Category: Infographics

(69 posts)

Weedist articles with embedded infographics

May 2, 2013
A Millennial Manifesto for Marijuana Law Reform

A Millennial Manifesto for Marijuana Law Reform

As our nation edges cautiously toward majority support for marijuana legalization, the millennial generation is leading the way more than any other demographic in history. Our generation...
April 25, 2013
04/25/2013 Infographic – Which Drugs Kill Americans Infographic – Which Drugs Kill Americans (Popular Science) has released a great infographic and article by Katie Peek, who reports: “hile cocaine, heroin and alcohol are all responsible for enough deaths to...
April 23, 2013
The Results Are In: Clubbers Really Like Drugs

The Results Are In: Clubbers Really Like Drugs

    This year, Mixmag partnered up with the Guardian and Gay Times to conduct their annual “Global Drug Survey” — the world’s largest independent survey on which drugs...
April 3, 2013

Medical Cannabis Still Fueling the Green Rush

With a projected $1.3 billion – $1.5 billion in sales in 2013, the largest, legally operating sector within the green rush is the medical cannabis community. The...
By: Mercedys
March 19, 2013
Proposed City of San Diego Dispensary Regulations

Proposed City of San Diego Dispensary Regulations

Mayor Filner Proposed 2% tax, 5k annual licensing fee, and collectives / cooperatives in limited commercial and industrial zones Over the years, medical marijuana patients in San Diego have...
February 20, 2013
MT Legislator: Marijuana, “The Most Dangerous Drug There Is”

MT Legislator: Marijuana, “The Most Dangerous Drug There Is”

Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Alcohol causes violent behavior and deaths by liver cirrhosis and alcohol poisoning. People die...
January 23, 2013
Excellent Infographic – National Marijuana Prices

Excellent Infographic – National Marijuana Prices

This excellent infographic describes the varying prices of marijuana. Made by using data from the anonymous feedback site, this map describes the low prices of...
January 17, 2013
Big Cannabis: Growing the Next Great American Industry

Big Cannabis: Growing the Next Great American Industry

For entrepreneur Troy Dayton, providing basic services like insurance and capital management amounts to revolutionary business. The support his firm ArcView supplies might sound standard, but the...
December 18, 2012
Study Shows Marijuana Often Substituted for Alcohol and Other Drugs

Study Shows Marijuana Often Substituted for Alcohol and Other Drugs

I remember one of the clients I had on internship. He’d been drinking a fifth of bourbon a day for years. As you’d guess, his liver was...
September 20, 2012
HID Vs. LED Grow Lights – Performance Comparison Video

HID Vs. LED Grow Lights – Performance Comparison Video

In this article we’ll examine a video comparing HID and LED grow lights with a spectroradiometer, a device that can measure the amount of light emitted in...
September 6, 2012
College Campus Marijuana Flyer: Who is Calling ‘Bullshit’?

College Campus Marijuana Flyer: Who is Calling ‘Bullshit’?

A Reddit user shared the above photo from their college campus, Wentworth Institute of Technology. I am not advocating cannabis usage by minors or abuse by anyone....
August 24, 2012
Infographic: Another Reminder That Marijuana is Safe

Infographic: Another Reminder That Marijuana is Safe

This infographic, created with data compiled in 1994 by Dr. Jack E. Henningfield and Dr. Neal L. Burkowitz, is just one of the vast sea of examples that...
August 23, 2012
Pest Control Done Right: Predatory Insects

Pest Control Done Right: Predatory Insects

Pest control is the measure taken to eradicate pests if prevention fails you. Never use any pesticides on your marijuana  plants. Pest prevention is the art of...
August 23, 2012
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.08.22)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.08.22)

03:48pm It never stops, and there are so many varieties of law enforcement misdoing. Let’s get to it: In Wagner, South Dakota, the Wagner police chief resigned...
August 16, 2012
Big Pharma Infographic: The Stats About Pharmaceutical Companies

Big Pharma Infographic: The Stats About Pharmaceutical Companies

In the spirit of “know your enemy”, here is a great Big Pharma infographic titled: The Stats About Pharmaceutical Companies, from MySpace. Americans know that we’re paying too much...
August 14, 2012
Infographic: Hemp vs. Cotton

Infographic: Hemp vs. Cotton

If you’ve always wondered about the advantages of hemp in regards to paper, textile, and food purposes, check out this infographic from ounodesign. It’s easy to see hemp’s...
By: Lateralus
August 10, 2012
Online Cartoon Casts Critical Light on Obama’s Failed Medical Marijuana Policies

Online Cartoon Casts Critical Light on Obama’s Failed Medical Marijuana Policies

No matter the media medium, the tragic story of the federal government’s war against a beloved plant and the people who’re keen to it, can’t be told...
August 8, 2012
Infographic: Arguing Against Schedule I Marijuana

Infographic: Arguing Against Schedule I Marijuana

Here’s a great infographic from RehabToday, commenting on the Schedule I marijuana by going straight to the Schedule I definition and then demonstrates how cannabis does not...
August 7, 2012
Grow Cabinets and Tents, Perfect for Apartments

Grow Cabinets and Tents, Perfect for Apartments

A garden as small as six square feet can supply a grower with all the medicine they need. Many people living in apartments mistakenly believe that they do...
August 6, 2012
Weedists, We’re Still Being Called Bitches (at the Polls)

Weedists, We’re Still Being Called Bitches (at the Polls)

Prompted by Libertarian 2012 POTUS nominee Gary Johnson‘s statement in Seattle last week that marijuana will be legalized by 2016, writes “by going to pot, Gary Johnson has assured he will...