Oregon OCTA Marijuana Legalization Initiative Makes Ballot

10:07pm The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act (OCTA) initiative has qualified for the November ballot, the Oregon Secretary of State Election Division’s official Twitter feed announced Friday evening. That means voters...
July 13, 2012
Book Review: “Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know”

Book Review: “Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know”

04:45pm Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know by Jonathan Caulkins, Angela Hawken, Beau Kilmer, and Mark Kleiman (2012, Oxford University Press, 266 pp., $16.95 PB) Marijuana...
July 13, 2012
Owner Of Nation’s First Marijuana Pharmacy Now Broke And Fighting IRS

Owner Of Nation’s First Marijuana Pharmacy Now Broke And Fighting IRS

Lynnette M. Shaw, who opened the 1st licensed medical marijuana dispensary in the US, has filed for personal bankruptcy after the federal government shut down her Marin Alliance for...