Mogwai makes the kind of music that almost seems designed to be listened to while high. A post-rock band from Glasgow, Scotland, Mogwai have been bringing blissful...
Posted by @nwerrls After many many dabs, I’m having a rapturous renaissance with my beloved marijuana in all forms. Flower genetics are approaching sci-fi levels and frankly...
After a whirlwind beginning, Parents 4 Pot founders have taken their next steps. Articles of Incorporation have been filed and approved. The group is now an official Nonprofit...
In a revelation that should surprise absolutely no one in the cannabis community, Governor John Hickenlooper of Colorado recently stated that, despite his fears, the legalization of...
Posted by @nw_extraction_artist Said it before and I will say it again, farmers have all the fun. Quality control is important and my man Kyle takes his...
“The Oregon Health Authority released draft rules late Wednesday for medical-pot dispensaries to follow when they open as early as next week under a new law. Although...
In normal shit-peddler fashion, the visionaries over at Project SAM recently tweeted the following: Spike in MJ use seen in Seattle public schools: — Project SAM...
Cannabutter duck fat fingerlings, this dish is truly a royal treat. Here’s What You Need: 1 lb golden fingerling potatoes (truthfully, any potato will work, but fingerlings...
A friend of mine and I were talking about why rescheduling cannabis was important. Specifically, he wondered about the necessity of allowing it to be opened for...
In 1980 well known marijuana supporter and brilliant scientist Carl Sagan hosted a 13 episode series on PBS called Cosmos: A Personal Voyage. It quickly became a...
Bitcoins, Bitcoins, Bitcoins… Ya know the anonymous drug money for nerds, backed by the asshole twins that screwed Zuckerberg. Cryptocurrency, or the idea of paying for things...
Posted by @nwerrls You guys liked the blunt “twaxed” inside so much, I figured I’d show you how we do it on the outside. Northwest Oils crew continues...
Last Thursday’s Colbert Report had a solid ten minutes on the (just starting to boom) green rush. The first video bit covered Colorado’s booming recreational marijuana sales...
Pew Research Center recently put out a report on a survey that collected data on Millennials (those currently in the 18-33 age group) in adulthood. The survey...