Category: Cannabusiness

(916 posts)

Cannabis business news, commentary and analysis

April 22, 2013
Boulder, CO May Seek Additional Taxes on Marijuana

Boulder, CO May Seek Additional Taxes on Marijuana

Boulder, Colorado city officials are waiting to see the tax rates that are adopted by the state for recreational marijuana sales, but are preparing to put additional...
April 16, 2013
Pot Prices – March 2013

Pot Prices – March 2013

High Times reports the US Price, Kind and Mids indices all finished March below their previous month’s average, after experiencing rebounds in average pot prices last month. The...
April 16, 2013
MMJ School Opens in Nevada

MMJ School Opens in Nevada

The Cannabis Career Institute (CCI) has opened Nevada’s first MMJ school, providing students with lessons on growing, budtending and dispensary operation. This all comes before the first...
By: Lateralus
April 11, 2013
NORML Women’s Alliance Wake and Bake

NORML Women’s Alliance Wake and Bake

The NORML Women’s Alliance  is hosting a wake-n-bake to celebrate the launch their new foundation. Set for April 21st, 2013 in Denver Colorado, the event promises the...
By: Anna Diaz
April 11, 2013
Colorado’s Recreational Marijuana Industry Starting to Take Shape

Colorado’s Recreational Marijuana Industry Starting to Take Shape

People who plan to sell legalized recreational marijuana in Colorado will be spared the hassle and expense of having to grow it themselves, thanks to the suggestion...
April 10, 2013
Growing the Green Rush

Growing the Green Rush

  Without the companies who produce and sell the equipment growers depend on, the green rush would not even be possible. All across America, both corporate chains...
By: Mercedys
April 10, 2013
Colorado: Pot Tour is Sold Out, But Company to Plan Others

Colorado: Pot Tour is Sold Out, But Company to Plan Others

Arthur Frommer’s February prediction that pot tours would be a 2013 travel trend appears to be on the mark. My 420 Tours has sold 200 packages for World Cannabis...
April 9, 2013
Study: Legal Marijuana Sales Could Quadruple by 2018

Study: Legal Marijuana Sales Could Quadruple by 2018

The Medical Marijuana Business Daily reports that legal marijuana sales could hit $6 billion by 2018, four times this years projected sales of $1.5 billion. This is...
April 9, 2013
Aurora, CO: Marijuana Sales Could Enrich City

Aurora, CO: Marijuana Sales Could Enrich City

According to the budget and finance office of Aurora (a Denver suburb), the city could see millions in revenue from legal marijuana sales. The actual revenue increase...
April 8, 2013
Marijuana Taxes in Colorado Could Exceed 30 Percent

Marijuana Taxes in Colorado Could Exceed 30 Percent

A legislative panel decided Friday to propose to tax the newly legal drug at 30 percent; a 15% excise tax and 15% sales tax. If the full...
April 5, 2013
Dutch City of Eindhoven Wants to Grow Their Own Marijuana

Dutch City of Eindhoven Wants to Grow Their Own Marijuana

In an attempt to prevent ‘back-door dealings’ in Dutch coffee shops, the city of Eindhoven wants to grow marijuana for itself. The city apparently has occasional problems...
April 5, 2013
Massachusetts Dispensaries May Need $1M to Set Up Shop

Massachusetts Dispensaries May Need $1M to Set Up Shop

The state’s Department of Public Health proposed rules to require Massachusetts dispensaries to have $500,000 in escrow to be granted a license, and they want those prospective...
April 5, 2013
First Rhode Island Dispensary Approved by Health Department

First Rhode Island Dispensary Approved by Health Department

The Thomas C. Slater Compassion Center was granted a registration certificate by the state’s Health Department yesterday, and will hopefully be helping medical marijuana patient’s by April...
April 4, 2013
The Rocky Mountain Road to Legal Marijuana Commerce

The Rocky Mountain Road to Legal Marijuana Commerce

When Colorado voters last November gave the thumbs up to marijuana legalization, the celebrations came quickly, with overjoyed pot smokers triumphantly lighting up, even though the pot...
April 3, 2013
Weedist Destinations: Potland, Oregon

Weedist Destinations: Potland, Oregon

“It’s not a typo; it’s a way of life.” Anonymous Disclaimer:  I live in Portland by choice.  I moved here in 2001, and I love it here....
By: Anna Diaz
April 3, 2013

Medical Cannabis Still Fueling the Green Rush

With a projected $1.3 billion – $1.5 billion in sales in 2013, the largest, legally operating sector within the green rush is the medical cannabis community. The...
By: Mercedys
April 3, 2013
Colorado Marijuana Tourism Company Launches After Pot Legalization

Colorado Marijuana Tourism Company Launches After Pot Legalization

Two Denver entrepreneurs launched the nation’s first marijuana tourism company in Colorado after pot legalization took effect.  The company’s first package is built around cannabis enthusiasts’ well-known 4/20 holiday,...
April 3, 2013
The Original Marijuana Stock Files for US IPO

The Original Marijuana Stock Files for US IPO

GW Pharmaceuticals plc (GWP), the maker of Sativex and undeniably the original marijuana stock, files for U.S. IPO after recent interest in lesser-known but more hyped U.S. medical...
April 2, 2013
Rocky Mountain High: Marijuana Law May Lift State Economy

Rocky Mountain High: Marijuana Law May Lift State Economy

Colorado’s tax receipts over the last fiscal year totaled $186 million from the more than 500 state medical marijuana businesses. State officials expect that next year, with recreational...
March 28, 2013
Canadian Biotech Firm Eyes Boulder for Marijuana-infused Tea Factory

Canadian Biotech Firm Eyes Boulder for Marijuana-infused Tea Factory

Canadian biotech firm Abattis Bioceuticals plans to open a Boulder, Colorado plant to produce kombucha tea containing marijuana-based cannabidiol, or CBD, a substance with purported medical properties. They...