Category: Infographics

(69 posts)

Weedist articles with embedded infographics

January 14, 2014
Life Without Sleep, No Life at All

Life Without Sleep, No Life at All

This Huff Post article just came out discussing what sleep-deprivation does to a person. It got me thinking about one of the major driving forces behind my cannabis...
January 13, 2014
Colorado Sushi Joint Teases Cannabis Pairing Menu

Colorado Sushi Joint Teases Cannabis Pairing Menu

I knew it was only a matter of time! Colorado’s Hapa Sushi restaurant, in what I assume is an effort to both a) support the legal cannabis...
December 31, 2013
Alberto Willmore: Arrested by NYPD for Smoking

Alberto Willmore: Arrested by NYPD for Smoking

I have to say that I am just perplexed by the amount of force and energy that the NYPD (under Mayor Bloomberg’s directive) uses to crack down...
December 17, 2013
Denver, CO 2014 MMJ Infographic: Save Up to $828 per Year in Taxes vs. Recreational Tokers

Denver, CO 2014 MMJ Infographic: Save Up to $828 per Year in Taxes vs. Recreational Tokers

January 1st, 2014 is rapidly approaching as the city of Denver gears up for its highly anticipated retail marijuana market. Colorado of course already has an established medical...
December 6, 2013
Marijuana Legalization May Depend on National Pessimisim and Negativity

Marijuana Legalization May Depend on National Pessimisim and Negativity

  The marijuana legalization movement needs to bank on the fact that Americans are currently pessimistic about the government and society in general, at least according to...
November 19, 2013
Birth Control Pill Use May Double Women’s Glaucoma Risk

Birth Control Pill Use May Double Women’s Glaucoma Risk

Glaucoma is a disease that causes optic nerve damage in the eyes, usually caused by abnormally high pressure inside your eye. Worldwide, glaucoma affects 60 million people, is...
November 14, 2013
How Valuable Legalizing Marijuana Could Be for America

How Valuable Legalizing Marijuana Could Be for America

PolicyMic explains how valuable legalizing marijuana could be for America, with an excellent infographic to demonstrate.
October 31, 2013
Morgan Stanley Says Global Wine Shortage; We Say Cannabis Great Substitute

Morgan Stanley Says Global Wine Shortage; We Say Cannabis Great Substitute

Quick, wine connoisseurs, panic! Morgan Stanley Research released a report on Monday showing global demand for wine exceeded supply by approximately 300 million cases. The report goes...
October 29, 2013
Legal Weed is the Cheapest Weed

Legal Weed is the Cheapest Weed

In what amounts to a collective “duh” moment for the non-cannabis enthusiasts out there, a recent study illustrated that marijuana is very expensive when it’s illegal. Not...
October 11, 2013
Silk Road’s Prices for Cannabis Around the World

Silk Road’s Prices for Cannabis Around the World

Before Silk Road was busted, Price Geek managed to acquire their prices for cannabis from several countries around the world. Prices in the US are relatively low...
September 23, 2013
Marijuana Possession Arrests Outpace Violent Crime Arrests

Marijuana Possession Arrests Outpace Violent Crime Arrests

The good folks over at Think Progress recently put out a very revealing article. In 2012 drug offenses accounted for the majority of total arrests. 82% of...
September 3, 2013
Police Groups Protest Holder’s Marijuana Policy Memo, Threatens Their Gravy Train

Police Groups Protest Holder’s Marijuana Policy Memo, Threatens Their Gravy Train

Last week, the Huffington Post covered a group of law enforcement officers who slammed Attorney General Eric Holder for releasing a marijuana policy memo stating the federal...
August 27, 2013
Capitalizing on Cannabis: A Review of Marijuana Stocks

Capitalizing on Cannabis: A Review of Marijuana Stocks

Seeking Alpha’s Alan Brochstein dives into the danker side of the stock market and reviews some of the few public marijuana stocks, covering the big fish of...
August 9, 2013
Rain Gardens for the Environment

Rain Gardens for the Environment

To me, weedists are so much more than connoisseurs of fine cannabis. We are also intelligent, caring earth-conscious people with a high level of creativity. With that...
By: Anna Diaz
August 7, 2013
Cannabis 101: Choosing Rolling Paper

Cannabis 101: Choosing Rolling Paper

This is a quick and dirty 101 on choosing rolling paper. Full disclosure: I enjoy smoking joints (who doesn’t love that great taste), but I don’t smoke...
August 6, 2013
Gallup Poll Finds 7 Percent of US Adults Admit to Smoking Pot Regularly

Gallup Poll Finds 7 Percent of US Adults Admit to Smoking Pot Regularly

According to an annual Consumption Habits poll conducted by Gallup last month, the percentage of U.S. adults who have tried marijuana is 38%, an increase of only 5%...
By: Lateralus
August 1, 2013
Help Hempfest Be a Happy Highlight of 2013

Help Hempfest Be a Happy Highlight of 2013

Hempfest is perhaps the world’s largest protestival. In 2012, more than 250,000 people attended the weekend-long event to watch entertainment, hear speakers on a wide range of...
By: Mercedys
July 15, 2013
70% of Recent Major US Drug Seizures Are Marijuana Related

70% of Recent Major US Drug Seizures Are Marijuana Related

In an excellent article on The Daily Chronic, Scott Gacek examines a study which found over 70% of US drug seizures big enough to make the news...
June 24, 2013
Marijuana Accounts for Vast Majority of Drug Seizures on Mexican Border (INFOGRAPHIC)

Marijuana Accounts for Vast Majority of Drug Seizures on Mexican Border (INFOGRAPHIC)

Huff Post has a great infographic showing “the War on Drugs is clearly a war on weed.” Marijuana was a staggering 99.5% of the Border Patrol’s drug...
June 3, 2013
High Scientist: The Lives of Neanderthals

High Scientist: The Lives of Neanderthals

The discovery of the remains of human-like individuals millions of years old sparked a long-standing curiosity about the origins of humanity. Archaeological evidence has shed a ton...
By: Mercedys