Category: Growing

(200 posts)

Growing marijuana.

April 24, 2015
Instafire: Aurum Farms Girl Scout Cookies

Instafire: Aurum Farms Girl Scout Cookies

I must confess and thank God simultaneously for these Girl Scout Cookies, which are not your average by any means. Lucky for me this taste came from...
March 17, 2015
Stoned Rabbits: The DEA’s Latest Fear Mongering Tactic

Stoned Rabbits: The DEA’s Latest Fear Mongering Tactic

Fairbanks actually said that he feared passage of the Utah legalization bill would lead to an epidemic of stoned rabbits.
March 11, 2015
Dell’s Maraschino Cherries Owner Commits Suicide When Secret Grow Discovered

Dell’s Maraschino Cherries Owner Commits Suicide When Secret Grow Discovered

Tragedy has struck Dell’s Maraschino Cherries in a recent Brooklyn police raid, when owner Arthur Mondella, shot and killed himself in a suicide when police discovered his...
March 4, 2015
Missouri Moves Forward With Cultivating Cannabis for Oil

Missouri Moves Forward With Cultivating Cannabis for Oil

Two non-profit organizations have been selected and given license by the Missouri Department of Agriculture to grow cannabis. Production is scheduled to begin this summer and is...
March 2, 2015
Jamaica Decriminalizes Possession of Small Amounts of Ganja

Jamaica Decriminalizes Possession of Small Amounts of Ganja

Jamaican legislators in the Lower House passed a law that will decriminalize possession of small amounts of cannabis. Under the new law, possession of as little as...
February 25, 2015
Canadian Cannabis Hero, Don Briere, Finally Thriving

Canadian Cannabis Hero, Don Briere, Finally Thriving

Canadian man and godfather of BC cannabis, Don Briere, has opened 8 new cannabis retail stores in British Columbia. Why should we care? Don Briere makes Marc...
February 24, 2015
Michigan Activists Prepare for Cannabis Legalization in 2016

Michigan Activists Prepare for Cannabis Legalization in 2016

Michigan legislators are trying to get their state ready for cannabis legalization in 2016. Legalization activists and advocates gathered last weekend to discuss the specifics of a...
February 18, 2015
Custom Strain for Multiple Sclerosis Being Crafted by Nemus Bioscience

Custom Strain for Multiple Sclerosis Being Crafted by Nemus Bioscience

Nemus Bioscience, a company out of California, is aiming to create and supply condition-specific strains of cannabis. Currently, they are working on such a strain for the...
February 17, 2015
CBD Oil Producer Awaits Georgia Lawmakers Decision

CBD Oil Producer Awaits Georgia Lawmakers Decision

A Colorado cannabis oil manufacturer has already committed to shipping her goods to Georgia, if Georgia lawmakers ever decide to legalize CBD oil for seizure treatment.
February 4, 2015
More Than 100 Native American Tribes Consider Growing Marijuana

More Than 100 Native American Tribes Consider Growing Marijuana

More than 100 Native American tribes have reached out to FoxBarry Farms, a management firm building the nation’s first marijuana facility on tribal land, to express interest...
January 21, 2015
Colorado Cannabis Firm to Grow on California Tribal Lands

Colorado Cannabis Firm to Grow on California Tribal Lands

Their aim is to form agreements with several California Native American tribes to grow and manufacture cannabis products on native land and then sell those products to...
January 21, 2015
How to Build a Geothermal Subterranean Greenhouse

How to Build a Geothermal Subterranean Greenhouse

A subterranean greenhouse is a great way to have continuous temperature and relative humidity levels throughout the whole year in your garden space. Native to Bolivia, the...
January 20, 2015
For Great Cannabis, It’s All in the Cure

For Great Cannabis, It’s All in the Cure

The curing process is where you either make or break the taste and smell of the flowers. For many cannabis connoisseurs, the appearance, smell and taste of...
January 20, 2015
Too Much Weed: Washington Weed Supply Exceeds Demand

Too Much Weed: Washington Weed Supply Exceeds Demand

The weed market has reached a tipping point in Washington, due to an excess of cannabis available to consumers. Despite earlier concerns that there would not be...
January 5, 2015
Three Important Cannabis Milestones in 2014

Three Important Cannabis Milestones in 2014

A few cannabis-culture milestones happened during 2014.
December 22, 2014
Japan’s Deep History With Cannabis Contradicts Current Laws

Japan’s Deep History With Cannabis Contradicts Current Laws

Up until the mid 1940’s, cannabis enjoyed unprecedented acceptance (praise, even) in Japan. There are even records of Ninja training by jumping over cannabis!
December 17, 2014
Israeli Company Wants to Grow “Designer” Cannabis

Israeli Company Wants to Grow “Designer” Cannabis

An Israeli company called KanaboSeed is in the early stages of developing so-called “designer” strains of medical cannabis that are genetically orchestrated to specific conditions and needs.
December 15, 2014
Native American Tribes Cleared to Grow Cannabis by DOJ

Native American Tribes Cleared to Grow Cannabis by DOJ

This week, the United States Department of Justice released a memo stating that Native American tribes are legally allowed to grow marijuana on their designated tribal lands.
December 1, 2014
New Zealand Stuck in Prohibition Timewarp

New Zealand Stuck in Prohibition Timewarp

As it is spring time in New Zealand, police constables have issued a warning and a request to locals: be on the look out for cannabis and...
November 18, 2014
Book Review: Marijuana Grow Bible, by Robert Bergman

Book Review: Marijuana Grow Bible, by Robert Bergman

Some of the information in this freely downloadable ebook is useful. Other tidbits are demonstrably false. And some of the book’s advice, if followed uncritically, could lead...