In what amounts to a collective “duh” moment for the non-cannabis enthusiasts out there, a recent study illustrated that marijuana is very expensive when it’s illegal. Not...
Ireland’s Cannabis Regulation Bill 2013 was published last week by Roscommon TD Luke Ming Flanagan, who says “Ireland is ready for the legalization of cannabis.” The bill will...
Drug Policy Alliance International Drug Policy Reform Conference ran from October 23, 2013 until October 26, 2013. The event boasted a plethora of cannabis activists and took...
The Washington State Liquor Board is in the process of issuing its recommendations for how to regulate recreational marijuana use. This is, more or less, following the...
Leading up to November’s election, marijuana policy is an increasingly hot topic in Maine. Voters in the city of Portland will soon decide whether or not possessing...
With cannabis legalization spreading, local governments are left with little direction on how to change current policies to reflect the new legal reality. Many questions remain, but...
Should I smoke cannabis, vaporize it, eat it, drink it? Rub it on my skin? With the relatively recent legalization in Washington and Colorado and the growing...
Apparently inspired by the handful of elected officials in D.C. who brought our government to a dead stop, several Pierce County, WA council members are planning a...
A study has found that examining breath for cannabinoids could be far more useful than the blood tests currently used to set the standard for impairment. The...
There are two kinds of cannabis dispensary business models out there. Dispensaries either attracts its customers by aggressively playing the lowest price game or attract customers by...
Cannabis activists are planning Stop CPS: Free the Babies International Day of Action for November 12th, 2013. The event is being coordinated by Moms for Marijuana, a...
My friend and transplant from Alabama, Urb Thrasher has been keeping up with cannabis politics in his home state, and it’s pretty grim. If not for Urb,...
Recently I stumbled upon these beautiful Chinese dragon smoking pipes on Etsy. Each one is unique, intricate and would make an excellent addition to a collection of...