Category: Concentrates

(365 posts)

Marijuana concentrates, hash oils, shatters, waxes and other concentrates

March 6, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Blue Sensi Kush Wax (Dabs)

My Favorite Strains: Blue Sensi Kush Wax (Dabs)

At this point, I’ve seen many different crosses of strains to create all kinds of different effects. Especially when it comes to concentrates, there are many different...
February 28, 2014
Piece of the Week | Heliocoil Sea Turtle Rig

Piece of the Week | Heliocoil Sea Turtle Rig

This week’s piece comes to us from Instagram, take a look at the heliocoil sea turtle rig from 2 Stroke Glass. Heliocoil Sea Turtle Rig I swam with...
February 26, 2014
Instafire 100th Post: Northwest Oils Harlequin

Instafire 100th Post: Northwest Oils Harlequin

It’s been a trippy ass ride to my 100th post dope fam. It was important to me make it count. Errl is my heart, but nothing says...
February 25, 2014
Instafire: High and Mighty Extracts White Dawg Shatter Slab

Instafire: High and Mighty Extracts White Dawg Shatter Slab

Posted by @highandmightyextracts To those who contest concentrate extractions as artistry, I dare you to produce a slab like this. @Fweedom in-house extract artist High and Mighty...
February 24, 2014
Dabbable Solventless Extracts are Coming

Dabbable Solventless Extracts are Coming

Butane, the ugly B word in BHO. It’s gas and it goes boom if you don’t respect it. When all the dust settles, it is the only...
February 21, 2014
Instafire: Evol Glass Dabuccino Family Photo

Instafire: Evol Glass Dabuccino Family Photo

Posted by @garagegrow420 Lakota already loves them and I am telling you I need to have an @evolglass Dabuccino. The original models were epic, but how about...
February 18, 2014
Instafire: His and Hers Toro Double Macros

Instafire: His and Hers Toro Double Macros

Posted by @garagegrow420 Regretting that lame Valentine’s Day gift you bought your significant other? Why not go with the gift that keeps on dabbin’–his and hers Toro...
February 14, 2014
Piece of the Week | Mothership Glass Klein Recycler

Piece of the Week | Mothership Glass Klein Recycler

This week’s Piece of the Week is an absolute Tour-de-Force. It made my top 10 the second I laid my eyes on it. A single glorious snap...
February 14, 2014
Instafire: Brandon Martin Glass Organism

Instafire: Brandon Martin Glass Organism

Posted by @goosefiregallery The @goosefiregallery is as crazy a heady gallery as can be found. It is also notorious for Instafire like this rig. I’ve never even heard...
February 13, 2014
Instafire: Refine Seattle God’s Gift BHO and B$ Glass

Instafire: Refine Seattle God’s Gift BHO and B$ Glass

Posted by @diablodabs So this is what happens when ya ask your girl to help you take a photo–you end up with Instafire. I must admit I...
February 12, 2014
Instafire: Mothership, Slop Cup, Quave and Hitman Family Photo

Instafire: Mothership, Slop Cup, Quave and Hitman Family Photo

Posted @kittensandkisses I normally don’t post Instafire from strangers, but whoever @kittensandkisses is, major props–you have my attention. This is an absolutely insane family photo and as...
February 11, 2014
Instafire: Oil Slick Pads Dab Break

Instafire: Oil Slick Pads Dab Break

Posted by @oilslickpad OK, I am just gonna put it out there–I am so jealous of anyone that gets to dab at work. Instafire like this brought...
February 10, 2014
Instafire: Mothership Glass Klein Recycler w/ Quartz Honeybucket

Instafire: Mothership Glass Klein Recycler w/ Quartz Honeybucket

Posted by @diablodabs This rig isn’t just Instafire, it’s this Friday’s Piece of the Week. Enjoy the sneak peek at the Mothership Glass Klein Recycler w/ Quartz...
February 5, 2014
Instafire: Manifest Glassworks CirqPerc Sidecar

Instafire: Manifest Glassworks CirqPerc Sidecar

Posted by @diablodabs Ain’t she ppurrtty?? Fuck yeh and she is all mine, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! to @manifestglassworks for this amazing demo piece. Behold the Manifest...
February 4, 2014
How to Increase the Strength of Any Flower: Add some Wax!

How to Increase the Strength of Any Flower: Add some Wax!

As a butender who works 40+ hours a week at a Denver recreational marijuana dispensary, I see a good deal of customers (previously patients at an mmj...
February 3, 2014
Instafire: BHO Reup

Instafire: BHO Reup

Posted by @diablodabs If the feds succeed in taking my beloved errl away, these are the pics I’ll remember while singing My Heart Will Go On. I...
January 30, 2014
Instafire: Refine Seattle Shatter Beef and Broccoli Dab

Instafire: Refine Seattle Shatter Beef and Broccoli Dab

Posted by @diablodabs How about a little Instafire of my own, yep this one comes from yours truly @diablodabs. This is what I like to call “beef...
January 29, 2014
Affordable Dab Gear Upgrades From Brothers With Glass

Affordable Dab Gear Upgrades From Brothers With Glass

I did my first dab at the NORML Conference in Denver in 2011. Shortly thereafter, this video was made. The only comment about my part of it...
By: Anna Diaz
January 28, 2014
Instafire: Northwest Oils Fat BHO Slab

Instafire: Northwest Oils Fat BHO Slab

Posted by @nw_extraction_artist You guys loved the errl porn so much last time, I thought I would share some more. SLAB!! 75 was pretty dope, but how...
January 27, 2014
Instafire: Fweedom Candy Skunk Shatter BHO

Instafire: Fweedom Candy Skunk Shatter BHO

Posted by @diablodabs This personal piece of Instafire may have been the dab of the year. Shouts and respect as always to team @fweedom for some of...