Category: Features

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Weedist original cannabis content

October 19, 2012
Piece of the Week | Aqua Teen Hunger Force Pipes and Slides

Piece of the Week | Aqua Teen Hunger Force Pipes and Slides

Aqua Teen Hunger Force has been a staple of Adult Swim on the Cartoon Network for 12 years. The late night anarchy of the show is something...
October 18, 2012
The First Annual ‘The Hemp Connoisseur’; Part 5: The Winners!

The First Annual ‘The Hemp Connoisseur’; Part 5: The Winners!

This past Friday, the finals of this year’s The Hemp Connoisseur competition were held at Casselman’s in Denver. The event was a “Cirque de Cannabis,” complete with circus style...
October 17, 2012
Smoke Less to Get Higher? The Endogenous Cannabinoid Receptors

Smoke Less to Get Higher? The Endogenous Cannabinoid Receptors

Have you ever noticed after smoking a lot, you tend to get less high? Last 4/20 my buddies and I had a smoking marathon. We consumed all...
October 16, 2012
Comics, Economics and the War On Drugs

Comics, Economics and the War On Drugs

War on Drugs is a powerful, well-produced comic that purveys a message that cannabis advocates empathize with. For some time, Milton Friedman and his fellow economists have witnessed the ills...
October 15, 2012
Yes On I-502 Rally at WA State Capitol Disrupted by ‘No’ Activists

Yes On I-502 Rally at WA State Capitol Disrupted by ‘No’ Activists

Demonstrating the contentiousness of the issue and the passion of activists on both sides, a Yes on Initiative 502 rally sponsored by New Approach Washington, at the...
October 15, 2012
The First Annual ‘The Hemp Connoisseur’: Part 4: Strain Reviews 3

The First Annual ‘The Hemp Connoisseur’: Part 4: Strain Reviews 3

Thanks for checking out the final post covering the strains entered into the first annual Colorado cannabis championship, hosted by magazine The Hemp Connoisseur. Here are my...
October 12, 2012
Piece of the Week | Steamroller Pipe

Piece of the Week | Steamroller Pipe

This week we look at another functional piece at the disposal of the Weedist, a steamroller pipe.  The Urban Dictionary defines a steamroller as: “A device for...
October 12, 2012
Local Marijuana Hierarchy

Local Marijuana Hierarchy

We all know that not all buds are created equal. I’ve come to realize a certain marijuana hierarchy that people use to describe the range of cannabis...
October 11, 2012
Edibles Review: Bakked and Dosage Guidelines

Edibles Review: Bakked and Dosage Guidelines

Anyone who has been into a dispensary in the last year or so can tell you that the variety of options available to the MMJ consumer is...
October 11, 2012
Spice Things Up With a Personalized Weed Container

Spice Things Up With a Personalized Weed Container

Ever notice how we tend to get fancy with things we enjoy? I’m thinking about the people who get racks or cabinets for wine, or boxes and...
October 9, 2012
Colorado Amendment 64: Know the Lies, Part 4

Colorado Amendment 64: Know the Lies, Part 4

Legalization would save huge amounts of law enforcement resources as well as protect vast numbers of people from losing their livelihoods. This Weedist series is dedicated to...
October 8, 2012
The First Annual ‘The Hemp Connoisseur’: Part 3: Strain Reviews 2

The First Annual ‘The Hemp Connoisseur’: Part 3: Strain Reviews 2

Welcome back to our continuing coverage of the first annual Colorado cannabis championship, hosted by The Hemp Connoisseur. I detailed 3 of the 9 strains entered into...
October 5, 2012
Piece of the Week | Mustache Sherlock Glass Pipe

Piece of the Week | Mustache Sherlock Glass Pipe

We shift gears this week and look at something goofy and fun, the mustache Sherlock glass pipe. This would make a great gift for the Weedist who...
October 5, 2012
Edibles Review: Sweet Grass Kitchen PB&J Cup

Edibles Review: Sweet Grass Kitchen PB&J Cup

After my positive review of Mountain High Suckers, I decided to try another edible, this time by Sweet Grass Kitchen.  I mentioned previously that I was not a...
By: Lateralus
October 4, 2012
Viva La Vape’s Revolt Vaporizer

Viva La Vape’s Revolt Vaporizer

Working at a dispensary can be very hard. I say this because I spend my days talking about, selling, and generally being surrounded by not just great...
October 4, 2012
Colorado Amendment 64: Know the Lies, Part 3 – War On Drugs

Colorado Amendment 64: Know the Lies, Part 3 – War On Drugs

This Weedist series is dedicated to stopping the misinformation  being spread by the campaign to prevent Colorado voters from legalizing marijuana...
October 3, 2012
Talk to Your Parents, Grandparents; Help End Prohibition Now

Talk to Your Parents, Grandparents; Help End Prohibition Now

If every weedist had a simple conversation with their parents, grandparents or any other elderly friend/family could prohibition come crashing down at a record pace? Only 31%...
October 1, 2012
The First Annual ‘The Hemp Connoisseur’: Part 2: Strain Reviews 1

The First Annual ‘The Hemp Connoisseur’: Part 2: Strain Reviews 1

Welcome to Part 2 of my thoughts on the strains entered into the first annual Colorado cannabis championship (hosted by magazine The Hemp Connoisseur), and the first...
October 1, 2012
Hollywood and the Prohibition

Hollywood and the Prohibition

Hollywood’s recent rash of stoner films and the stereotypes they perpetuate. Seth Rogen recently commented on his use of cannabis, assenting to be Hollywood’s biggest stoner after some prodding...
September 28, 2012
Piece of the Week | Custom Glass Mushroom Chillum

Piece of the Week | Custom Glass Mushroom Chillum

This week we look to the independent glass artist community to find a custom glass mushroom chillum. This glass mushroom chillum is functional art. If you had...