The Seahawks have a long and colorful history with violating the NFL’s league rules on substance abuse. In so far as the league is cracking down on PEDs,...
You know you’ve likely got some good weed if it’s covered in trichomes. These are the little white mushroom-like things that stick to your weed and is...
I just recently got a new phone as a result of my last smartphone breaking down from some mystery something or other. The new little pocket computer...
Despite support from cannabis activists and libertarians, Denver’s City Council voted 7-5 to ban front yard and balcony smoking in Denver. There is still a final vote...
On December 6th hundreds of connoisseurs will celebrate the one year anniversary of legalization in Washington state by consuming cannabis legally at the Seattle Center. When first...
The drug scene is an interesting litmus test for society. In turbulent and revolutionary times, drugs like acid and other psychedelics were sought after while eras of...
As a professional budtender at a great medical marijuana dispensary, it’s getting hard for me to keep up with all the great new products available to patients. I...
Maybe it’s all the Black Friday marketing blitz that has people thinking about the holidays and the “Season of Giving”, but a few cannabis users have recently...
This week we’re going with something that I just happened to stumble upon on Pinterest: a Middle Finger Pipe. Or what some people may fondly call: The...
A new petition is gaining steam to legalize cannabis in Germany. The petition asks the German government to legalize cannabis for adults over 18 and allow for...
Grape Stomper has always been the strain that all my real hardcore stoner friends were always all about, and it’s not really hard to see why. A cross...
As knowledge of cannabis as a viable treatment for cancer and epilepsy for children becomes more accepted – even the FDA has now approved CBD to treat kids...
Even though California has a statewide medical marijuana program, there are many specific local California medical marijuana cultivation laws. Are you a California medical marijuana patient? Have...
Hemp seeds are among the nutrient-dense healthy foods I incorporate into my regular diet. I eat hemp seeds shelled and raw, which has a slightly nutty flavor...
Glaucoma is a disease that causes optic nerve damage in the eyes, usually caused by abnormally high pressure inside your eye. Worldwide, glaucoma affects 60 million people, is...