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Weedist original cannabis content

October 29, 2013
Legal Weed is the Cheapest Weed

Legal Weed is the Cheapest Weed

In what amounts to a collective “duh” moment for the non-cannabis enthusiasts out there, a recent study illustrated that marijuana is very expensive when it’s illegal. Not...
October 28, 2013
Ireland’s Cannabis Regulation Bill Published

Ireland’s Cannabis Regulation Bill Published

Ireland’s Cannabis Regulation Bill 2013 was published last week by Roscommon TD Luke Ming Flanagan, who says “Ireland is ready for the legalization of cannabis.” The bill will...
October 28, 2013
Michigan Medical Marijuana Couple Gets Their Daughter Back

Michigan Medical Marijuana Couple Gets Their Daughter Back

I feel like we often talk about how the justice system fails in regards to cannabis. To be fair, quite often, the justice system is a lit...
October 28, 2013
Texting for Pardons, Help Free Federal Drug War Prisoners

Texting for Pardons, Help Free Federal Drug War Prisoners

Drug Policy Alliance International Drug Policy Reform Conference ran from October 23, 2013 until October 26, 2013. The event boasted a plethora of cannabis activists and took...
By: Anna Diaz
October 25, 2013
Piece of the Week | Sovereignty Glass Peyote Pillar

Piece of the Week | Sovereignty Glass Peyote Pillar

  Sovereignty Glass Peyote Pillar This week’s Piece of the Week rips so fat it kicks my ass’ ass. It is with great esteem and pleasure I...
October 25, 2013
Washington State Liquor Board Goes for MMJ’s Throat

Washington State Liquor Board Goes for MMJ’s Throat

The Washington State Liquor Board is in the process of issuing its recommendations for how to regulate recreational marijuana use. This is, more or less, following the...
October 24, 2013
MPP’s Dan Riffle Debates Kevin Sabet on Marijuana Policy

MPP’s Dan Riffle Debates Kevin Sabet on Marijuana Policy

Leading up to November’s election, marijuana policy is an increasingly hot topic in Maine. Voters in the city of Portland will soon decide whether or not possessing...
October 24, 2013
Weed Odor Complaints? No Worries, the Nasal Ranger is Here

Weed Odor Complaints? No Worries, the Nasal Ranger is Here

With cannabis legalization spreading, local governments are left with little direction on how to change current policies to reflect the new legal reality. Many questions remain, but...
By: Mercedys
October 24, 2013
Cannabis 101: Where Does a Novice Begin?

Cannabis 101: Where Does a Novice Begin?

Should I smoke cannabis, vaporize it, eat it, drink it? Rub it on my skin? With the relatively recent legalization in Washington and Colorado and the growing...
October 23, 2013
Pierce County, WA Council Members Seek to Reinstall Prohibition

Pierce County, WA Council Members Seek to Reinstall Prohibition

Apparently inspired by the handful of elected officials in D.C. who brought our government to a dead stop, several Pierce County, WA council members are planning a...
October 23, 2013
Edibles Review: Wana PB Krisp

Edibles Review: Wana PB Krisp

Medical marijuana edibles are a great way to get a dose of THC in a discreet way. I’m a big fan of being able to medicate in...
October 22, 2013
Cannabis Breathalyzers May Be On The Way

Cannabis Breathalyzers May Be On The Way

A study has found that examining breath for cannabinoids could be far more useful than the blood tests currently used to set the standard for impairment. The...
October 22, 2013
Great Music While High: Skyrim OST

Great Music While High: Skyrim OST

Anyone who has played The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, knows it’s a great game. A large part of what makes it so great is it’s amazing soundtrack....
October 22, 2013
Cannabis Price Increase Curbs Demand and Restabilized Supply

Cannabis Price Increase Curbs Demand and Restabilized Supply

There are two kinds of cannabis dispensary business models out there. Dispensaries either attracts its customers by aggressively playing the lowest price game or attract customers by...
October 21, 2013
Stop CPS: Free the Babies Day of Action Planned Nov 12th

Stop CPS: Free the Babies Day of Action Planned Nov 12th

Cannabis activists are planning Stop CPS: Free the Babies International Day of Action for November 12th, 2013. The event is being coordinated by Moms for Marijuana, a...
By: Mercedys
October 21, 2013
Great Edibles Recipes: Pot Infused Pesto

Great Edibles Recipes: Pot Infused Pesto

For a few days I’ve been craving delicious pasta, and when I came upon a recipe for pot infused pesto, I absolutely had to make it. The...
October 21, 2013
Alabama Medical Marijuana Coalition Takes Tough Hits

Alabama Medical Marijuana Coalition Takes Tough Hits

My friend and transplant from Alabama, Urb Thrasher has been keeping up with cannabis politics in his home state, and it’s pretty grim. If not for Urb,...
By: Anna Diaz
October 18, 2013
Piece of the Week | Chinese Dragon Smoking Pipes

Piece of the Week | Chinese Dragon Smoking Pipes

Recently I stumbled upon these beautiful Chinese dragon smoking pipes on Etsy. Each one is unique, intricate and would make an excellent addition to a collection of...
October 18, 2013
Official Stoner Sport: Major League Ultimate Frisbee

Official Stoner Sport: Major League Ultimate Frisbee

I actually thought I was seeing things and/or so high I was actively creating my reality as I viewed it when I happened upon a website for...
October 17, 2013
Kief Cones, a Dispensary Work Perk

Kief Cones, a Dispensary Work Perk

Every job has its work perks and I felt obligated to share my latest indulgence. I have raided the bottom of the shake bin to make kief...