Category: Law & Politics

(3,816 posts)

News and commentary on cannabis law and politics

August 3, 2012
Arrests Possible for Marijuana Possession at Lollapalooza in Chicago

Arrests Possible for Marijuana Possession at Lollapalooza in Chicago

Chicago Police Department officials warn that you may still be arrested for marijuana possession at Lollapalooza this weekend even as Chicago’s new decimalization law goes into effect on Saturday. Why?  The...
August 3, 2012
Honolulu Police Officer Faces Five Years for Growing Pot

Honolulu Police Officer Faces Five Years for Growing Pot

Michael Steven Chu, a Honolulu police officer has pleaded guilty and faces up to five years in prison for conspiring to cultivate 48 plants and to possess with...
August 3, 2012
Why You Think Cannabis is Illegal, Why Cannabis is Really Illegal

Why You Think Cannabis is Illegal, Why Cannabis is Really Illegal

Why do you think cannabis is illegal? This infographic went around the Internet 3-4 months ago but it’s timely to look at again with our 2012 Presidential...
August 3, 2012
Congresswoman Introduces Bill to Protect Landlords of Compliant Medical Marijuana Businesses

Congresswoman Introduces Bill to Protect Landlords of Compliant Medical Marijuana Businesses

Washington, D.C. — Late yesterday, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and seven initial co-sponsors introduced HR 6335, the States’ Medical Marijuana Property Rights Protection Act, in an attempt...
August 3, 2012
Asking NORML’s Paul Kuhn: Is it finally time to legalize marijuana?

Asking NORML’s Paul Kuhn: Is it finally time to legalize marijuana?

The Washington Times interviews NORML’s Paul Kuhn to discuss prohibition, the misinformation that still exists and the recent surge in voter support.
August 3, 2012
Bill Maher Reviews ‘Too High to Fail’ by Doug Fine

Bill Maher Reviews ‘Too High to Fail’ by Doug Fine

Longtime marijuana advocate and weedist Bill Maher reviews Doug Fine‘s latest book Too High to Fail: Cannabis and the New Green Economic Revolution. Read Bill’s great thoughts at...
August 3, 2012
Cannabis Prohibition Now Seventy-Five Years Old

Cannabis Prohibition Now Seventy-Five Years Old

Infamously, America’s federally created Cannabis Prohibition marks its seventy-fifth anniversary this August 2, 2012. The so-called ‘great failed social experiment’ of Alcohol Prohibition of the 1920s barely...
August 3, 2012
Drug Smuggling Diplomat Denied Diplomatic Immunity and Jailed

Drug Smuggling Diplomat Denied Diplomatic Immunity and Jailed

KUNA reports Amelework Wondemagegne, an Ethiopian Embassy official, attempted to claim diplomatic immunity after being caught trying to smuggle cannabis into the UK . The Washington DC based, 36...
August 3, 2012
13 Year Old Madera Boy Arrested Facing Felony Drug Charges

13 Year Old Madera Boy Arrested Facing Felony Drug Charges

KSEE24 News reports a 13-year old Madera, California boy is facing felony drug charges for cultivation of marijuana for one full grown and some starter plants. Crazy.
August 2, 2012
Exclusive Video: Funeral for Shuttered SF Dispensaries

Exclusive Video: Funeral for Shuttered SF Dispensaries

San Francisco, CA – On August 1, 2012, San Francisco weedists rallied with a funeral procession to mourn the shuttering of two medical marijuana dispensaries that have served the...
August 2, 2012
“Pot is The New Gay” says NY Medical Marijuana Screener

“Pot is The New Gay” says NY Medical Marijuana Screener

Kenny Toglia is on a mission to legalize medical marijuana in New York and save marijuana users from the lack of quality control and health standards that...
August 2, 2012
DEA’s Cannabis Crop Seizures Fell 35 Percent From Previous Year

DEA’s Cannabis Crop Seizures Fell 35 Percent From Previous Year

Total cannabis crop seizures fell an estimated 35 percent between the years 2010 and 2011, according to statistics provided by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and...
August 2, 2012
Woman Walks After Prosecutorial Perfidy in Tucson

Woman Walks After Prosecutorial Perfidy in Tucson

02:57pm, (Issue #745) Special to the Chronicle by Houston-based investigative journalist Clarence Walker, who can be reached at This article is the latest in his...
August 2, 2012
Video: The Irony of It All, an Amazing Song On Hypocritical Prohibition

Video: The Irony of It All, an Amazing Song On Hypocritical Prohibition

The Irony of It All is an older tune from the now defunct UK band The Streets but its words still ring completely true.  The video matches the equally fantastic...
August 2, 2012
Lebanon Hash Eradication Hits New Obstacle

Lebanon Hash Eradication Hits New Obstacle

04:09pm, (Issue #745) Last week, we reported on armed resistance against Lebanese government marijuana plant eradication teams in the Bekaa Valley, one of the world’s leading...
August 2, 2012
Breaking Bad’s Aaron Paul Talks Marijuana With Rolling Stone

Breaking Bad’s Aaron Paul Talks Marijuana With Rolling Stone

Aaron Paul, who masterfully plays Jesse Pinkman on Breaking Bad, is on the cover of Rolling Stone hitting stands August 3rd. Unlike his character, Aaron is against hard...
August 2, 2012
Handcuffed Marijuana Offender Shot, Killed in Police Car

Handcuffed Marijuana Offender Shot, Killed in Police Car

05:03pm, (Issue #745) A Southhaven, Mississippi, man arrested for marijuana by police in nearby Jonesboro, Arkansas, was shot and killed as he sat handcuffed in the...
August 2, 2012
How the National Institute for Drug Abuse Helped Create the Dangerous Marijuana Alternative AKA “Spice”

How the National Institute for Drug Abuse Helped Create the Dangerous Marijuana Alternative AKA “Spice”

Shocker, the National Institute for Drug Abuse (NIDA) helped fund the creation of the dangerous marijuana alternative known as “Spice” and “K2,” which the Drug Enforcement Agency now...
August 2, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.08.01)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.08.01)

06:32pm, (Issue #745) What!? No DEA raids? Not this week, but the federal crackdown on dispensaries continues, and cities and localities in medical marijuana states continue...
August 1, 2012
Obama Campaign Raises Money With Hemp Products While Banning Farmers From Growing Hemp

Obama Campaign Raises Money With Hemp Products While Banning Farmers From Growing Hemp

Read at the Huffington Post about the “made in the USA” hemp scarf Obama has for sale in his re-election campaign store. Rather ironic since American farmers...