Category: Features

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Weedist original cannabis content

November 18, 2013
Pets and Cannabis

Pets and Cannabis

Cannabis users spoil their pets, just like everybody else. We love them like family, because that’s what they are. As cannabis becomes more accepted as medicine for...
By: Anna Diaz
November 18, 2013
WA Liquor Control Board MMJ Hearing Draws 700+ Concerned Citizens

WA Liquor Control Board MMJ Hearing Draws 700+ Concerned Citizens

The Setting: Liquor Control Board Public Hearing Over 700 concerned citizens came to Lacey on Wednesday, November 13th for their chance to give feedback on the Liquor...
By: Mercedys
November 15, 2013
Piece of the Week | DIY Bell Pepper Bubbler

Piece of the Week | DIY Bell Pepper Bubbler

The tuxedo of edible pieces. Fruit and vegetables have been at it for years. Fruit versus vegetable juices, orchards versus gardens, chips versus fruit snacks, it’s Army...
November 15, 2013
Denver’s Latest Cannabis Rules Allows for Yard Smoking

Denver’s Latest Cannabis Rules Allows for Yard Smoking

In a draft far more reasonable than previous versions, Denver City Council has released new proposed cannabis rules for users in Denver. Thanks to libertarians, the latest...
November 15, 2013
Open Letter to Oregon Dispensary Rules Advisory Committee

Open Letter to Oregon Dispensary Rules Advisory Committee

The third draft of the rules for Oregon medical cannabis dispensaries were made public Wednesday. Here is my open letter to the Oregon Medical Marijuana Dispensary Rules...
By: Anna Diaz
November 14, 2013
The Culture High: Behind the Scenes With NORML UK

The Culture High: Behind the Scenes With NORML UK

Regular readers know that we are supporters of The Culture High. The Culture High is a forthcoming documentary from Executive Producer Adam Scorgie and Director Brett Harvey...
November 14, 2013
Denver Holds First Recreational Dispensary Public Hearing

Denver Holds First Recreational Dispensary Public Hearing

This Tuesday, Denver held its first public hearing for a recreational dispensary, The Grove. The City of Denver felt it was absolutely necessary to hold these hearings...
November 14, 2013
Marijuana Tolerance Breaks: 5 Ways to Pass the Time With Ease and in Better Health

Marijuana Tolerance Breaks: 5 Ways to Pass the Time With Ease and in Better Health

I still take marijuana tolerance breaks approximately every three months for a week (a good rule of thumb from my doctor at Medicann), so I don’t have...
November 13, 2013
World Famous Cannabis Cafe Celebrates 4th Anniversary

World Famous Cannabis Cafe Celebrates 4th Anniversary

On November 13, 2009, the World Famous Cannabis Cafe (WFCC) opened its doors. The brainchild of Madeline Martinez, the cafe was created to provide a safe place for...
By: Anna Diaz
November 13, 2013
More Opposition to Medical Marijuana Amendment in Florida

More Opposition to Medical Marijuana Amendment in Florida

Last Friday, Florida House General Council Daniel Nordby was joined by Senate General Council George Levesque in filing a 50-page brief with the Supreme Court, in opposition...
November 13, 2013
Can Cannabis Save the World?

Can Cannabis Save the World?

For this article, I go simply on faith and happily acknowledge that this is wholly unprovable, but I honestly believe that legalizing cannabis would be good for...
November 12, 2013
Great Music While High: Final Fantasy XIII OST

Great Music While High: Final Fantasy XIII OST

Alright guys, hopefully you’re not sick of hearing me talk about music I like to listen to while wandering around in the woods. I like original soundtracks...
November 12, 2013
Demand for Low-THC Pot for Children Outpaces Nonprofit

Demand for Low-THC Pot for Children Outpaces Nonprofit

Now that marijuana’s medical properties are becoming undeniable, particularly for cancer and epilepsy, more and more parents of sick kids are seeking out the healing herb and...
November 12, 2013
Cannabis and Parental Surplus Syndrome

Cannabis and Parental Surplus Syndrome

With all of the recent press about Child Protective Services (CPS) stepping in to ruin families of cannabis users, I thought it was time to reflect on...
November 11, 2013
Aesliip Strain Stories: Purple Haze and Hippie Rick

Aesliip Strain Stories: Purple Haze and Hippie Rick

I had an interesting experience the other day that I feel compelled to share. It was completely random and an example of genuine friendliness. While wandering the wilds...
November 11, 2013
CNN Video: Pot to Mint More Millionaires Than Microsoft?

CNN Video: Pot to Mint More Millionaires Than Microsoft?

CNN’s Don Lemon sat down to talk legalization with stakeholders on both sides of the debate: Steve DeAngelo, Kevin Sabet and Jamen Shively. This video clip features...
November 11, 2013
Republican Lawmaker Teams With Mormon Moms For Legal Cannabis Oil…In Utah

Republican Lawmaker Teams With Mormon Moms For Legal Cannabis Oil…In Utah

If anyone out there still doubts that marijuana legalization is gaining some serious traction, feast your eyes on this headline: “Utah Republican Lawmaker, Mormon Moms Fight For...
November 8, 2013
Piece of the Week | Rob Morrison Glass/Hitman Glass Animal Mayhem Torch Tube

Piece of the Week | Rob Morrison Glass/Hitman Glass Animal Mayhem Torch Tube

This week’s Piece of the Week is the sickest friggin’ piece I have ever seen! Feast your eyes and show your respect to the Rob Morrison vs....
November 8, 2013
Cannabis 101: Choosing a Strain

Cannabis 101: Choosing a Strain

Another challenge facing the marijuana newcomer is choosing the proper strain. Frankly, this may not be too much of a concern when you’re just starting out. Similar...
November 7, 2013
Medical Marijuana Dispensary Banking Woes

Medical Marijuana Dispensary Banking Woes

In the usual fashion of one part progress to two parts regression, I have a story of weed woe to share. Two weeks ago, my dispensary was...