Posted by @nwerrls On the hand of every great cannabis concentrate extraction artist is a green thumb. Is this not some of the most delicious Super Silver...
At the Leaf, Jeremy Daw makes a good point about the decision of Starbucks to choose to go with the more destructive choice of drug, alcohol. “There...
Mega ILL cafe, a pizzeria in Vancouver, Canada is making headlines this week for its marijuana-infused pizza pies. Said to be the city’s first pizzeria-cum-vapor lounge, the cafe is...
What is it with the anti-pot crowd and their penchant for drama? Seriously, some of these people ought to work for the National Inquirer. Heidi Heilman (who unsurprisingly...
In a new set of rules, the Oregon Health Authority seeks only to ban marijuana-laced products that are made or packaged in ways that might appeal to...
Prior to working in the medical marijuana industry (now just retail marijuana in Colorado), I was pretty much a strictly sativa smoker. I enjoy the up...
Meditation is an essential component for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. It facilitates healing and gives us a chance to see clearly. This series, Meditate...
Weedists: Meet Valeesha Noblitt “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” I met Valeesha in 2009 at an...
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Posted by @potheadprincess_ Google Glass, Galaxy Gear, Nike Fuelband…the list goes on–it’s all about wearable tech these days. Well how about some wearable smoke tech?! Dope fam,...
House bill 5104 passed 100 to 9 in favor of legalizing medical marijuana edibles “Medibles”. State representative Eileen Kowall sponsored the legislation. The republican lawmaker from White Lake...
Posted by @potheadprincess_ Some people post Instafire, others live it… It is with privilege and pleasure that I introduce you to THE @potheadprincess_ , you should go follow...
Last week, we learned that a bill in California’s state legislature could ban dispensaries from legally selling high-THC cannabis concentrates, and now, it appears Washington is taking the opposite...
Posted by @nwerrls After many many dabs, I’m having a rapturous renaissance with my beloved marijuana in all forms. Flower genetics are approaching sci-fi levels and frankly...