Category: Law & Politics

(3,816 posts)

News and commentary on cannabis law and politics

August 1, 2012
Commentary: The Racial Politics of Pot Arrests

Commentary: The Racial Politics of Pot Arrests

BET provides a great post with insights and supporting statistics on the racial disparity in marijuana busts and how it paints a clear picture of two different Americas:...
August 1, 2012
DOJ to Sentencing Commission: Fewer Prisoners, Please

DOJ to Sentencing Commission: Fewer Prisoners, Please

04:46pm In a Congressionally mandated annual report to the US Sentencing Commission on the operation of federal sentencing guidelines, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) said continuing increases...
August 1, 2012
Tacoma: City Council Adopts New Rules for Medical Cannabis Gardens

Tacoma: City Council Adopts New Rules for Medical Cannabis Gardens

Soon you will be able to grow your very own medical cannabis garden in Tacoma, Washington, as long as you don’t flaunt it, advertise it or draw complaints...
August 1, 2012
Help Needed: Feds Seek to Silence Silver Tour’s Robert Platshorn

Help Needed: Feds Seek to Silence Silver Tour’s Robert Platshorn

NORML is spearheading a mail campaign to the U.S. Parole Commission who has prohibited Robert Platshorn from both criticizing the now unpopular government prohibition policies and from educating willing...
August 1, 2012
Pharmacy Hoax on U.S. Attorney Revealed

Pharmacy Hoax on U.S. Attorney Revealed

San Diego, CA – The San Diego chapter of Americans for Safe Access (ASA), the nation’s largest medical cannabis advocacy group, working with LGBT activism group Canvass for...
August 1, 2012
Arizona Medical Marijuana Approval for Sleeping Disorders, Skin Conditions Sought

Arizona Medical Marijuana Approval for Sleeping Disorders, Skin Conditions Sought

Tuscon Citizen reports that the Arizona Department of Health Services has received petitions to expand the medical marijuana program to include treatment of sleeping disorders and skin...
August 1, 2012
17 Year Old Drug Czar Arrested in Ohio

17 Year Old Drug Czar Arrested in Ohio

A 17 year old “drug czar” admitted guilt in Ohio. His crime was growing 600 marijuana plants with a “street value of around $3 million”. The kid...
August 1, 2012
Arizona Governor Rejects Call to Stop Medical Marijuana

Arizona Governor Rejects Call to Stop Medical Marijuana

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is rejecting a call from 13 Arizona county attorneys that the state health department stop issuing medical marijuana cards and to not license medical marijuana dispensaries...
August 1, 2012
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.07.31)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.07.31)

07:15pm A crank-dealing Kansas sheriff cops a plea, an LA narc gets a case of sticky fingers, an Arkansas narc develops a fondness for dope, and...
July 31, 2012
Los Angeles City Councilman Takes Medical Marijuana

Los Angeles City Councilman Takes Medical Marijuana

Los Angeles City Councilman Bill Rosendahl, a longtime proponent of legalizing pot nationwide, has had his own medical marijuana prescription for a decade, relying on the drug to...
July 31, 2012
Gil Kerlikowske, Drug Czar: Marijuana Legalization ‘Isn’t Going to Solve Our Drug Problem’

Gil Kerlikowske, Drug Czar: Marijuana Legalization ‘Isn’t Going to Solve Our Drug Problem’

White House Drug Control Policy Director R. Gil Kerlikowske shot down a question Monday about softening views on marijuana policy, saying the administration believes that neither “legalization”...
July 31, 2012
Closure of More Permitted SF Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Marked by Funeral Procession and Press Conference

Closure of More Permitted SF Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Marked by Funeral Procession and Press Conference

San Francisco, CA — As two city-permitted dispensaries are shut down today after 9 years of service to thousands of medical marijuana patients, a coalition calling itself San Francisco...
July 31, 2012
Sign Up For Camp Wakeupobama, Help ASA Send a 2012 Election Message

Sign Up For Camp Wakeupobama, Help ASA Send a 2012 Election Message

Americans For Safe Access has launched Camp Wakeupobama in an effort to mobilize medical cannabis supporters into a formidable voting bloc to be courted in the 2012 POTUS election....
July 31, 2012
Michael Phelps: ‛I consider myself normal’

Michael Phelps: ‛I consider myself normal’

Michael Phelps talks about his bong hit with CNN’s Piers Morgan. Phelps concludes: “I’ll make a million mistakes in my life but as long as I never...
July 31, 2012
Is It Legal to Sell Pot On Craigslist in California?

Is It Legal to Sell Pot On Craigslist in California?

The legality of selling marijuana on Craigslist under Prop 215 in California is being hotly debated. Read more about these murky legal waters at The Press Democrat.
July 30, 2012
Medical Marijuana Rescheduling Lawsuit Moving

Medical Marijuana Rescheduling Lawsuit Moving

03:26pm A decade after the Coalition for Rescheduling Cannabis (CRC) filed its petition seeking to have marijuana moved from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, the federal courts will...
July 30, 2012
Youth Branch of Ireland’s Biggest Political Party Pushes for Medical Marijuana

Youth Branch of Ireland’s Biggest Political Party Pushes for Medical Marijuana

The Irish Independent reports that Young Fine Gael, the youth wing of Ireland’s biggest political party, is pushing for the legalization of medical marijuana. The Munster Regional...
July 30, 2012
Oklahoma Senator Continues Uphill Medical Marijuana Battle

Oklahoma Senator Continues Uphill Medical Marijuana Battle

Oklahoma Senator Constance Johnson (D) has tirelessly introduced a medicinal marijuana bill every year since she was first elected in 2005, but has yet to receive a hearing in...
July 30, 2012
Oregon Medical Marijuana Revenues More Than Doubled After Fee Increase

Oregon Medical Marijuana Revenues More Than Doubled After Fee Increase

Oregon collected more than $7.5 million in fees from medical marijuana cards between October 2011 and June 2012 after they doubled the annual fee for Oregon Medical Marijuana Program...
July 30, 2012
Mothers and Responsible Marijuana Usage

Mothers and Responsible Marijuana Usage

Sarah Eyre at xoJane writes on the unwarranted social stigma that mothers can’t responsibly use marijuana to relax in the evening but it’s acceptable to drink wine...