Category: Consumption

(1,117 posts)

Different methods for consuming cannabis

January 24, 2014
Piece of the Week | Smoking Garden Gnomes: Chillum and Pipe

Piece of the Week | Smoking Garden Gnomes: Chillum and Pipe

Who could resist a garden gnome pipe or chillum? I would suggest pulling out one of these pieces when your friends are good and baked, or even...
January 24, 2014
Instafire: Elbo and WJC Dino

Instafire: Elbo and WJC Dino

Posted by @elboglass FML I wish I could afford a toy like this. Feast your eyes on this Elbo and WJC collabo dino. Yep, our old friend...
January 23, 2014
Instafire: AJ Roberts Auto Pipe

Instafire: AJ Roberts Auto Pipe

Posted by @theglassenthusiast This is just a prototype, but I could not help but show it anyway. Certified Instafire I present the AJ Roberts Auto Pipe. You...
January 22, 2014
Instafire: Original Bob Snodgrass Top Hat Sherlock

Instafire: Original Bob Snodgrass Top Hat Sherlock

Posted by @thesilikagallery This piece of Instafire is an absolute showstopper, an original Snodgrass Top Hat Sherlock. I would kill to own a pipe from the man that...
January 21, 2014
Product Review: Oil Slick Pad

Product Review: Oil Slick Pad

Dabs have become a culture unto themselves, with many long time herb smokers now 110% worshiping at the altar of wax, shatter, and other full melt concentrates....
January 21, 2014
Instafire: Fweedom Shatter Dank Dabber Buffet

Instafire: Fweedom Shatter Dank Dabber Buffet

Posted by @dankdabber When I first this saw pic, I could have sworn it was my own. It turns out it was none other than my man...
January 17, 2014
Piece of the Week | Saxophone Pipe

Piece of the Week | Saxophone Pipe

I was perusing Etsy and came across this cool Saxophone pipe, from an Etsy shop that claims to focus on “affordable Colorado-blown glass”. This saxophone pipe can...
January 17, 2014
Leaf Science: 3 Studies Show Health Benefits of Vaporizers

Leaf Science: 3 Studies Show Health Benefits of Vaporizers

Leaf Science explores 3 studies showing the health benefits of vaporizers over smoking cannabis.
January 17, 2014
Instafire: Lee and Heady Sherlock Bubbler

Instafire: Lee and Heady Sherlock Bubbler

Posted by @b_money_glass It’s all about dabs now, but it wasn’t always that way. Every once in a while, it’s nice to show a little flower love....
January 15, 2014
Instafire: Dank Dabber Toro Dab

Instafire: Dank Dabber Toro Dab

Posted by @dankdabber This splendid simultaneous piece of errl and glass Instafire was posted by none other than our friend Bones of Dank Dabber. If you’re in the...
January 15, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Quasar

My Favorite Strains: Quasar

Quasar is an interesting strain for weedists and medical marijuana patients alike who are looking for something different. At this point in marijuana strain history, there are...
January 14, 2014
Product Review: Magic Flight Launch Box

Product Review: Magic Flight Launch Box

I obtained my very own Magic Flight Launch Box (MFLB) about two weeks ago, and so far I’m very happy with it. The MFLB is a portable...
January 13, 2014
Instafire: 75 Gram Slab of Northwest Oils BHO Shatter

Instafire: 75 Gram Slab of Northwest Oils BHO Shatter

Have ya ever wondered what all my crazy errl looks like before packaging? SSSSSLLLAAABBBB. Shout out to my good buddy Kyle over at Northwest Oils for posting...
January 10, 2014
Piece of the Week | Patron Hookah

Piece of the Week | Patron Hookah

This week we step back and look at social smoking, and what better way to smoke socially than to use your Patron Hookah? Patron Hookah This is...
January 10, 2014
Scientists Explain Why Marijuana Users Never Overdose

Scientists Explain Why Marijuana Users Never Overdose

Leaf Science reports on a study that found a hormone released when THC is used also inhibits THC receptors, explaining why marijuana users never overdose.
January 10, 2014
Top 5 Strains Available From Colorado Legal Marijuana Stores

Top 5 Strains Available From Colorado Legal Marijuana Stores

There are some amazing strains you have never heard of that you can’t get in (insert wherever place you’re from that still has nothing but illegal drug...
January 9, 2014
Instafire: Banjo and Elbo and Joe Peters Boba Fett

Instafire: Banjo and Elbo and Joe Peters Boba Fett

I don’t know what’s more epic here, the rig or the collaboration of heavyweights. @fuzionglassgallery dazzles yet again with an Instafire gem; this one’s Banjo, Joe Peters...
January 8, 2014
The Guardian: Cooking With Cannabis – A New Culinary High?

The Guardian: Cooking With Cannabis – A New Culinary High?

The Guardian reports the rising popularity of cooking with cannabis among popular chefs.
January 8, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Cannasoup Shooters

Great Edibles Recipes: Cannasoup Shooters

With the strange and oddly widespread cold front that has seemingly settled across country looking to stick around and generally give the US a nastily cold winter,...
January 7, 2014
Instafire: Kurt B and Elbo Chinoiserie Dino

Instafire: Kurt B and Elbo Chinoiserie Dino

Posted by @fuzionglassgallery There is nothing I love more than identifying a pipe’s artist just by looking at it. The feeling is concentrated like a good shatter...