Category: Combustion

(270 posts)

Marijuana consumption via bong, pipe, joint or any other way you burn the reefer

January 4, 2013
Piece of the Week | Hand Blown Glass Yoda Pipe

Piece of the Week | Hand Blown Glass Yoda Pipe

The force is strong with this one, indeed. Sagely words from our favorite little Grand Master Jedi, Yoda. (if you don’t know Yoda, you’ve got some work...
December 28, 2012
Piece of the Week | Chillum Pipe

Piece of the Week | Chillum Pipe

The chillum pipe is the evolutionary cousin of the steamroller pipe we looked at a few weeks back. A simple tube packed with weed on one end...
December 21, 2012
Piece of the Week | Honey Bear Bong

Piece of the Week | Honey Bear Bong

If you are reading this post, the Mayans were wrong… or at least we have no idea how to interpret their calendar. So carpe diem, celebrate the...
December 19, 2012
The Aqua Pipe: A Portable Little Bong

The Aqua Pipe: A Portable Little Bong

If you are looking for a new water bong but you have limited funds, try the Aqua Pipe out for size. Not only is it compact and cute,...
By: Lateralus
December 14, 2012
Piece of the Week | Pokemon Paraphernalia

Piece of the Week | Pokemon Paraphernalia

Pokemon has become a pop culture phenomenon, time to check out some Pokemon paraphernalia. Pokemon Paraphernalia For those unfamiliar with Pokemon, it was created in 1996 by...
December 14, 2012
Weeds of the TGA Subcool School of Dank in Seattle

Weeds of the TGA Subcool School of Dank in Seattle

Over 100 “Weed Nerds” gathered at their version of Comic-Con, The Green Avengers Subcool School of Dank in Seattle on Nov. 16-18, 2012. The SoD was a...
December 7, 2012
Piece of the Week | Spine Pipes and Bongs

Piece of the Week | Spine Pipes and Bongs

Using medical marijuana for your back pain? Medical advances may someday allow you to replace your spine, but until then you can remind yourself exactly why you...
December 5, 2012
How to Make A Sploof

How to Make A Sploof

Do you ever worry about the smell when you smoke weed? Marijuana’s unique aroma can be very potent, and tends to linger in the air. For the...
November 30, 2012
Piece of the Week | Hello Kitty

Piece of the Week | Hello Kitty

Hello Kitty is a defining piece of Japanese pop culture. Originally introduced by Sanrio Co. Ltd. into the Japanese market in 1974, Hello Kitty was brought to...
November 23, 2012
Piece of the Week | Stealth Pipes

Piece of the Week | Stealth Pipes

Stealth pipes are the perfect holiday companion  Sadly not all of us will be in Colorado or Washington for this long Thanksgiving weekend. The rest of us may...
November 16, 2012
Piece of the Week | Thanksgiving Football Paraphernalia

Piece of the Week | Thanksgiving Football Paraphernalia

Next week most of us in the United States will celebrate Thanksgiving, a time to eat, watch football and break out your Thanksgiving football paraphernalia to smoke...
November 9, 2012
Piece of the Week | Waterfall Bong

Piece of the Week | Waterfall Bong

This week we go back to DIY and take a look at the waterfall bong. This simple and fun project is similar to our DIY Gravity Bong...
November 2, 2012
Piece of the Week | The Dugout

Piece of the Week | The Dugout

This week we’re going to salute a staple piece of paraphernalia that every Weedist should have in their kit, the dugout. While a dugout isn’t nearly as sexy as...
October 26, 2012
Piece of the Week | Jack Skellington Pipe

Piece of the Week | Jack Skellington Pipe

Tis the season to start thinking about one of my favorite movies, The Nightmare Before Christmas, a Tim Burton mashup of Halloween and Christmas. With Halloween next week and...
October 24, 2012
The Marijuana Language

The Marijuana Language

Weedists use a wide array of slang and colloquialism to talk about what we do, and what we call our weed. This marijuana language is a unique...
October 22, 2012
Make Your Own High-Class, All-Glass Bong for Only $37

Make Your Own High-Class, All-Glass Bong for Only $37 runs readers through some bong basics, starting a series showing how with $37 you too can put together a bong with “high-quality, glass-on-glass components… in less...
October 19, 2012
Piece of the Week | Aqua Teen Hunger Force Pipes and Slides

Piece of the Week | Aqua Teen Hunger Force Pipes and Slides

Aqua Teen Hunger Force has been a staple of Adult Swim on the Cartoon Network for 12 years. The late night anarchy of the show is something...
October 18, 2012
The First Annual ‘The Hemp Connoisseur’; Part 5: The Winners!

The First Annual ‘The Hemp Connoisseur’; Part 5: The Winners!

This past Friday, the finals of this year’s The Hemp Connoisseur competition were held at Casselman’s in Denver. The event was a “Cirque de Cannabis,” complete with circus style...
October 12, 2012
Piece of the Week | Steamroller Pipe

Piece of the Week | Steamroller Pipe

This week we look at another functional piece at the disposal of the Weedist, a steamroller pipe.  The Urban Dictionary defines a steamroller as: “A device for...
October 5, 2012
Piece of the Week | Mustache Sherlock Glass Pipe

Piece of the Week | Mustache Sherlock Glass Pipe

We shift gears this week and look at something goofy and fun, the mustache Sherlock glass pipe. This would make a great gift for the Weedist who...