Category: Hemp

(116 posts)

Hemp for victory! Hemp news and commentary.

August 31, 2012
Ziggy Marley Backs Cannabis, but Skips Smoke When Making Music

Ziggy Marley Backs Cannabis, but Skips Smoke When Making Music caught up with Ziggy Marley prior to his August 31st concert at the Mandalay Bay and asked him about cannabis prohibition: “It denies us the use of...
August 29, 2012
Grandmothers Cultivate Cannabis in Time of Need

Grandmothers Cultivate Cannabis in Time of Need

In the country of Swaziland, Africa’s only constitutional monarchy, elderly women are turning to cannabis cultivation in times of economic hardship. A news report released by the...
August 24, 2012
Do You Agree with Senator Rand Paul That Hemp = Jobs?

Do You Agree with Senator Rand Paul That Hemp = Jobs?

Nick Gillespie at Reason calls Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) a “a socially conservative Christian who wants to end the federal drug war, bring the troops home, and seriously cut...
August 17, 2012
Seattle Hempfest Kicks Off Today

Seattle Hempfest Kicks Off Today

Seattle Hempfest kicks off its 21st birthday today and runs through the weekend with crowds of over 300,000 people expected. reflects on Hempfest’s rich history and...
August 14, 2012
Infographic: Hemp vs. Cotton

Infographic: Hemp vs. Cotton

If you’ve always wondered about the advantages of hemp in regards to paper, textile, and food purposes, check out this infographic from ounodesign. It’s easy to see hemp’s...
By: Lateralus
August 14, 2012
List of Cannabis Related Bills in Congress

List of Cannabis Related Bills in Congress

Popvox has an easy-on-the-eyes list of all the cannabis related bills presently in Congress, covering marijuana, medical marijuana and hemp.
August 8, 2012
New Hemp Bill Introduced in US Senate

New Hemp Bill Introduced in US Senate

06:12pm A bipartisan group of senators has introduced a bill that would exclude industrial hemp from the definition of marijuana. The bill, if passed, would get...
August 6, 2012
Hope For Industrial Hemp? Group Of Senators Seeking Legislative Sanity

Hope For Industrial Hemp? Group Of Senators Seeking Legislative Sanity

According to Washington, D.C. Capitol Hill newspaper The Hill, a group of bipartisan Senators, led by Oregon Senator Ron Wyden (D), have filed legislation seeking to exempt...
August 3, 2012
Cannabis Prohibition Now Seventy-Five Years Old

Cannabis Prohibition Now Seventy-Five Years Old

Infamously, America’s federally created Cannabis Prohibition marks its seventy-fifth anniversary this August 2, 2012. The so-called ‘great failed social experiment’ of Alcohol Prohibition of the 1920s barely...
August 1, 2012
Obama Campaign Raises Money With Hemp Products While Banning Farmers From Growing Hemp

Obama Campaign Raises Money With Hemp Products While Banning Farmers From Growing Hemp

Read at the Huffington Post about the “made in the USA” hemp scarf Obama has for sale in his re-election campaign store. Rather ironic since American farmers...
July 26, 2012
Video: Twelve Cannabis Smoking US Presidents

Video: Twelve Cannabis Smoking US Presidents

Lets pause this POTUS election and look back on twelve known cannabis smoking US Presidents. Check out this 5 minute YouTube video for some great cannabis quotes,...
July 12, 2012
Cannabis vs. Marijuana vs. Hemp

Cannabis vs. Marijuana vs. Hemp

For many growing up in the United States, there has always been confusion on the meaning of the words cannabis, marijuana and hemp. A major source for this...
July 6, 2012
Oregon Expecting to Vote On Recreational Legalization of Marijuana in November

Oregon Expecting to Vote On Recreational Legalization of Marijuana in November

The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act will be on the November ballot in Oregon, according to its backers who say they have 165,000 signatures. The state has up to...
July 5, 2012
Industrial Hemp Uses

Industrial Hemp Uses

You’ve probably heard quotes from the United States Presidents about how important industrial hemp was to the fledgling US economy: “Make the most you can of the...
June 28, 2012
Seshat, Egyptian Goddess of Wisdom, Knowledge… and Cannabis?

Seshat, Egyptian Goddess of Wisdom, Knowledge… and Cannabis?

Seshat was the Ancient Egyptian goddess of wisdom, knowledge, and writing. She was seen as a scribe and record keeper, and her name means she who scrivens (i.e....
June 26, 2012
Cut the Lighter Butane, I-Tal Hempwick

Cut the Lighter Butane, I-Tal Hempwick

One of our favorite products that we picked up at the 2012 High Times Cannabis Cup in San Francisco is I-Tal’s Hempwick.  Hempwick is a thin hemp cord...