Category: Features

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Weedist original cannabis content

September 26, 2013
Film Review: “The House I Live In”

Film Review: “The House I Live In”

“The House I Live In” is one of the most important documentaries made in the last 10 years. I urge each and every one of you to...
September 26, 2013
My Favorite Strains: Bruce Banner

My Favorite Strains: Bruce Banner

Some strains just have a name that sounds so intriguing that you can’t help but want to try it. Just like any other good marketing, the name...
September 25, 2013
When to Look for a New Dispensary Caregiver

When to Look for a New Dispensary Caregiver

So after carefully changing my dispensary caregiver a few months back, I’m right back to where I started. I must search for a new one since my...
By: Lateralus
September 25, 2013
Medical Marijuana Patient Needs $5,000 to Protect His Daughter From CPS

Medical Marijuana Patient Needs $5,000 to Protect His Daughter From CPS

Ten month old Lilly Fisher has been in CPS custody since April when her father requested their help rescuing her from an extremely unsafe situation while in...
By: Mercedys
September 25, 2013
Canada Grants Monopoly To Historically Terrible MMJ Producer

Canada Grants Monopoly To Historically Terrible MMJ Producer

Prairie Plant Systems once held a monopoly over commercial MMJ in Canada. The product they produced received an enormous number of complaints, even after being delayed by...
September 24, 2013
Cannabis Legalization: Proceed With Caution

Cannabis Legalization: Proceed With Caution

Cannabis legalization has the momentum it needs; will it be preserved from commercialization and the free market? As the legalization movement makes leaps and bounds stateside and...
September 24, 2013
Dab Gear: Puff n Dabs Custom Heady Torches by Emerge

Dab Gear: Puff n Dabs Custom Heady Torches by Emerge

My Pieces of the Week usually showcase artists’ whose work is worthy of the only H word better than Hemp- Heady. A heady rig is glass that is...
September 24, 2013
Deny Organ Transplants to Marijuana Users?

Deny Organ Transplants to Marijuana Users?

In a video and article on Medscape, Arthur L. Caplan, PhD notes that organ transplant centers routinely deny organ transplants to patients that test positive for drugs...
September 24, 2013
Minimalist “Celebrity Weedists”

Minimalist “Celebrity Weedists”

In a nod to minimalism, pop culture and cannabis we present: Celebrity Weedists. It’s a homage to the famous pot smokers who’ve helped bring cannabis more into...
September 23, 2013
Great Edibles Recipes: Cracker Snackers

Great Edibles Recipes: Cracker Snackers

I first ate the fruits of this recipe sans cannabis at the ripe age of ten or eleven. I had fortuitously befriended a new girl in my...
September 23, 2013
49ers Aldon Smith Arrested for DUI, Possession

49ers Aldon Smith Arrested for DUI, Possession

Aldon Smith, the one-man sack factory linebacker from the San Francisco 49ers was arrested last Friday (Sept 20th) morning on suspicion of a DUI. Smith crashed his car...
September 23, 2013
The Weedist Dab Guide to Playing GTA5

The Weedist Dab Guide to Playing GTA5

We noted how awesome it was for Rockstar Games to give a nod to cannabis culture in their latest version of Grand Theft Auto by allowing players...
September 23, 2013
Marijuana Possession Arrests Outpace Violent Crime Arrests

Marijuana Possession Arrests Outpace Violent Crime Arrests

The good folks over at Think Progress recently put out a very revealing article. In 2012 drug offenses accounted for the majority of total arrests. 82% of...
September 20, 2013
Piece of the Week | Monster Claw Pipe with Slyme Glass

Piece of the Week | Monster Claw Pipe with Slyme Glass

This week we find a not-so-simple spoon: a monster claw pipe with a slyme glass accent. Monster Claw Pipe with Slyme Glass This cool pipe is brought to us...
September 20, 2013
Here’s to You, Mr. Yamuachi

Here’s to You, Mr. Yamuachi

Leave Luck to Heaven. “You missed the 1-ups on that level.” “I’m going for speed, not longevity.” I watch as my friend gobbles toadstools and glowing flowers,...
September 20, 2013
Dangers of Synthetic Cannabis

Dangers of Synthetic Cannabis

I’m sure most people have heard on the news horror stories about drugs like meth and bath salts. These stories are mostly tragic, which should be expected...
September 20, 2013
CPS Removes Children Due to State-Sanctioned Medical Marijuana Use

CPS Removes Children Due to State-Sanctioned Medical Marijuana Use

A six month old baby girl and her six year old brother were taken from their homes by CPS in Michigan this week because the state sees...
By: Mercedys
September 19, 2013
My Favorite Strains: Strawberry Cough

My Favorite Strains: Strawberry Cough

How often does one get lost in familiar territory? Or, better yet, how often does one believe he is in a dream? Or in the middle of...
September 19, 2013
Great Videos While High: Arcade Fire “Reflektor”

Great Videos While High: Arcade Fire “Reflektor”

Last week, multiple Grammy-winning mega indie rock band Arcade Fire released the first single from their forth-coming album of the same name Reflektor. Following their track record of unconventional...
September 18, 2013
Healthstones: a Great Glass Addition to Your Dab Toolkit

Healthstones: a Great Glass Addition to Your Dab Toolkit

A joke: When asked how much his glass collection cost, Carl Sagan responded: “Thousands and thousands and thousands.” A solid glass collection requires some serious funding. While...