Category: Gear

(483 posts)

Marijuana paraphernalia and other tools of the trade

April 18, 2014
Piece of the Week | B$ Glass Mini Banger – Weedist Edition

Piece of the Week | B$ Glass Mini Banger – Weedist Edition

Happy 4/20 Weedists! You knew it was going to be special. This one needs no intro: B$ Glass Mini Banger, Weedist Edition. Photos courtesy of MEMENTO @mementoglass...
April 18, 2014
Instafire: Toke Soaps by Rad Soaps

Instafire: Toke Soaps by Rad Soaps

Posted by @diablodabs I couldn’t even wait to get out the shower to get this 420 weekend off to a bang. Shouts out to the crew over...
April 11, 2014
Piece of the Week | Spring Glass Peace Pipe

Piece of the Week | Spring Glass Peace Pipe

This glass spring peace pipe marks that change in the seasons. This piece was originally discovered on Celebrate Spring with a Glass Peace Pipe Spring has...
April 11, 2014
Instafire: Weedist Selfies – Diablo Dabs Pendank Rig

Instafire: Weedist Selfies – Diablo Dabs Pendank Rig

Posted by @diablodabs Don’t ever let it be said that I don’t practice what I preach. How about a little Instafire from my head stash. There is...
April 7, 2014
Instafire: Pothead Princess Hello Kitty Heady Dab Set

Instafire: Pothead Princess Hello Kitty Heady Dab Set

Posted by @potheadprincess_ The best part of waking up is a dab beside your cup. Now this is my kinda wake-n-bake people. Shouts out to the one...
April 4, 2014
Piece of the Week | Los Muertos Pipe

Piece of the Week | Los Muertos Pipe

This piece from glass artist PB Torcher is a nod to Dia de los Muertos. This specific pipe can be found on Etsy. Los Muertos Pipe For...
April 3, 2014
Product Review: “Scoop Dogg” (Dabs)

Product Review: “Scoop Dogg” (Dabs)

There are plenty of ways to handle sticky wax and other full melt concentrates that can be very difficult to pick up with your bare hands. While...
April 2, 2014
Instafire: Fweedom Collective Dabuccino 4/20 Giveaway

Instafire: Fweedom Collective Dabuccino 4/20 Giveaway

Posted by @Fweedom You know them, we love them and I REALLY hope I win one. Shouts out to the Fweedom collective family doing it so big this 4/20...
March 31, 2014
Product Review: The Toker Poker

Product Review: The Toker Poker

Ahh the poking tool, a toker’s best friend. How many times has a paper clip saved my ass? Every time, except the times when I didn’t have one...
March 28, 2014
Piece of the Week | Tammy Baller Pendank Pendant Rig

Piece of the Week | Tammy Baller Pendank Pendant Rig

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Posted by @potheadprincess_ Google Glass, Galaxy Gear, Nike Fuelband…the list goes on–it’s all about wearable tech these days. Well how about some wearable smoke tech?! Dope fam,...
March 28, 2014
American Lung Assn’s Stance on Vape Pens Financed by Big Pharma

American Lung Assn’s Stance on Vape Pens Financed by Big Pharma

High Times reports the American Lung Association is in cahoots with Big Pharma in an attempt to ban vape pens & drive up sales of cessation drugs....
March 25, 2014
Carb Caps : Welcome to Low Temp Dabbin’

Carb Caps : Welcome to Low Temp Dabbin’

(Highly Educated Domeless Nail w/ matching Carb Cap.) “Let that nail cool down,” I got told and I feel like it’s a tip passed on to every...
March 21, 2014
Piece of the Week | LED Glass Pipe

Piece of the Week | LED Glass Pipe

This one is just for fun: an LED-lit glass pipe. Warm nights are coming soon for the rest of the country and there will be many outdoor...
March 21, 2014
Instafire: Toro Glass Fully Worked Head Rig

Instafire: Toro Glass Fully Worked Head Rig

Posted by @jptoroglass Jesus JP, this one is just a little too much. Feel free to get baked on more Instafire from Toro Glass. I continue to...
March 20, 2014
Product Review: Honey Badger (Dabs)

Product Review: Honey Badger (Dabs)

Some products just make so much sense on paper that there’s really no need to test them to know that they’re going to work. The best and...
March 19, 2014
Instafire: Toro Glass Head Piece

Instafire: Toro Glass Head Piece

Posted by @jptoroglass This guy seriously doesn’t quit, how’s that for Instafire, check out this fully worked rig from head scene kingpin JP Toro. I will say...
March 14, 2014
Piece of the Week | Lizard Pipes

Piece of the Week | Lizard Pipes

This week we step back to the hobbyist world of Etsy and take a look at some fun Lizard Pipes. Lizard Pipes These pipes are handcrafted by...
March 14, 2014
Product Review: FourHitter Pipe

Product Review: FourHitter Pipe

One crazy fun part of my job at Weedist is that occasionally, I get to try interesting new products. Enter the FourHitter pipe. FourHitter Pipe for Weed The good people...
March 12, 2014
Marijuana Pipe Makers Won’t Chill Out

Marijuana Pipe Makers Won’t Chill Out

A Minneapolis businessman breached an agreement to sell the trade name for a ceramic smoking pipe called Hive even after he received a $50,000 check in the...
March 7, 2014
Piece of the Week | Toro, Salt, Micah Evans, Snic Barnes and Zach Puchowitz Collab

Piece of the Week | Toro, Salt, Micah Evans, Snic Barnes and Zach Puchowitz Collab

This collab between Toro, Salt, Micah Evans, Snic Barnes and Zach Puchowitz is definitely something to behold. While this might be too much bling for some tastes,...