Category: Combustion

(270 posts)

Marijuana consumption via bong, pipe, joint or any other way you burn the reefer

September 10, 2015
Instafire: Banjo Classic Head Pipe

Instafire: Banjo Classic Head Pipe

The glass game has come an exponentially long way. Pipers are doing things every day that defy logic and we have legalization to thank for it. Some...
September 4, 2015
Instafire: Predator Pink Perfection

Instafire: Predator Pink Perfection

Predator Pink really has it all. It’s an optimal hybrid right down to the purples and reds. It’s also frosty like Xmas every drop.
August 17, 2015
Product Review: Bong Buddy

Product Review: Bong Buddy

After using the Bong Buddy, I can say that this is a tool which every bong owner should have in their arsenal for a smoother, easier and...
June 29, 2015
Instafire: Floyd’s Flower Power

Instafire: Floyd’s Flower Power

I figured it might be a good time for another renaissance with straight flower. This was a night out with a big group of friends. Solstice Dutch...
June 12, 2015
Piece of the Week | Swarovski Crystal Sherlock Pipe

Piece of the Week | Swarovski Crystal Sherlock Pipe

Sometimes you’re just in a fancy mood, and when the occasion calls, there ain’t nothin’ like breaking out a pipe covered in genuine Swarovski crystals. This sherlock...
June 9, 2015
New ‘SexxPot’ Strain Marketed Towards Women as Aphrodisiac

New ‘SexxPot’ Strain Marketed Towards Women as Aphrodisiac

SexxPot is the name of a new low-THC strain being marketed towards women as an “aphrodisiac.” Clearly, the cannabis and sex market is picking up steam.
June 8, 2015
Instafire: 10mm Lemon Drop Heady Mini Tube

Instafire: 10mm Lemon Drop Heady Mini Tube

The color on this 10mm mini-tube is Lemon Drop and it looks absolutely divine. I love the sheen and the way dense white milk looks when passing...
June 5, 2015
Piece of the Week | Honeycomb Sherlock Pipe

Piece of the Week | Honeycomb Sherlock Pipe

This pipe is mighty, strong and stunning. I absolutely love the color scheme and the use of honeycomb pattern in contrast to the stripes along the stem...
June 3, 2015
Instafire: Macs Glass Heady to the Max

Instafire: Macs Glass Heady to the Max

This kit by Macs Glass is absolutely baller status. I love functional art. Well, how about some functional art with a side of functional art?.
May 29, 2015
Piece of the Week | Mermaid Rockerz Rig by Robert Mickelsen

Piece of the Week | Mermaid Rockerz Rig by Robert Mickelsen

First of all, this is one of Mickelsen’s Rockerz rigs, and it does rock back and forth, as showcased by the video below. Next, take note of...
May 22, 2015
Piece of the Week | Epic Fumed Minitube by Kevin Nail

Piece of the Week | Epic Fumed Minitube by Kevin Nail

This absolutely gorgeous little banger is the work of Kevin Nail, who seems to have a way with colors aimed at taking your breath away.
May 22, 2015
Instafire: Predator Pink on the Grind

Instafire: Predator Pink on the Grind

Predator Pink is one of Pink 2.0’s parents. I’ve got to tell you that I love everything about this family!
May 15, 2015
Piece of the Week | Authentic Seashell Pipes

Piece of the Week | Authentic Seashell Pipes

These pipes were found on Etsy from Ocean Tokes. Authentic Seashell Pipes Here’s something a little different to get you in the mood for Summer sun and...
May 6, 2015
Product Review: RAW Organic Hemp Cones

Product Review: RAW Organic Hemp Cones

RAW Organic Hemp Cones are made from unbleached hemp that the company says is organically grown. After testing several packages of these, I have to say that...
April 21, 2015
New Video Features Ex-Cops Smoking Weed

New Video Features Ex-Cops Smoking Weed

A new video released on 420 allows us to observe as three ex-cops spark up for the first time in decades, in Washington state. It’s a compelling...
April 17, 2015
Piece of the Week | Colorful LED Glowing Pipes

Piece of the Week | Colorful LED Glowing Pipes

Listen everyone, festival season is just around the corner, and before we know it we’re going to be swooning over all sorts of gorgeous LED colors and...
April 15, 2015
Instafire: Goldstein Fritted Disc Stack

Instafire: Goldstein Fritted Disc Stack

I pulled on these two myself and the function is just insane. In case you’re wondering, that amazing bubble stack is created by the Goldstein patented “fritted...
April 10, 2015
Piece of the Week | Rainbow Honeycomb Pipe

Piece of the Week | Rainbow Honeycomb Pipe

The front of this pipe pops like a mandala in full Summer bloom. This is absolutely one of the tightest honeycombs I have ever seen on a...
April 8, 2015
Why Smoking Is Addictive and What It Can Teach You About Meditation

Why Smoking Is Addictive and What It Can Teach You About Meditation

While habitual energy is tough to break, there are other reasons we long for the act of smoking regardless of the substance, and it has to do...
By: Rae Lland
April 3, 2015
Piece of the Week | Glow in the Dark Hemp Wrap Pipe

Piece of the Week | Glow in the Dark Hemp Wrap Pipe

It’s common place to wrap hemp wick around a bowl for easy access and use, but this innovative design takes that idea and makes it a whole...