Category: Features

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Weedist original cannabis content

August 2, 2013
Tenth Annual Olympia Hempfest

Tenth Annual Olympia Hempfest

I attended the Tenth Annual Olympia Hempfest on Saturday, July 27, 2013, at beautiful Heritage Park, which sits in the shadow of the Washington State Capitol Building....
By: Anna Diaz
August 2, 2013
Long-Ignored Cannabinoid THCV May Hold Key to Diabetes

Long-Ignored Cannabinoid THCV May Hold Key to Diabetes

While it’s apparently taken centuries for scientists to take serious notice of the medical effects of the cannabis plant, virtually all the attention has been on THC,...
August 1, 2013
Help Hempfest Be a Happy Highlight of 2013

Help Hempfest Be a Happy Highlight of 2013

Hempfest is perhaps the world’s largest protestival. In 2012, more than 250,000 people attended the weekend-long event to watch entertainment, hear speakers on a wide range of...
By: Mercedys
August 1, 2013
My Favorite Strains:  Island Sweet Skunk

My Favorite Strains: Island Sweet Skunk

With so many different strains of medical marijuana currently available in Colorado medical marijuana dispensaries, it is understandably overwhelming to many first time patients that may not...
August 1, 2013
Great TV While High: Dexter

Great TV While High: Dexter

This iteration of great stoned television is all about Dexter. When Dexter (based on 2004’s Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay) first premiered in 2006 on Showtime...
July 31, 2013
Great Artwork While High: Matthew Porter

Great Artwork While High: Matthew Porter

I discovered Matthew Porter, the same way do I so many other wonderful things in my life. I was stoned and heard “Hey, babe ya gotta check...
July 31, 2013
Great Stoner Workout: Kettlebell

Great Stoner Workout: Kettlebell

Sort of in line with my yoga routines, I am always interested in new ways of compressing time by getting more bang for your effort. A couple...
July 31, 2013
Video: Ron Paul VS Stephen Baldwin on Cannabis Legalization

Video: Ron Paul VS Stephen Baldwin on Cannabis Legalization

In his blog on, Paul Mulshine discusses a Larry King Live video of Ron Paul debating Stephen Baldwin on marijuana legalization. Debating may be the wrong...
July 30, 2013
Prospero’s Grow Epilogue: How to Make Your Own Homegrown Bud Joint Stash

Prospero’s Grow Epilogue: How to Make Your Own Homegrown Bud Joint Stash

It’s been about a month since completely harvesting my own crop of bud grown in my studio apartment in Denver. The entire experience was a great opportunity...
July 30, 2013
Great Movies While High: The Color of Money

Great Movies While High: The Color of Money

In this age of on-demand everything, sometimes there’s just too much to choose from, especially stoned. I love it when I am baked and something good just...
July 30, 2013
SSDP Presents Campus Drug Policy Gradebook

SSDP Presents Campus Drug Policy Gradebook

SSDP (Students for Sensible Drug Policy) recently announced their Campus Drug Policy Gradebook. The drug and alcohol policies of the top 300 schools in the country according...
By: Lateralus
July 30, 2013
CNN Video: Cheryl Shuman VS Rehab Profiteer

CNN Video: Cheryl Shuman VS Rehab Profiteer

In a CNN video from Piers Morgan Live, Morgan Spurlock (filling in for Piers Morgan) talked to Cheryl Shuman, Aimee Shuman, and Howard Samuels about marijuana. Cheryl...
July 29, 2013
High Scientist: Lenticular Galaxy in Virgo

High Scientist: Lenticular Galaxy in Virgo

I was cruising, one of my favorite science news sites, and saw this story about the sighting of a lenticular galaxy in the constellation of Virgo (see...
July 29, 2013
Weedist Destinations: Shorty’s Seattle

Weedist Destinations: Shorty’s Seattle

In continuing to show downtown Seattle love with Hempfest rapidly approaching, I am proud to share a destination that sounds like it was dreamt up after a...
July 29, 2013
Great Edibles Recipes: Chip Sandwich

Great Edibles Recipes: Chip Sandwich

This addition to the Great Stoner Cuisine collection is an easy twist on a staple stoner food: The Sandwich (non-medicated). When it comes to sandwiches, I feel...
July 29, 2013
MPP Ad Pulled From NASCAR Brickyard 400

MPP Ad Pulled From NASCAR Brickyard 400

Thanks to the rotten Drug Free America Foundation, MPP’s “New Beer” legalization ad has been pulled from the Jumbotron at the NASCAR Brickyard 400. Since the ignorant...
July 26, 2013
Piece of the Week | E Bomb Glass Recycler Pendant

Piece of the Week | E Bomb Glass Recycler Pendant

 E Bomb Glass Recycler Pendant This week’s Piece of the Week speaks to not one, but two super-hot trends in errl pipes right now- pendant rigs and...
July 26, 2013
Deanna Jean, Minnesota Mom, Fights for Medical Marijuana

Deanna Jean, Minnesota Mom, Fights for Medical Marijuana

Weedists: Meet Deanna Jean “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Deanna Jean, or DJ as she is...
By: Anna Diaz
July 26, 2013
Florida Bong Ban – House Bill 49 – Dazed and Confused

Florida Bong Ban – House Bill 49 – Dazed and Confused

House Bill 49, known as the ‘Florida Bong Law’ has literally gone up in smoke. News agencies continue to tirelessly spin the story as they deem appropriate, and...
July 26, 2013
Will Problems with Colorado’s MMJ Industry Remain Under A64?

Will Problems with Colorado’s MMJ Industry Remain Under A64?

As Colorado prepares to unleash legal retail marijuana, many people are growing nervous about what is to come. Some folks are still convinced that the sky will...