Two weeks ago, after years of talking my face off about the benefits of cannabis, my parents finally agreed to try some tinctures. The original plan was...
Weedists: Meet Eric Hutchinson “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Weedists can be many different kinds of...
Happy Camper Ice Wax is a concentrate made from fresh, frozen plant material that is sifted through fine micron screen. The batch that I tried had a...
Stems are often overlooked as unusable. This video shows one easy, but kind of energy intensive, way to use them. Here are two other simple things you...
The elite artists of the borosilicate glass world (ya know, the crazy headie pipe guys) are making truly unprecedented money right now. Wouldn’t it be nice if...
Are advocates ready for the side effects of cannabis? Perhaps the most promising development caused by increased leniency toward cannabis’ Schedule I status is the incipient field...
Now You’re Playing with Flower Power As we noted, dab enthusiasts are highly fond of dab pins–a collector’s style pin with pop culture references cleverly parodied to...
The Wall Street Journal reported last week that it appears California is expanding its DNA program to include samples taken from those charged with lesser crimes. People...
Canada’s MMPR (Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations) begin to take over the medical marijuana system today. Under the new regulations only large corporate entities may grow the...
It looks like THCfinder is about to take it to the next level! Endexx, a corporation that provides web based application as well as storage of documents...
The NFL and its players union doesn’t require players to disclose the substances for which they have tested positive. This is becoming more of an issue as...
Summer has dwindled into fall and the temperatures are dropping. Sassy Chorizo Vegetable Soup is one of my favorite culinary creations that will keep you warm in these...
Sun, surf and sinsemilla. Puerto Escondido used to boom with tourism, the locals say. The streets were flush with extranjeros whose liquid funds and frivolity represent the...
In an epic article on the Business Insider, Walter Hickey tells the whole story about how Colorado medical marijuana patients can pay $25 for an eighth of...