The Dec 15 2011 Daily Show skit Too Big To Mail lovingly poked fun at the continued dismantling by Congress of the 236 year old United States Postal...
A marijuana grinder does exactly what the name implies, it grinds up your buds so that they burn evenly. A grinder simply accomplishes this better than any...
Economics 101 rightfully drills into business students’ heads that competition is a good thing. Corporate competition to the consumer should ultimately lead to better products at lower prices....
We originally posted this recipe in our forums for the 4/20 celebrations. Though, who doesn’t love marijuana chocolate chip cookies any day of the week? Count me in....
Times are getting tense for our prohibition overlords with more and more states adopting medical and decriminalization measures as well as a few striving for legalization. If...
As I’ve aged, the pockets of time where I can whip out that massive glass bong have sadly considerably decreased. I’ve come to deeply appreciate edibles &...
As an alternative to vaporizing or combusting, cannabis may be ingested. However, to have as much effect, the cannabis or its extract must be sufficiently heated or...
A small group has formed, ironically called ‘Smart Colorado,’ to try and stop the groundbreaking Amendment 64 up for vote in Colorado this November. This Amendement would...
This weedist prefers to store his cannabis in glass mason (aka canning) jars for short-intermediate term usage. I’m not a fan of bags or jars made out...
On February 2, 2012 18 year old Ramarley Graham was killed by the NYPD in his own apartment with his grandmother and 6-year-old brother present. NYPD chased...
The American Prospect’s May 29th 2012 article on why politicians support the status quo on the War On Drugs has thrown down the gauntlet. The essence of...
Statistically speaking this is true, no deaths have ever been attributed to marijuana use, while peanuts kill 100 people every single year! Who knew that peanuts...
Who doesn’t love Red Velvet these days? The chocolate cake, the cool red #5 color and the yummy cream cheese frosting. Estimated Time: 1 hour Serves: 12...
Cannabis butter, or ‘cannabutter’, is the staple building block of cannabis cooking. *any* recipe that calls for butter can use Cannabutter as a substitute. How it works...