Category: Gear

(483 posts)

Marijuana paraphernalia and other tools of the trade

November 20, 2014
Headiest Dab Pins: Beavis & Butthead

Headiest Dab Pins: Beavis & Butthead

Beavis & Butthead friggin’ rocked and you know for sure they were dabbers.
November 19, 2014
Instafire: Fillacello Flip Disc by Slag Glass

Instafire: Fillacello Flip Disc by Slag Glass

Artist Slag Glass posted that fantastic little 14mm filacello flip disc rig. I am totally feeling the marias and purple in that neck.
November 18, 2014
Headiest Dab Pins: Lib-Errl-ty Dab Pin

Headiest Dab Pins: Lib-Errl-ty Dab Pin

This pin and dab’s dedicated to the day New York dabs in peace. Shouts out to my soldiers in Brooklyn and Strong Island doing it anyway.
November 17, 2014
Instafire: Mothership E-rig

Instafire: Mothership E-rig

Shouts out to inventive Instagram user @trippydabs for posting this Instafire. It’s a super clean rig, a Mothership Klein recycler with a nice extension connected to an...
November 14, 2014
Piece of the Week | Gnarly Space Rig

Piece of the Week | Gnarly Space Rig

This rig was found on facebook from Sagan Glass. Gnarly Space Rig Presumably named after the legend himself, Carl Sagan, Sagan Glass specializes in space themed glass....
November 13, 2014
Headiest Dab Pins: Green Dabs and Wax

Headiest Dab Pins: Green Dabs and Wax

Like the story, this hat pin is a tale about reluctance and victory in exploration. “I did like that, thank you, high I am.”
November 12, 2014
Instafire: Darby Glass In-Line Bubbler

Instafire: Darby Glass In-Line Bubbler

Behold this crazily worked in-line bubbler by Darby Andrews glass. These are the pipes that you bust out to define yourself in the headspace.
November 11, 2014
Headiest Dab Pins: Dab Mother F*cker, Pulp Fiction

Headiest Dab Pins: Dab Mother F*cker, Pulp Fiction

Here is a dab pin that made me laugh like a moron. Oh yes, I am a stoner that loves his Pulp Fiction references and this one...
November 7, 2014
Piece of the Week | Pumpkin Pipe

Piece of the Week | Pumpkin Pipe

October may have come and gone, but the season of pumpkins still reigns strong. This gorgeous pumpkin pipe features bright orange glass and elegant green vines and...
November 6, 2014
Headiest Dab Pins: “DBR” Dabs BHO Pin

Headiest Dab Pins: “DBR” Dabs BHO Pin

It’s nice to see a dab pin that humbly acknowledges our roots. On the higher level, it’s iconography and it’s irony.
November 5, 2014
Instafire: Hitman Cake Rig Fat Dab

Instafire: Hitman Cake Rig Fat Dab

You know Fweedom don’t mess around. That’s a Hitman Glass Cake Rig she is chiefin’ on, low temped, carb capped – errl day long. I don’t know...
November 4, 2014
Headiest Dab Pins: Oil Heads

Headiest Dab Pins: Oil Heads

Alas, Oil Heads we are and we do love our snacks, but “air heads” we are not. I love the subtle cleverness of this pin.
October 31, 2014
Piece of the Week | Skull Marble Pipe

Piece of the Week | Skull Marble Pipe

This sleek black pipe features an exquisite skull marble that gives it a dark, eerie, ghostly and beautiful effect.
October 31, 2014
Instafire: Worked Deppe Motherships

Instafire: Worked Deppe Motherships

I’ve told you many times, clear Motherships are thousands. I’ve also told ya that single colored ones are even thousands more. So where that does put this...
October 30, 2014
Headiest Dab Pins: Lord of the Slabs

Headiest Dab Pins: Lord of the Slabs

I find it very interesting that a lot of dab puns are paying homage to very profound shit. Lord of the Slabs is a knee smacker, but...
October 28, 2014
Headiest Dab Pins: Rocky and Bullwinkle

Headiest Dab Pins: Rocky and Bullwinkle

Meanwhile… my man Bullwinkle is just posted up in the background letting everyone know the deal, by name. The pop culture references aimed directly at millennials are...
October 27, 2014
Product Review: Dino Clean Hand Cleanser

Product Review: Dino Clean Hand Cleanser

Dino-Clean is an all natural, no water needed hand cleanser for gardeners of all persuasions, especially OURS as it turns out. It’s not just dabs, weed, once...
October 24, 2014
Piece of the Week | Jack O’ Lantern Pumpkin Pipe

Piece of the Week | Jack O’ Lantern Pumpkin Pipe

This eerie and gorgeous Jack O’ Lantern pumpkin pipe is an exquisite way to get into the ghoulish mood.
October 24, 2014
2014 Washington Cannabis Cup: Welcome Home Out-of-Towners

2014 Washington Cannabis Cup: Welcome Home Out-of-Towners

The Washington Cannabis Cup was an amazing place for out-of-towners this year.
October 23, 2014
Headiest Dab Pins: 7:10 Dab Pin

Headiest Dab Pins: 7:10 Dab Pin

This dab pin puts you in the know and in a familiar fashion. 7:10 is 4:20, it’s just that simple.