Category: Features

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Weedist original cannabis content

January 30, 2014
Blind Irishman Hopes for Cannabis Conviction

Blind Irishman Hopes for Cannabis Conviction

A man in Ireland walked into the Irish police (gardai) station with a small amount of cannabis and requested to be booked for possession. While many of...
January 29, 2014
Affordable Dab Gear Upgrades From Brothers With Glass

Affordable Dab Gear Upgrades From Brothers With Glass

I did my first dab at the NORML Conference in Denver in 2011. Shortly thereafter, this video was made. The only comment about my part of it...
By: Anna Diaz
January 29, 2014
01/29/2014 and Cannabis: What the FAQ? Part 2 and Cannabis: What the FAQ? Part 2

Continuing from Part 1 of my What the FAQ?, in regards to’s rather exhaustive (and highly biased) FAQ section on marijuana: Question: Isn’t marijuana generally harmless? From the...
January 28, 2014
Minimalist Tribute to American Folk Singer Pete Seeger

Minimalist Tribute to American Folk Singer Pete Seeger

  Our resident artist Michael Ian Weinfeld does it again with this latest minimalist pic. This one paying tribute to American folk singer Pete Seeger, who passed...
January 28, 2014
Instafire: Northwest Oils Fat BHO Slab

Instafire: Northwest Oils Fat BHO Slab

Posted by @nw_extraction_artist You guys loved the errl porn so much last time, I thought I would share some more. SLAB!! 75 was pretty dope, but how...
January 28, 2014
Want MMJ? Give Me Your Gun!

Want MMJ? Give Me Your Gun!

I read an article the other day discussing pending legislation regarding Illinois medical marijuana laws. The Illinois Department of Public Health has proposed a rule that would...
January 28, 2014
01/28/2014 and Cannabis: What the FAQ? Part 1 and Cannabis: What the FAQ? Part 1

Obama’s recent bombshell comments on marijuana fired up my curiosity to do a bit more digging. has quite an exhaustive (and highly biased) FAQ section on...
January 27, 2014
Instafire: Fweedom Candy Skunk Shatter BHO

Instafire: Fweedom Candy Skunk Shatter BHO

Posted by @diablodabs This personal piece of Instafire may have been the dab of the year. Shouts and respect as always to team @fweedom for some of...
January 27, 2014
Obama Drops Truthbomb, Prohibitionists Poop Pants

Obama Drops Truthbomb, Prohibitionists Poop Pants

Prohibitionists are crapping themselves in disgust, in response to a recent interview President Obama gave wherein he stated that cannabis was safer than alcohol and that prohibition...
January 27, 2014
NFL and Cannabis: A Glimmer of Hope

NFL and Cannabis: A Glimmer of Hope

The NFL has finally shown the first flecks of common sense regarding marijuana use among its players. By no means is it time for players to start sparking...
January 24, 2014
Piece of the Week | Smoking Garden Gnomes: Chillum and Pipe

Piece of the Week | Smoking Garden Gnomes: Chillum and Pipe

Who could resist a garden gnome pipe or chillum? I would suggest pulling out one of these pieces when your friends are good and baked, or even...
January 24, 2014
Instafire: Elbo and WJC Dino

Instafire: Elbo and WJC Dino

Posted by @elboglass FML I wish I could afford a toy like this. Feast your eyes on this Elbo and WJC collabo dino. Yep, our old friend...
January 23, 2014
Instafire: AJ Roberts Auto Pipe

Instafire: AJ Roberts Auto Pipe

Posted by @theglassenthusiast This is just a prototype, but I could not help but show it anyway. Certified Instafire I present the AJ Roberts Auto Pipe. You...
January 23, 2014
Aesliip’s Grow: Blue Dream, Weeks 5 and 6

Aesliip’s Grow: Blue Dream, Weeks 5 and 6

The plants are progressing nicely, and I have not run into any new problems or issues. I did notice a worm crawling around in one of the flower...
January 22, 2014
Instafire: Original Bob Snodgrass Top Hat Sherlock

Instafire: Original Bob Snodgrass Top Hat Sherlock

Posted by @thesilikagallery This piece of Instafire is an absolute showstopper, an original Snodgrass Top Hat Sherlock. I would kill to own a pipe from the man that...
January 21, 2014
Product Review: Oil Slick Pad

Product Review: Oil Slick Pad

Dabs have become a culture unto themselves, with many long time herb smokers now 110% worshiping at the altar of wax, shatter, and other full melt concentrates....
January 21, 2014
Instafire: Fweedom Shatter Dank Dabber Buffet

Instafire: Fweedom Shatter Dank Dabber Buffet

Posted by @dankdabber When I first this saw pic, I could have sworn it was my own. It turns out it was none other than my man...
January 21, 2014
WA State Attorney General Approves I-502 Moratoriums

WA State Attorney General Approves I-502 Moratoriums

With the recent opinion on I-502 moratoriums released by WA State AG, it seems that local governments can effectively ignore the state laws and ban even state-backed...
January 20, 2014
Instafire: Eusheen Fillacello Pendant

Instafire: Eusheen Fillacello Pendant

Posted by @eusheen I know what you’re thinking… where the hell does the nail go? And no, you’re not stoned–it’s not a pipe. This is what us...
January 20, 2014
MMJ Users Likely a Different Demographic Than Recreational Marijuana (RMJ) Users

MMJ Users Likely a Different Demographic Than Recreational Marijuana (RMJ) Users

While it is absolutely amazing that Colorado (already has) and Washington (sometime this year) are opening up recreational marijuana retail shops, I am concerned with how the...