Category: Features

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Weedist original cannabis content

March 8, 2013
Piece of the Week | Spider Pipes

Piece of the Week | Spider Pipes

I’m not a huge fan of spiders, but when I saw very cool spider pipes on Etsy from HomegrownGlass I was inspired as to see what other pipes...
March 8, 2013
ACTION ALERT: Ask Your Representative to Back Two New Federal Medical Cannabis Bills

ACTION ALERT: Ask Your Representative to Back Two New Federal Medical Cannabis Bills

SUPPORT HR 689 AND HR 710 Representatives Earl Blumenauer and Sam Farr recently introduced legislation that will end the federal conflict with state medical cannabis programs.  Blumenauer’s bill, titled...
March 8, 2013
CO and WA State Law Might Be in Violation of International Treaties

CO and WA State Law Might Be in Violation of International Treaties

As reported on Denver’s Westword earlier this week, Colorado and Washington state law that makes small quantities of marijuana possession legal might just be in violation of...
March 7, 2013
Weedist Destinations: San Francisco, CA

Weedist Destinations: San Francisco, CA

San Francisco is the birthplace of the hippie movement, the Summer of Love, psychedelic music, and more recently, the medical marijuana movement that has changed so many...
March 6, 2013
Product Review: Rasta Pasta Cooking Spices

Product Review: Rasta Pasta Cooking Spices

The Rasta Pasta Cafe and Genesis in the Jungle Spice Company began in Belize, where owner Maralyn Gill spent many years. The spice packaging company, available locally...
By: Anna Diaz
March 6, 2013
Hawaii Senate Decriminalizes Possession, But Keeps it Illegal

Hawaii Senate Decriminalizes Possession, But Keeps it Illegal

Love is hate. Freedom is slavery. And if Hawaii has its way, pot will be decriminalized but illegal. Its state senate unanimously passed a proposed law that would...
March 5, 2013
High Scientist: Storing Data in DNA

High Scientist: Storing Data in DNA

I’ve mentioned my interest in all things science. Most of the cool shit in this world came around because of discoveries in science and technology, and I...
March 5, 2013
PTSD and MMJ for Colorado Vet: A Legal Quagmire

PTSD and MMJ for Colorado Vet: A Legal Quagmire

In 2003, US Navy Corpsman Jeremy Usher (now 31) returned to Colorado from tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Usher, serving as combat medic, was shot in the...
March 4, 2013
Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Applesauce

Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Applesauce

Homemade medicated applesauce is deliriously simple to make. It has pectin, which is good for our skin and hair, adds fiber to the diet along with other nutrients....
By: Anna Diaz
March 4, 2013
Amendment 64 Task Force Finished Recommendations

Amendment 64 Task Force Finished Recommendations

Colorado’s Amendment 64 Task Force finished its work as February came to a close. After months of work and several public meetings, the task force has done...
March 1, 2013
Piece of the Week | Bamboo Bongs

Piece of the Week | Bamboo Bongs

This week we consider a sustainable bong that can be homemade, or could be purchased as a decorative ornament from an excursion abroad: the bamboo bong. Origins...
March 1, 2013
Great TV While High: Sherlock BBC

Great TV While High: Sherlock BBC

Today’s selection of great cannabis television skipped across the Atlantic.  This is a re-imagining of what is perhaps the original crime drama, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes.  Set against the...
February 28, 2013
Marijuana vs. Alcohol Prohibition

Marijuana vs. Alcohol Prohibition

Marijuana prohibition experts should avoid alcohol prohibition comparisons.     Legally prohibiting an intoxicant is an ineffective and ultimately detrimental approach to dealing with the potential harm...
February 27, 2013
Stoner Chic: Pot Etiquette for the Domesticated Among Us

Stoner Chic: Pot Etiquette for the Domesticated Among Us

The New York Times ran a great article on pot etiquette earlier this week, or what I refer to as “mediquette.” One point spoke directly to a conversation my girlfriend...
February 26, 2013
Edibles Review: Mile High and A Mile Higher from Incredibles

Edibles Review: Mile High and A Mile Higher from Incredibles

I remember Andes Mint chocolates from holidays when I was a kid. My grandma used to have at least one box waiting for after Thanksgiving or Christmas...
February 26, 2013
Oregon Legislature Looks to Legalize

Oregon Legislature Looks to Legalize

The Oregon State House Revenue Committee has introduced House Bill 3371 to the legislature which will end cannabis prohibition for adults. This bill comes fast on the coat-tails of Oregon’s...
By: Anna Diaz
February 25, 2013
Weedist Talks to Mason Tvert of Marijuana Policy Project

Weedist Talks to Mason Tvert of Marijuana Policy Project

Weedists: Meet Mason Tvert “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Mason Tvert is largely credited with the...
February 22, 2013
Piece of the Week | Glow in the Dark Paraphernalia

Piece of the Week | Glow in the Dark Paraphernalia

This week we scoured the web searching for glow-in-the-dark paraphernalia. There’s really no practical reason that I can come up with for owning one of these pieces...
February 21, 2013
How to Make Glycerine Tincture

How to Make Glycerine Tincture

Cannabis infused glycerine tincture can be used straight out of the jar and under your tongue, or to sweeten anything that would normally use honey or some...
By: Anna Diaz
February 20, 2013
How to Make A Cigarette Spliff

How to Make A Cigarette Spliff

It’s pretty neat how many ways there are to consume cannabis. We can use tinctures, edibles, topical lotions, and vaporizing- all of which have many variations and...