For those of you not blessed to live in a state with sane medical marijuana laws, take an eye candy trip with Joby Weeks at Colorado’s Breckenridge Cannabis Club....
For many growing up in the United States, there has always been confusion on the meaning of the words cannabis, marijuana and hemp. A major source for this...
In June we covered the major cannabinoids in cannabis and its impact on your high. At least 85 different cannabinoids have been found in cannabis to date,...
Am I alone in being puzzled by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s stance on the war on drugs? Yesterday while speaking at the Brookings Institution, Christie said...
Last Friday’s SF Weekly article “Cash-Only Pot: Credit Cards No Longer Accepted at Medical Marijuana Dispensaries” was a stark reminder that prohibitionists won’t go down without a...
The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act will be on the November ballot in Oregon, according to its backers who say they have 165,000 signatures. The state has up to...
One of the most prevalent scare tactics from prohibitionists is how a sensible taxation and regulation policy for marijuana will turn our children into 24/7 couch-locked stoners since they’ll...
You’ve probably heard quotes from the United States Presidents about how important industrial hemp was to the fledgling US economy: “Make the most you can of the...
For home storage, I’m a fan of glass mason jars. When I’m looking for something portable, cheap, non-fragile, light-weight, malleable, and discreet (aka odorless), there’s really only...
Okay guys, one more thing, this summer when you’re being inundated with all this American bicentennial Fourth Of July brouhaha, don’t forget what you’re celebrating, and that’s...
GQ’s article “In His Second Term, Obama Will Pivot to the Drug War” made its way around the Internet yesterday and sparked plenty of conversations amongst weedists....
The independent film The Union – The Business Behind Getting High is a must see. The Union crew (Adam Scorgie, Brett Harvey, Graeme Flannigan, Stephen Green, Kieran...
Senator Perry B. Clark ( D-Louisville) is scheduled to hold a press conference at 2pm EDT on Thursday, July 5 to introduce the Gatewood Galbraith Memorial Medical...
For those folks who must know how it works, here is a biology geek deep-dive into the endogenous cannabinoid system from Cannabis Science video magazine. According to...
Seshat was the Ancient Egyptian goddess of wisdom, knowledge, and writing. She was seen as a scribe and record keeper, and her name means she who scrivens (i.e....
Here’s a 101 primer on the major compounds in cannabis and how it impacts the high you experience. With 6,000 Americans trying marijuana for the first time...
With our private sector now officially falling short of “just fine,” the failed war on marijuana is something both Obama and Congress should revisit. Squandering precious federal...
I don’t know about you, but I’m a little tired of hearing comparisons of corporate-made, old-fashioned cigarettes to a 100% medical-quality cannabis joint. Once in a while...
Mike Riggs at Reason writes about an important decision recently handed down by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals but the article also gives an excellent example...