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December 24, 2013
Half Baked, Post-Purge Reflections, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 5 of 5

Half Baked, Post-Purge Reflections, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 5 of 5

So it’s all over and I’m sure you’re curious what I’ve learned. My last post was rather verbose, so I’ll keep it as brief as I can....
December 24, 2013
Prohibitionist Crusaders React to Teen Drug Use Survey

Prohibitionist Crusaders React to Teen Drug Use Survey

Resident breastplate-nipple Gil Kerlikowski and Prohibitionist Jr. Woodchuck Kevin Sabet have reacted in truly glorious form to the new teen drug use survey, citing a statistically miniscule...
December 23, 2013
Instafire: Seahawks Dab Rig by Creep Glass

Instafire: Seahawks Dab Rig by Creep Glass

Pipers have all the fun. Check out the picture our buddy @ebombglass posted. 12th man strong, a full Seahawk by @creepglass. How sick is this?? Sports-themed pipes...
December 23, 2013
D-Day (I Made It!) First Dab, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 4 of 5

D-Day (I Made It!) First Dab, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 4 of 5

To quote my man Jonny Drama, “VIIIICCCCTTOORRRYYY!!!” It’s D-Day, and I made it folks. It really wasn’t that bad and it shouldn’t have been anyway. I certainly...
December 23, 2013
The Season of Giving Abounds in the Cannabis Community

The Season of Giving Abounds in the Cannabis Community

As the holiday season ramps up, the cannabis community has stepped up to help those less fortunate, too. We have certainly mainstreamed as can be evidenced by...
By: Anna Diaz
December 23, 2013
Mainstreaming Marijuana – Monday Night Football Dabs

Mainstreaming Marijuana – Monday Night Football Dabs

I’ve seen people talking about it in Seattle and Denver and even in Southern California. Monday Night Football and Dabs (of hash oil, that is), being offered...
December 20, 2013
Piece of the Week | Jake the Dog Pipe

Piece of the Week | Jake the Dog Pipe

This week we go back to glass inspired by some of our favorite animated TV shows. This one, Jake the Dog, comes to us from the Emmy-award...
December 20, 2013
Instafire: Mothership Glass Crushed Opal Titanium Honey Pot

Instafire: Mothership Glass Crushed Opal Titanium Honey Pot

Posted by @thecavesmokeshop When it comes to dabbing and social media, Instagram is the place to be. It’s personal enough to be yourself, more importantly it’s impersonal...
December 20, 2013
Made It Through the Hump Days, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 3 of 5

Made It Through the Hump Days, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 3 of 5

I know you’ve all seen that Geico “happier than a camel on hump day” commercial, a classic. As it turns out, I had four hump days, but...
December 19, 2013
The First 48, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 2 of 5

The First 48, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 2 of 5

The first 48 hours are so crucial. If I chipped and toked, my credibility and the experiment go right down the toilet. Truthfully, I didn’t fear withdrawal, but...
December 19, 2013
Marijuana Arbitrarily Blamed for Young Man’s Ruination

Marijuana Arbitrarily Blamed for Young Man’s Ruination

This story of cannabis woe out of West Chester, PA caught my eye. The claim is that James Kiesling, a once smart and promising young man with a...
December 18, 2013
Above the Influence? How About the Truth RE: Marijuana

Above the Influence? How About the Truth RE: Marijuana

As part of my/our ongoing quest to combat misleading, incomplete, or down right bad “facts” about marijuana, I recently found myself perusing the cannabis page at Above...
December 18, 2013
Fun, Music, and Cannabusiness at the Emerald Cup

Fun, Music, and Cannabusiness at the Emerald Cup

Whenever Felicity and I go to a medical marijuana event, such as The Emerald Cup held at the Santa Rosa Fairgrounds in Sonoma County, California last weekend,...
December 18, 2013
Dabless in Seattle, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 1 of 5

Dabless in Seattle, 7 Day THC Purge: Part 1 of 5

  Errl is on the run people, punny I know, but seriously…with no love from the State, even under legalization and federal re-classification looming overhead, change seems inevitable...
December 18, 2013
Cannabis 101: Booze vs Grass

Cannabis 101: Booze vs Grass

With the recent news that there may be a global wine shortage turning out to be a bit exaggerated, there has been a lot of “Huzzahs!” going...
December 17, 2013
Man Brings Marijuana into The Pentagon, Faces Harsher Penalty Than For Weapon

Man Brings Marijuana into The Pentagon, Faces Harsher Penalty Than For Weapon

Just when we think we are turning a positive corner in the misconception of cannabis users, we get stories like this one out of the Pentagon that make...
December 17, 2013
Stoner App Review: Bud Trimmer HD

Stoner App Review: Bud Trimmer HD

With so many people in the country and around the world now for legalization of marijuana use for adults, it was only a matter of time before...
December 17, 2013
Denver, CO 2014 MMJ Infographic: Save Up to $828 per Year in Taxes vs. Recreational Tokers

Denver, CO 2014 MMJ Infographic: Save Up to $828 per Year in Taxes vs. Recreational Tokers

January 1st, 2014 is rapidly approaching as the city of Denver gears up for its highly anticipated retail marijuana market. Colorado of course already has an established medical...
December 16, 2013
American Herbal Pharmacopoeia Classifies Cannabis as a “Botanical Medicine”

American Herbal Pharmacopoeia Classifies Cannabis as a “Botanical Medicine”

In a great stride for the future of medical cannabis, the AHP (American Herbal Pharmacopoeia), who’s mission is “to promote the responsible use of herbal products and...
December 16, 2013
An Open Invitation to Mr. Bill O’Reilly: Smoke a Bowl With Me

An Open Invitation to Mr. Bill O’Reilly: Smoke a Bowl With Me

Dear Mr. Bill O’Reilly: I couldn’t help but notice how angry you got a few days ago after the Denver Post, which is the paper of record...