Marijuana has been making waves lately as a potential treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Studies have shown repeatedly that cannabis is extremely effective at relieving the...
Meditation is an essential component for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. It facilitates healing and gives us a chance to see clearly. This series, Meditate...
DEA administrator Michele Leonhart, desperate to stop the cannabis legalization movement, attempted to pull on our heartstrings by declaring that cannabis is a killer… of dogs. Despite...
Posted by @nwerrls On the hand of every great cannabis concentrate extraction artist is a green thumb. Is this not some of the most delicious Super Silver...
What is it with the anti-pot crowd and their penchant for drama? Seriously, some of these people ought to work for the National Inquirer. Heidi Heilman (who unsurprisingly...
A brother and sister from Missouri got exceptionally long sentences for growing 17 marijuana plants. David DePriest, 24 years old, got 22 years in prison and his...
Prior to working in the medical marijuana industry (now just retail marijuana in Colorado), I was pretty much a strictly sativa smoker. I enjoy the up...
Meditation is an essential component for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. It facilitates healing and gives us a chance to see clearly. This series, Meditate...
Posted by @diablodabs Beer? What the hell, I thought this was a weed blog. Relax, calm down and take a closer look… “Devastatingly Dank” IPA brewed by...
Weedists: Meet Valeesha Noblitt “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” I met Valeesha in 2009 at an...
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Posted by @potheadprincess_ Google Glass, Galaxy Gear, Nike Fuelband…the list goes on–it’s all about wearable tech these days. Well how about some wearable smoke tech?! Dope fam,...
Posted by @potheadprincess_ Some people post Instafire, others live it… It is with privilege and pleasure that I introduce you to THE @potheadprincess_ , you should go follow...